Friday, May 3, 2024

Be a Role Model White Man

I've written on this subject before regarding how us white nationalists should look and behave. I am going to ramble on a bit so bear with me. 

I'm sure most of us know we (White Nationalists) are lied about by the media and by our totally corrupt government. Freedom of speech and expression don't exist for us like they do for blacks and their groups. I can't even get my local newspaper to print a Letter to the Editor asking why all black graduations, all black colleges and all black organizations are allowed but the same doesn't go for anything all white. Also, this paper won't publish my asking why it is acceptable to have blacks portray white historical figures on TV and movies, but you would never be allowed to have a white play the part of a black person.

A significant number of the white population in the U.S. knows what is going on. What I mean is, is that they recognize that blacks have been elevated to a special class of people viewed as victimized, yet somehow privileged and deserving of special treatment. For example, unacceptable and criminal behavior is more often than not excused and given a free pass. Whites who recognize what is happening know better than to speak out about this for fear of being labelled a racist. Along the same lines, this also includes being vocal about having pride in your white race and all its accomplishments. Relatedly, Americans have been hammered by the media to believe that having white pride or being White Nationalists means we are all nazis, bigots, haters, etc.

Which brings me to my point. We white men are to be role models as to what a White Nationalist is. And for those who aren't really sure what a White Nationalist is, it's a person who supports the wellbeing and interests of a white population within his country. By the way, if you look on the Web to find a description you will find only lies and misinformation.

Now, back to my point, we white guys are to be ambassadors for our cause. That means we talk, act and look in a way that promotes the cause, not turns people off. We are well read and informed. For instance, when some deluded white person tells you about the brutality perpetrated against blacks by whites you cite the overwhelming stats that show the opposite is true. You also refrain from being crude, like using the word n*gger and other types of words. For the person who is still new to what White Nationalism is, this can be a real turn off.

Appearance. Are you a fat, slovenly shit who looks like he just rolled out of bed or a 98 lb weakling? Do I need to ask what kind of impression does that make on anybody? Work out, stop eating shit food and guzzling booze every day. Discipline yourself in all areas of your life. If not for yourself, do it for the cause you claim to represent. 

In closing, be the right representative of the White Pride you espouse. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

It's Not Just About the Jews and Israel

By now we have all seen the protests at major colleges around the country. Supposedly they are all about Israel's treatment of Gaza and Palestine. As with the BLM riots a few years back, there is much more to this story than meets the eye.

We see deluded, brainwashed, spoiled white college students being made useful idiots by those with a much greater agenda. Just like it wasn't about the negroes during the BLM riots, it isn't about the Palestinians this time around. No, it's about the ongoing effort to bring down America and create some kind of Marxist/Globalist state.

Funded by the evil jew George Soros, and probably many others, this is anarchy pure and simple. As I am sure you've all read or heard, encampment tents and readymade signs sprang up all over campuses soon after the demonstrations began. Obviously, this was preplanned and well-funded. The now familiar organizers and agitators who were part of the BLM nonsense are in the midst of this.

Many of the commentators and websites who have issues with the Jews and Israel seem to be missing the point of what this anarchy is all about. They really should know better.

When the Presidential nominating conventions for the Republican and Democratic parties come this summer, we will see protests and chaos like we haven't seen since the BLM riots which caused billions of dollars in damage and led to many White lives lost. In addition, if Donald Trump makes it to the nomination, it will be something to behold as far as mayhem and destruction is concerned.

So, be vigilant my White brothers and sisters, don't get sucked into believing the lies and bullshit put out there each and every day. There is a force at work that is executing a well-organized and moneyed plan to bring down this country and to basically change it into a slave state.

Forewarned is foreARMED.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Beauty of the Aryan Woman

Thought I'd lighten it up today. These days the word Aryan immediately brings up the response, you mean Nazi. Do a search on the internet and you will see. A modern view to many is a White person of European ancestry. 

Not to get away from my wanting to lighten it up but I must say this, the encouraging of race mixing through marriage and procreation is wrong. For those who read the Bible you will see why this is. 

Call me a racist but the purity of one's race must be maintained. I would quickly add that I don't believe whites should marry and procreate with Asians. Once again, it's not about hate, it's about maintaining the purity of the White race. As an aside, from my many decades in the psychiatric field black and white couples who have children find their offspring have a multitude of difficulties as they grow older. Not the least of which is the uncertainty of knowing what race they belong to.

Enough of all that, appreciate the beauty of the Aryan woman.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

We Must Have This!

