Friday, June 7, 2024

Something For Men to Think About


“If you are never truly challenged in a meaningful way and are only required to perform idiot-proofed corporate processes to get your meat and shelter, can you ever truly be engaged enough to call yourself alive, let alone a man?”

Are you finding ways to challenge ourselves mentally and physically or have you just settled into a comfortable routine?

 “Feminists, pacifists, and members of the privileged classes recognize that brother-bonded men who are good at being men will always be a threat, but they forget that some of those men are necessary to create and maintain order in the first place.”

I always laugh when being an Alpha male is demonized by the media. Who do they think made this country great and got us to where we are?

"To protect and serve their own interests, the wealthy and privileged have used feminists and pacifists to promote a masculinity that has nothing to do with being good at being a man, and everything to do with being what they consider a “good man.” Their version of a good man is isolated from his peers, emotional, effectively impotent, easy to manage, and tactically inept."

Hard to believe that being an Alpha male was once respected and celebrated in our society. The sensitive Beta male is now promoted as the ideal man.

Don't get lulled into complacency, don't coddle yourself, be a doer not a watcher.

Quotes by J Donovan.

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