Sunday, June 23, 2024

On the Road to Ruin

If the current regime remains in power, that means our borders will stay open, thus allowing in millions more illegals who will bring with them more mayhem and murder. Let's not forget all will be going on the public dole.

My only hope is that by some miniscule chance this current regime is forced out, and, politicians, rich people and all those in the Media become victims of illegal alien crime. That this rabble invades their mansions and gated communities and does to them what they have done to the average White American.

If there is no change of leadership in November, I urge all those who are still living in cities to leave and move to some place in the country surrounded by those of like mind.

America is presently going down the shitter at an ever increasing speed and looks like it's about to crash and burn.

Forewarned is forARMED.

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