We now see an America where many of its White citizens cannot live in safety. They are being victimized by a government and legal system that caters to the rabble and dregs of society. A system that views the White race as THE problem.

The displayed quote above is by George Lincoln Rockwell.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

So, they Really Don't Give a Sh*t

There was a time when I thought some part of the Federal government, or people involved in it, actually cared about the nation and its citizens. Now I can see some of you shaking your heads or just plain laughing at what I just said. I don't blame you. I can't believe I was that naive or stupid. 

Exhibit A that they don't give a shit is the fact that a man with severe dementia, who cannot carry on a coherent conversation for more than one sentence, is allowed to stay in office. A man who DAILY embarrasses himself in front of the country and the world with his gaffes and idiotic remarks. Forget the fact that he is a thief and a serial liar, even though there was a time when those two things would have gotten you tossed out of office.

I read where Biden is having talks with world leaders and all I can think of is, what kind of gibberish is he speaking to these people? I don't believe I have to tell anyone this, but Biden doesn't suddenly become clear and coherent when speaking with the heads of other countries. To say his mental state is a sign of this country's weakness on the world stage is the understatement of the month.

So, the Democratic party is actually presenting a man with dementia as their candidate for re-election this year. It is more important for the members of his party to get him in then to preserve the safety and wellbeing of America? The Republicans are pretty much silent in dealing with this issue themselves. I believe this is because they believe "their guy" will get elected in November and right the sinking ship called America. News Flash! Republicans: your guy is the target of relentless bogus criminal charges and will be lucky if he is able to stay out of jail. This totalitarian regime will stop him one way....or another. I mean, they've fixed elections and turned the FBI, CIA, media and DOJ into their personal KGB. Do you really believe this government is going to allow an honest election in 2024? They didn't in 2020.

Once again, there was a time when a President would have the integrity to step aside if he was unable to do his job to the best of his ability. Obviously, Biden's family values the power and prestige of his office more than the health of this hapless despicable man.

I can't resist telling this recent Biden story before I close. He was at a gathering of pro-abortion advocates and was talking up the necessity of having access to abortions, This, despite the fact that he claims to be a devout Catholic, a faith that is against abortion. While some female was praising his abortion support Biden makes the sign of the cross. WTF?

If he gets reelected, and I believe he will, it is all over for this country. We're done. There are many reasons for my saying this. #1 reason is an open border that will continue to let in millions upon millions of criminals and people going directly on the welfare wagon.

What to do? What can we do? You aren't going to save this country yourself. It then becomes what can you do to stay safe in the chaotic times to come?

I'll write about this in future posts.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

88 Precepts

The above is an excellent but hard to find book by David Lane. You can however view it online at a site called type in the name of the book and author on Bing or Google.

Within this book is listed is his 88 Precepts, a must read for every White person concerned about the survival of their race. The following has more useable wisdom than most of the "Holy" books ever written.


1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.

2. Whatever Peoples perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Natures Law are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that Force.

3. God and religion are distinct, separate and often conflicting concepts. Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God. Religion is the creation of mortals, therefore predestined to fallibility. Religion may preserve or destroy a People, depending on the structure given by its progenitors, the motives of its agents and the vagaries of historical circumstances.

4. The truest form of prayer is communion with Nature. It is not vocal. Go to a lonely spot, if possible a mountaintop, on a clear, star-lit night, ponder the majesty and order of the infinite macrocosm. Then consider the intricacies of the equally infinite microcosm. Understand that you are on the one hand inconsequential beyond comprehension in the size of things, and on the other hand, you are potentially valuable beyond comprehension as a link in destinys chain. There you begin to understand how pride and self can co-exist with respect and reverence. There we find harmony with Nature and with harmony comes strength, peace and certainty.

5. Secular power systems protect and promote religions, which teach of an after-life. Thus, people are taught to abandon defenses against the predators of this life.

6. History, both secular and religious, is a fable conceived in self-serving deceit and promulgated by those who perceive benefits.

7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and value necessary to the survival of a race.

8. What men call the super natural is actually the natural not yet understood or revealed.

9. A proliferation of laws with the resultant loss of freedom is a sign of, and directly proportional to, spiritual sickness in a Nation.

10. If a Nation is devoid of spiritual health and moral character, then government and unprincipled men will fill the vacancy. Therefore, freedom prospers in moral values and tyranny thrives in moral decay.

11. Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware of verbose doctrines. The great principles are revealed in brevity.

12. Truth does not fear investigation.

13. Unfounded belief is pitfall. A People who do not check the validity and effect of their beliefs with reason will suffer or perish.

