Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Muslims, Islamophobia and Tommy Robinson

To the above I say, why don't you and all your American sympathizers go back to the hellhole in the Middle East where you came from?

You may recall I did a post the other day on English anti-Muslim activist Tommy Robinson. He was recently arrested in Canada after giving a speech. There is no freedom of speech in Canada anymore. Then again, there really isn't any in the U.S. either. I have a link below to the Rebel News site where you can access recent articles on Robinson and his plight.

Robinson has the courage to speak out on the consequences of flooding his and other countries with third worlders' who have no desire to assimilate into the host country and cause murder and mayhem wherever they go. For starters, he cites what has happened to England, London in particular, and France. Robinson has paid a heavy price for his being honest and outspoken. He's often been arrested and done time in prison.

As far as Islamophobia? I laugh when I see that word because I think of how our spineless leaders in America have cautioned against Islamophobia right after Muslims have committed terrorist attacks here. Huh?  George W. Bush, who started two useless wars, actually warned against it shortly after 9-11. Our mush brained; pants crapping President Biden has done the same on more than one occasion. Way to show strength guys!

The reality is, the Quran is loaded with many disturbing verses calling for death to all who don't follow the "prophet's" dictates. Like the Book of Mormon, it is a fraudulent book that has in its own way enslaved millions of people.

Merle Haggard summed it all up in this one verse from his song: Fightin' Side of Me: "They love our milk an' honey, but they preach about some other way of livin'."  My take on this: think of America as an animal being eaten alive by millions of parasites. The death is slow and deliberate. That is what's happening here now. Millions upon millions of people are coming in from 150+ nations going directly to welfare. Most have zero desire to assimilate, many have criminal intent that is emboldened by a gutless American justice system.

The elites and politicians are pushing our country to a kind of suicide that will lead to the destruction of our country. Why? Tell me if you know.

Rebel News is a great News site, click on the link at the bottom and you will see recent articles about Robinson and other reports on very relevant, timely issues.

Rebel News



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