Monday, June 10, 2024

You Might Be a White Supremacist If

I've mentioned this previously how America has gone from describing people in white robes and hoods and those wearing Nazi symbols as White supremacists, to certain people making the OK sign as also being White supremacists. Absurd as this is, take a look on the Web and you will see what gets you targeted as a hater has greatly expanded.

What follows are just a few of many things that can get you labeled a White Supremacist. Most will make you shake your head and say WTF?

Betsy Ross flag and any 1776 memorabilia. When looking to find an explanation for these things making the list I found it was because those were the days when the nation was White and White ruled. Throw in the fact that there was slavery back then and you arrive at White supremacy. After reading about this last year, I made a point of buying a Betsy Ross cap. 

The America First flag. God forbid, America first. Donald Trump was targeted as a promoter of America First. In fact, they make a point of naming Trump being connected with many things White supremacist.

The Confederate Flag. Sorry you fools at the S.P.L.C. and A.D.L., the flag is about heritage not hate.

Fred Perry Polo shirts. Fred Perry was a tennis champion from the 30's to the 50's who founded a clothing line. From what I understand, these supposed "racists" who were at certain pro-White or America gatherings wore Fred Perry gear. Guilt by association?

Lonsdale Clothing Company. Never heard of the company, clueless to what their stuff looks like. Here's where the White supremacist claim comes in, if you take the middle letters NSDA, that supposedly contains some Nazi reference.

Next: Any kind of Norse Imagery, Viking or Runic symbols. Go figure on that one.

Thor Steinar clothing. Based in Germany, this clothing line features a fair amount of Viking imagery. I have a Thor Steinar winter coat I bought 3 years ago and it is the best coat I ever had. I highly recommend this company but order directly from Germany. The American outlet for Thor Steinar is grossly overpriced. They have a wide variety of clothing and accessories. Once again, Steinar apparently makes the list because of certain people who have worn it.

New Balance sneakers, no shit. Don't ask me to explain this one, just do a search on Bing for New Balance sneakers, White Supremacist.

Last but not least, Pepe the frog meme. I've seen Pepe on the comments section of many sites I go on. I could never figure out what it was or what the frog signifies. But, in their twisted thinking, the powers that have deemed this a symbol of hate because the people who use it don't fit their way of thinking.

Well, there we have it. This country has gotten to the point where being White and proud of what America once was, makes you a hater and/or a White supremacist. However, we White men and women who are proud of our race will not be intimidated and will inform others of what is going on in this country.

In closing, I highly recommend that you listen to this 20-minute talk given by Jared Taylor of American Renaissance. It ties in with what you've read today and is vitally important for concerned White Americans to hear. Click on the link below:

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part I - American Renaissance (

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