14. In accord with Natures Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of ones own race.

15. No greater motivating force exists than the certain conviction that one is right.

16. Discernment is a sign of a healthy People. In a sick or dying nation, civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance.

17. Discernment includes the ability to recognize the difference between belief and demonstrable reality.

18. There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may purchase life by obedience to nature- ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances may be purchased by oneself, by ones family, by ones tribe or by ones ancestors, but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to Natural Law.

19. A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish.

20. The White race has suffered invasions and brutality from Africa and Asia for thousands of years. For example, Attila and the Asiatic Huns who invaded Europe in the 5th century, raping, plundering and killing from the Alps to the Baltic and the Caspian Seas. This scenario was repeated by the Mongols of Genghis Khan 800 years later. (Note here that the American Indians are not Native Americans, but are racially Mongolians.) In the 8th century, hundreds of years before Negroes were brought to America, the North African Moors of mixed racial background invaded and conquered Portugal, Spain and part of France. So, the attempted guilt-trip placed on the White race by civilizations executioners is invalid under both historical circumstance and the Natural Law which denies inter-specie compassion. The fact is, all races have benefited immeasurably from the creative genius of the Aryan People.

21. People who allow others not of their race to live among them will perish, because the inevitable result of a racial integration is racial inter-breeding which destroys the characteristics and existence of a race. Forced integration is deliberate and malicious genocide, particularly for a People like the White race, who are now a small minority in the world.

22. In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.

23. Political, economic, and religious systems may be destroyed and resurrected by men, but the death of a race is eternal.

24. No race of People can indefinitely continue their existence without territorial imperatives in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind.

25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

26. Nature has put a certain antipathy between races and species to preserve the individuality and existence of each. Violation of the territorial imperative necessary to preserve that antipathy leads to either conflict or mongrelization.

27. It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races. But a separation must be maintained for the survival of ones own race. One must however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of ones own race who commit treason against ones own kind and against the nations of ones own kind. One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy ones People, ones culture, or the racial exclusiveness of ones territorial imperative.

28. The concept of a multi-racial society violates every Natural Law for specie preservation.

29. The concept of “equality” is declared a lie by every evidence of Nature. It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, or culture. In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse you would first have to cripple the race horse; conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse. In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence.

30. The instincts for racial and specie preservation are ordained by Nature.

31. Instincts are Natures perfect mechanism for the survival of each race and specie. The human weakness of rationalizing situations for self-gratification must not be permitted to interfere with these instincts.

32. Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat to the survival of the Aryan race.

33. Inter-specie compassion is contrary to the Laws of Nature and is, therefore, suicidal. If a wolf were to intercede to save a lamb from a lion, he would be killed. Today, we see the White man taxed so heavily that he cannot afford children. The taxes raised are then used to support the breeding of tens of millions of non-whites, many of whom then demand the last White females for breeding partners. As you can see, man is subject to all the Laws of Nature. This has nothing to do with morality, hatred, good or evil. Nature does not recognize the concepts of good and evil in inter-specie relationships. If the lion eats the lamb, it is good for the lion and evil for the lamb. If the lamb escapes and the lion starves, it is good for the lamb and evil for the lion. So, we see the same incident is labeled both good and evil. This cannot be, for there are no contradictions within Natures Laws.

34. The instinct for sexual union is part of Natures perfect mechanism for specie preservation. It begins early in life and often continues until late in life. It must not be repressed; its purpose, reproduction, must not be thwarted either. Understand that for thousands of years our females bore children at an early age. Now, in an attempt to conform to and compete in an alien culture, they deny their Nature-ordained instincts and duties. Teach responsibility, but, also, have understanding. The life of a race springs from the wombs of its women. He who would judge must first understand the difference between what is good and what is right.

35. Homosexuality is a crime against Nature. All Nature declares the purpose of the instinct for sexual union is reproduction and thus, preservations of the specie. The overpowering male sex drive must be channeled toward possession of females, as well as elements such as territory and power, which are necessary to keep them.

36. Sexual pornography degrades the Nature of all who are involved. A beautiful nude woman is art; a camera between her knees to explore her private parts is pornography.

37. That race whose males will not fight to death to keep and mate with their females will perish. Any White man with healthy instincts feels disgust and revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race. Those, who today control the media and affairs of the Western World, teach that this is wrong and shameful. They label it racism. As any ism for instance the word nationalism, means to promote ones own nation; “racism” merely means to promote and protect the life of ones own race. It is, perhaps, the proudest word in existence. Any man who disobey these instincts is anti-Nature.

