As the Media rejoices and endorses the Banana Republic style trial and conviction of Donald Trump, a few things come to mind.
Many people on both sides of the political fence hate the former President. Fine. That's your right but consider this: you take out the competition against someone who is running against the mush brained Biden and now appears to have a clear path to re-election, what does this mean for America?
It means 10-20 million more illegals coming into the nation and going directly on the welfare dole while committing heinous crimes against mostly White people. If this is a surprise to anyone then you haven't been following certain websites that cover the actual News. The local newspapers and Media will not report the heinous crimes these sub-humans commit because why? Because it will reflect badly on Biden's open border policy.
Biden will continue to kill our gas and oil industries. Groceries are up forty percent and rising, gas for cars and homes will go up even further.
A free pass on crime for negroes and anarchists will continue unchecked.
Negroes will continue to be given favored race status in regard to jobs, grants and everything else.
Organize a protest against this administration involving mostly White people and you will be doxed, canceled, and vilified as being a White supremacist.
They will put the former President in jail come sentencing, you can put money on it.
There will be no Biden/Trump debate because the severely demented Biden is mentally incapable of engaging in one. He will give the excuse of not wanting to debate a convicted felon.
The people that rejoice because of this verdict don't give a shit about this country, they care only about getting their guy and agenda through. An agenda that means control to varying degrees of every aspect of your life,
So, I say, hate Trump all you want but look at the alternative we have.
F*ck this government!
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