Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ignored and Forgotten--South Africa

What would you say about a country that in 2023 saw 75 murders and 153 rapes every day for a grand total of 55,000 rapes and 27,375 murders in one year? I should add that authorities say that many of these crimes go unreported, so those figures are undoubtedly higher. With that said, I think it would be fair to describe this country as a literal hell on earth. This country is South Africa, once called the jewel of the African continent. Stats cited above were obtained from the online news site Remix (

White farmers and other whites there are getting beaten, raped and murdered on an almost daily basis. Too many live in fear for their safety and lives. In addition, many are seeing their farms confiscated as happened in another God forsaken country called Zimbabwe.

I guess the logical question becomes, where is the world outrage and concern that we saw for years over apartheid in that land? The harsh reality is, is that the world's media has pretty much chosen to ignore it. I sense the reason for this attitude is because South Africa is now a black run country, and a significant number of the victims are white. Do you really expect the Media to report that this country has gone down the tubes ever since black rule took over and that most of the other countries in Africa who received its freedom from the "evil" colonizers are now not fit to live in? No folks, it doesn't fit the scenario.

To the Media and most governments around the world, black lives matter, illegal aliens' lives matter, Muslim lives matter, but, White lives? You people are on your own!

My question to all these fools is what are you going to do when the barbarians and rabble are at your gate? The way things are going, it is just a matter of time.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Thomas Jefferson Had it Right!

Take a moment and really think about the above quote. There is not a smarter, more innovative man alive to today than Thomas Jefferson. Read his list of accomplishments if you don't believe it. John F. Kennedy once said this about him while hosting 50 Nobel Prize winners at the White House:  

I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.

Most of the haters of American history and this country, which include the media and our government, probably don't even know that Jefferson made this comment. No, they'd rather focus on the fact that he owned slaves as a reason for tearing down his statues. You know, use 2023 sensibilities and apply them to accepted practices of 200+ years ago. But let's get to the main reason for taking down American heroes of the North and South. It is to remake the United States in their twisted, one-world, globalist image. 

I remember when they first started removing statues, they were of our Confederate war heroes. People I knew, who should have known better, seemed to think that it wouldn't go any further than that. Well bozos, you should have realized that it wouldn't stop there. They've gone from General Robert E. Lee to Thomas Jefferson, to George Washington and more. And it shows no signs of stopping.

Meanwhile, those of us who know this is wrong are powerless to stop it. Better men than you and I have tried. The haters have the loudest voice and control of, once again, the media and the government.

However, one of the things we can do is inform and speak to others who are clueless as to what is going on. Give them the facts and reality of what the agenda is.

I'll close with something that I encountered in 2010 while driving around Jacksonville, North Carolina where I used to work. I always smile when I think back on it. There was an old pickup truck that had a bumper sticker on it that said: "If I knew things would end up like this I would have picked my own cotton." 

Next post coming this Wednesday.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Be a Role Model White Man

 I've written on this subject before regarding how us white nationalists should look and behave. I am going to ramble on a bit so bear with me. 

I'm sure most of us know we (White Nationalists) are lied about by the media and by our totally corrupt government. Freedom of speech and expression don't exist for us like they do for blacks and their groups. I can't even get my local newspaper to print a Letter to the Editor asking why all black graduations, all black colleges and all black organizations are allowed but the same doesn't go for anything all white. Also, this paper won't publish my asking why it is acceptable to have blacks portray white historical figures on TV and movies, but you would never be allowed to have a white play the part of a black person.

A significant number of the white population in the U.S. knows what is going on. What I mean is, is that they recognize that blacks have been elevated to a special class of people viewed as victimized, yet somehow privileged and deserving of special treatment. For example, unacceptable and criminal behavior is more often than not excused and given a free pass. Whites who recognize what is happening know better than to speak out about this for fear of being labelled a racist. Along the same lines, this also includes being vocal about having pride in your white race and all its accomplishments. Relatedly, Americans have been hammered by the media to believe that having white pride or being White Nationalists means we are all nazis, bigots, haters, etc.

Which brings me to my point. We white men are to be role models as to what a White Nationalist is. And for those who aren't really sure what a White Nationalist is, it's a person who supports the wellbeing and interests of a white population within his country. By the way, if you look on the Web to find a description you will find only lies and misinformation.