38. In a sick and dying nation, culture, race or civilization, political dissent and traditional values will be labeled and persecuted as heinous crimes by inquisitors clothing themselves in jingoistic patriotism.

39. A People who are ignorant of their past will defile the present and destroy the future.

40. A race must honor above all earthly things, those who have given their lives or freedom for the preservation of the folk.

41. The folk, namely the members of the race, are the Nation. Racial loyalties must always supersede geographical and national boundaries. If this is taught and understood, it will end fratricidal wars. Wars must not be fought for the benefit of another race.

42. The Nations leaders are not rulers, they are servants and guardians. They are not to serve for personal gain. Choose only a guardian who has no interest in the accumulation of material things.

43. Choose and judge your leaders, also called guardians, thus: Those who seek always to limit the power of government are of good heart and conscience. Those who seek to expand the power of government are base tyrants.

44. No government can give anything to anybody without first taking it from another. Government is, by its very nature, legalized taking. A limited amount of government is a necessary burden for national defense and internal order. Anything more is counterproductive to freedom and liberty.

45. The Organic founding Law, namely the Constitution of a Nation, must not be amendable by any method other than unanimous consent of all parties thereto and with all parties present. Otherwise, the doors are opened for the advent of that most dangerous and deadly form of government, democracy.

46. In a democracy those who control the media, and thus the minds of the electorate, have power undreamed by kings or dictators.

47. The simplest way to describe a democracy is this: Three people form a government, each having one vote. Then two of them vote to steal the wealth of the third.

48. The latter stages of a democracy are filled with foreign wars, because the bankrupt system attempts to preserve itself by plundering other nations.

49. In a democracy that which is legal is seldom moral, and that which is moral is often illegal.

50. A democracy is always followed by a strongman... some call him dictator. It is the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy. Pick your strongman wisely! He must be a guardian in his heart. He must be one who has shown that his only purpose in life is the preservation of the folk. His ultimate aim must be to restore the rule of Law based on the perfect Laws of Nature. Do not choose him by his words. Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny; choose one who has endured and persevered. This is the only reliable evidence of his worthiness and motives.

51. A power system will do anything, no matter how corrupt or brutal, to preserve itself.

52. Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force.

53. Those who commit treason disguise their deeds in proclamations of patriotism.

54. Propaganda is major component in all power systems, both secular and religious; false propaganda is a major component of unprincipled power systems. All power systems endeavor to convince their subjects that the system is good, just, beneficent and noble, as well as worthy of perpetuation and defense. The more jingoistic propaganda issued, the more suspicious one should be of its truth.

55. Political power, in the final analysis, is created and maintained by force.

56. A power system, secular or religious, which employs extensive calls to patriotism or requires verbosity and rhetoric for its preservation, is masking tyranny.

57. Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle. The elements of successful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and brevity. Also, since men believe what they want to believe, and since they want to believe that which they perceive as beneficial to themselves, then successful propaganda must appeal to the perceived selfinterest of those to whom it is disseminated.

58. Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.

59. Beware of men who increase their wealth by the use of words. Particularly beware of the lawyers or priests who deny Natural Law.

60. The patriot, being led to the inquisitions dungeons or the executioners axe, will be condemned the loudest by his former friends and allies; for thus they seek to escape the same fate.

61. The sweet goddess of Peace lives only under the protective arm of the ready God of War.

62. The organic founding Law of a Nation must state with unmistakable and irrevocable specificity the identity of the homogeneous racial, cultural group for whose welfare it was formed, and that the continued existence of the Nation is singularly for all time for the welfare of that specific group only.

63. That race or culture which lets others influence or control any of the following will perish:
• Organs of information;
• Educational institutions;
• Religious institutions;
• Political offices;
• Creation of their money;
• Judicial institutions;
• Cultural institutions;
• Economic life.

64. Just Laws require little explanation. Their meaning is irrevocable in simplicity and specificity.

65. Men’s emotions are stirred far more effectively by the spoken word than by the written word. This is why a ruling tyranny will react more violently to gatherings of dissenters than to books or pamphlets.

66. The organic founding Law of the Nation, or any law, is exactly as pertinent as the will and power to enforce it.

67. An unarmed or non-militant People will be enslaved.

68. Some say the pen is more powerful than the sword. Perhaps so. Yet, the pen without the sword has no authority.

69. Tyrannies are usually built step by step and disguised by noble rhetoric.

70. The difference between a terrorist and a patriot is control of the press.

71. The judgments of the guardians, the leaders, must be true to Natural Law and tempered by reason.

72. Materialism is base and destructive. The guardians of a Nation must constantly warn against and combat a materialistic spirit in the Nation. Acquisition of wealth and property, as need for the well-being of ones family and obtained by honorable means is right and proper. Exploitation, particularly through usury, is destructive to a nation.

