Thursday, June 20, 2024

No News is Good News?

We all surely realize that the media lies to us, Recently I had to laugh when the liberal media outlets, which means pretty much all of the media, claimed that videos of our mush brained, demented President acting like a dementia patient were fake. Hosts on TV were pushing this narrative endlessly. I can only assume that they think most Americans are stupid. I say this because Biden makes a fool of himself EVERYTIME he is in front of the camera. Even several world leaders have recently made mention of Biden's impairment to other leaders and the press in their country. Add to this the fact that Biden won't, unlike Trump, take a cognitive test speaks volumes. I could go on about this useless p.o.s. and his mental impairment but he isn't worth my time.

Let's get to the heart of the matter and that is that all facets of the media, local and national, are not reporting on all the crimes being committed by illegals. Sure, they cover some that they can't suppress but most are going unreported. The reason for this is that it goes against the current regime's push to keep the borders open with minimal opposition. How do I know this? Certain politicians, independent media outlets as well as police and officials in effected towns and cities have gotten the truth out.

Let's get to the heart of the matter. The overwhelming number of people who have fallen victim to illegal crime and violence are White.

Ultimately, most people don't give a shit about illegals until they are personally impacted by them. As an aside, the County Executive where I live allowed in 536 illegals, within a week of their arrival, one rape was committed and one attempted rape. Since then, these people have engaged in various criminal acts. Our local newspaper reported on these sexual incidents only after they were posted on social media.

The picture above is of illegals in NYC attacking police. These criminals were briefly arrested and then let out with appearance tickets compliments of the obese, waste of DNA, District Attorney Alvin Bragg. As one illegal was leaving jail, he gave the finger to members of the press. Why illegals aren't immediately deported after committing crimes is beyond me.

Sometime soon I will provide a list of websites that provide the real news.

The government and most of the Media lies and care only about their "agenda," not us.

In closing: Be prepared, be vigilant and forewarned is foreARMed.

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