Now, back to my point, we white guys are to be ambassadors for our cause. That means we talk, act and look in a way that promotes the cause, not turns people off. We are well read and informed. For instance, when some deluded white person tells you about the brutality perpetrated against blacks by whites you cite the overwhelming stats that show the opposite is true. You also refrain from being crude, like using the word n*gger and other types of words. For the person who is still new to what White Nationalism is, this can be a real turn off.

Appearance. Are you a fat, slovenly shit who looks like he just rolled out of bed or a 98 lb weakling? Do I need to ask what kind of impression does that make on anybody? Work out, stop eating shit food and guzzling booze every day. Discipline yourself in all areas of your life. If not for yourself, do it for the cause you claim to represent. 

In closing, be the right representative of the White Pride you espouse. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

So True!

                 That's right. You know we are under a totalitarian regime don't you? If you don't, wake up!

Misguided White Youth

 Hey white racial realists, pay close attention to the last paragraph in this article, it's for you. Here goes:

 "There is nothing sadder than a white boy trying to be black." That's a quote I thought up a few years back after seeing yet another white youth affecting a black persona and look. You know, the sagging pants, the "Lid", wearing a hoodie, maybe some jewelry, whatever, you know what I'm getting at.

My favorite is the hooded sweatshirt with the hood worn up. I was driving through town last week and it was unusually hot for the season, say upper 80's, yet there were many of the "brothers" walking around with hoodies and the hood up. Now, I could care less how any black male chooses to dress, it's his business not mine. But, I see lots of white guys with that same look. They often throw in a baseball cap with the hood up to complete the ensemble. 

So, my question is, why would a white youth choose to dress like this? Is it because white males have been disparaged, lied about and accused of almost everything under the sun? Is it because alpha males have been accused of being haters, white supremacists, nazis and more? Is it because white males have no male figures in their lives who serve as role models of what being a real male is? Or is it because everything black is being promoted and celebrated? 

What do you think? Isn't the obvious answer yes to all of the above?

On a related note, the Media has designated certain types of clothing as being white supremacist in nature. Google white supremacist clothing if you don't believe me. Things like polo shirts with khaki pants have been mentioned, hats with the logo 1776 or the Betsy Ross flag have also been targeted. Thor Steinar clothing is included as well as many other brands. 

I may continue this article in a day or so but just writing about it depresses the sh*t out of me.

Here's some advice, we can't change the world but we can be an example to those white males we come in contact with. Be strong, don't be a fat shit whiner who'd rather be entertained than be a doer. Stop smoking dope and boozing. Instead of getting another tattoo on your soft body try working out, every day! Speak up when your race is being criticized or accused of things it didn't do. 

Change things, one white youth at a time.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

If You Are New to This Site

Most of the time I write brief articles but when I don't have time, I post like you see above. If you look to the right side here, you will see the archived articles you can read. I believe there are things about men and our race that you won't find anywhere else on the internet.

Sorry to Disappoint You But.........


Wake Up America

Once upon a time, the above quote would have seemed ridiculous but if you have been aware of what is going on in this country and its attitude towards the white race and our history you would understand. If this seems to be extreme or racist, I suggest you get your head out of your ass and wake-up.

The barbarians are at the gate and it's later than you think.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Do Not Forget This!

In America where it is OK with the Media and our totalitarian regime to demonize and marginalize the very people who made this country great, don't forget the above.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Is There Something Sinister Behind the Push to Legalize Marijuana?


