Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gay Pride Month and All That Fagg*try

 Where to begin? June is Gay Pride month. So, am I to celebrate a group of people who are so obviously sick and perverted?

If you think I am being harsh, my question is, have you ever been to a gay pride parade? I did last year. It was part freak show and, in many ways, quite depressing.

The parade was led by 20 different area high schools with banners identifying their school's LGBTQ "club." After them, every area business, hospital, corporation, and political party with politicians followed. The parade marched past the point where I was for over an hour and a half. Think about that. The screaming from the spectators for the marchers was loud and unending.

A few things struck me about the parade participants. Most were obese and ugly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at that because well over half the U.S. population is obese. Then, we had guys wearing chaps with little else on, some were wearing leather masks and carrying whips while other people were dressed like stuffed animals (furies?). We would be remiss not to mention the Transgenders who made up a big part of the parade. In a venue filled with freaks and depravity, the Trans group took the prize for the sickest.

The spectators: most were as bizarre and obese as the marchers. Multicolored hair with multiple tattoos over flabby white bodies is never a good look. A suggestion, you might want to get in shape before putting another tattoo on your body. Effeminate, swishing males were well represented. 

Question, who in their right mind would take children of all ages to something like this? To top it off, many of the children were waving the fag pride flag.

There was an abundance of flags that said, "Born This Way." The connotation is that they were born gay and/or trans. To this I say, no you weren't. There is no scientific evidence that there is a gay gene. Zero! With close to 40 years in the psychiatric field I say this, being gay is the result of some event or events, or living situation in an individual's upbringing, that leads to his or her becoming homosexual. Both homosexuality, and more recently, transgenderism, were classified as psychiatric disorders by the American Psychiatric Association (DSM). Pressure from special interest groups forced this classification to be dropped. Let me quickly add this little tidbit, several years ago I read where sexually active male homos have a life expectancy that is 20 years less than straight males. And forget where AIDS came from originally.

So, what am I getting at with this post? Do I hate all things queer and related? Not really. Most I feel sorrow and pity for. My beef, like I am sure it is with many of you, don't shove this LGBTQ....shit in my face. Don't ask me to celebrate or recognize it. I don't want to see the streets lined with rainbow flags and endless recognition of "Pride" month all over the television and in every aspect of our society.
If you are homosexual, just go about your business. I don't care about your sexuality and people don't need to hear about it. Just like people don't need to hear that I'm heterosexual. One other thing, spare me the, we are an oppressed, discriminated minority. You are anything but in this sick, increasingly depraved society.

We are not them--14 Words!

1 comment:

  1. This society started going down the shitter sometime around 1969 and has been gathering steam and getting even worse since then.