I was never one to buy into conspiracy plots but events of the last 5 years or so have changed that.
I should this say before proceeding, if you are a person who is so locked into your political beliefs, be it left or right, that you can't see the truth because it might not agree with your "party," then I say you are a fool.
To everyone who doesn't see that this country is well along into the process of degenerating into something very bad and totalitarian, then I recommend you get your head out of the sand. Ignorance is not bliss; it is potentially very dangerous to your health and survival.
So, now to the subject at hand. The push to legalize marijuana in all 50 states. What's that all about? The logical answer would of course be that it's all about the $$$ and I would be foolish not to admit that, that is not a significant reason. But, is there something else going on here?
In recent years we have seen a downplaying of the dangers of habitual marijuana use, especially in our youth up to 22 years of age. As someone who smoked it for years in the past I can say marijuana has things connected with its use that goes beyond the purely physical detriments.
First off, REGULAR use makes you lazy and unmotivated. Sitting around eating, drinking and watching the Tube are much more appealing than being active. It also makes you docile (translation submissive).
Marijuana for our youth has been scientifically proven to damage young, developing brains.
My question is this, why has a substance that was vilified for ages now being given the rush for nationwide legalization?
Could it be that this herb is viewed by the 'powers that be' as a kind of modern day "opiate for the masses?" Something that makes them dull and docile, less aware of what is going on around them, less concerned? And for those who don't want any part of marijuana, consider the fact that while everything we buy these days has gone up in price except alcohol, you really have to wonder....
Docile, lazy, stoned, buzzed, drunk, self-absorbed, a perfect state to be in to be manipulated and controlled.
Yeah, I'm a conspiracy theorist. How can you not be in this day and age, in this country?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

How Aware Are You?


This is worth reposting in light of what is going on in the world today.

I thought about this post the other day when I read of a criminal who had been charged with attempted murder and having an unlicensed firearm with a box of ammunition. All told, he was charged with four felonies. Due to a no bail law he was released and given an appearance ticket to show up in court sometime in late August. Welcome to Bizzaro world, where nothing makes sense and appears logical. AKA New York State. The insanity of this typifies what is going on all around the country. 

I could go on and on about what is happening in the U.S. but it is my hope that readers are aware, regardless of their political affiliation, that things are definitely going down the proverbial tubes in America. We are in an ever-increasing descent leading to an inevitable crash and burn. You say this is being an alarmist? Have you looked around? Really looked around or are you still holding to the "I'm standing behind my party" no matter what mindset. Read a history book and see how that kind of thinking has worked for people in various countries over past generations. 

Ah yes, ignorance mixed with alcohol, legalized pot, sports, and entertainment is bliss.

Hey folks, hopefully I don't have to remind you but crime is up, way up thanks in large part to the restricting of police intervention and the demonizing of law enforcement in general. Does anyone with half a brain even remotely think that defunding the police makes any sense? Let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from one hundred and fifty different countries who are coming across our border unchecked, many are terrorists, and most have nothing to contribute to this country except going on the government dole. This number will be in the millions in the not too distant future as will the impact to us financially and to our personal safety.

Add to this, we have a braindead (in one case literally) leadership in Washington that can't stop itself from provoking our major enemies Russia and China. You want me to go on? 

I'm sure if you are aware, you could sight the corruption on a grand scale among our leaders in Washington as well as the crippling of our economy because of the insane belief that America has a "climate crisis" which is in reality just an excuse to change the whole make-up of our government. Why else would we endeavor to do this when the major polluting countries have no desire to follow our lead and the scientific proof is that there is no crisis? Does our soon to be clean air stay just above our country?

We live in a nation where educators, leaders, politicians and even scientists don't even have the courage to define what actually constitutes a woman.

Free speech is gone due to wokeism, political correctness and a totally corrupt Media.

Here's the skinny--America has had a great run--all great nations and empires eventually come to an end. This process usually begins by a rotting from within and we see that occurring in America. In a weakened and debased state, a nation is overtaken by a stronger and hungrier nation. Of no help to this situation, we have a severely compromised military that can't get recruits and is more concerned with teaching their troops the LGBTQ and on and on lunacy then being an equipped and ready force.

More could be said but those of you who are aware, observant and have cast off your "my team will straighten this out" nonsense, know where this is all leading.

Today--think of what is going on in America, don't be like the majority of Americans who are preoccupied with the here and now and are either willfully or deliberately oblivious. Do you want to be as the frog in a pot of slowing warming to boil water? You become aware when it is too late.

There are things you can do when you become aware.

More about that coming soon.

Take the B.A.M. Pride Quiz


 For this quiz readers are asked to identify the three flags that are viewed as OK, and even promoted in America, and the one that is banned. As an assist, the bottom flag is the "Trans" flag and the second one down from the top is the Black Pride/Power flag.

The winner will get the latest Adele CD to enjoy for your heart wrenching, tear filled enjoyment.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Don't Accept the Media and Government's Lies, pt.1

 As our country is being destroyed by purposely letting in millions, upon millions of illegal aliens from third world countries, don't buy the nation destroyers argument that we are all a "country of immigrants."