73. Materialism leads men to seek artificial status through wealth or property. True social status comes from service to Family, Race and Nation.

74. Materialism ultimately leads to conspicuous, unnecessary consumption, which in turn leads to the rape of Nature and destruction of the environment. It is unnatural. The true guardians of the Nation must be wholly untainted by materialism.

75. The function of a merchant or salesman is to provide a method of exchange. A merchant who promotes unnecessary consumption and materialism must not be tolerated.

76. The only lawful functions of money are as a medium of exchange and especially usury are unlawful. Usury (interest) at any percentage is a high crime which cannot be tolerated.

77. A nation with an aristocracy of money, lawyers or merchants will become a tyranny.

78. The simplest way to describe a usury-based central banking system is this: The bankers demand the property of the Nation as collateral for their loans. At interest, more money is owed them that they created with the loans. So, eventually, the bankers foreclose on the Nation.

79. Usury (interest), inflation, and oppressive taxation are the theft by deception and destroy the moral fabric of the Nation.

80. Wealth gained without sacrifices or honest labor will usually be misused.

81. Nothing in Nature is static; either the life force grows and expands or it decays and dies.

82. Respect must be earned; it cannot be demanded or assumed.

83. Avoid a vexatious man, for his venom will poison your own nature.

84. Self discipline is a mark of higher man.

85. One measure of a man is cheerfulness in adversity.

86. A fool judges others by their words. A wise man judges others by their actions and accomplishments.

87. In our relationships or interactions, as in all of Natures Laws, to each action there is a reaction. That which we plant will be harvested, if not by ourselves, then by another.

88. These are sure signs of a sick or dying Nation. If you see any of them, your guardians are committing treason.
• Mixing and destruction of the founding race;
• Destruction of the family units;
• Oppressive taxation;
• Corruption of the Law;
• Terror and suppression against those who warn of the Nations error;
• Immorality: drugs, drunkenness, etc.;
• Infanticide (now called abortion);
• Destruction of the currency (inflation or usury);
• Aliens in the land, alien culture;
• Materialism;
• Foreign wars;
• Guardians (leaders) who pursue wealth or glory;
• Homosexuality;
• Religion not based on Natural Law.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

More Timeless Wisdom From David Lane

 Some excerpts from David's 88 Precepts, take some serious time to consider the following:

  • "In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of one’s own race.

  • Discernment is a sign of a healthy people. In a sick or dying nation, civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance.

  • A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish. 

  • People who allow others not of their race to live among them will perish, because the inevitable result of a racial integration is racial inter-breeding which destroys the characteristics and existence of a race.

  •  Forced integration is deliberate and malicious genocide, particularly for a people like the White race, who are now a small minority in the world.
  • In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.

  • Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.

  • A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

  • Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat to the survival of the Aryan race. 
  • Homosexuality is a crime against Nature. All Nature declares the purpose of the instinct for sexual union is reproduction and thus, preservations of the specie. The overpowering male sex drive must be channeled toward possession of females, as well as elements such as territory and power, which are necessary to keep them."

  • In closing I say: As we live through the purposeful destruction of America and the ongoing demonization and attempted elimination of the White race, David Lane's words made many years ago are more relevant today than ever.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

We Are Seeing This Happen in America Right Now

We are witnessing this occurring right now in black run cities throughout the U.S.A. All kinds of out-of-control lawlessness, rape, murder, and the targeting of whites have become the norm. Worst of all, there is little if any accountability for the crimes being committed.

We saw what happened to the countries in Africa after the "colonizers" left. Take a look at the shithole South Africa has become after they ended apartheid. It is almost as unlivable as Haiti.

On a related note: Listen to the black political commentators on television, the black members of the House of Representatives and Senate as well as the black D.A.'s around the country. Their ignorance and openly hate whitey attitude is stunning.

Just my opinion here but these are just one of the many signs of a once great nation dying and about to collapse.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Thought Provoking Quotes From David Lane

"Homosexuality, booze, drugs, infidelity, pornography, multiracialism, violence, historical distortion, materialism, hedonism, the glories of democracy, feminism and hatred of the White man is the purpose and effect of so-called entertainment in America."

And imagine, David said the above years ago. Look at how much worse it is now. How any self-respecting white person could indulge in today's mainstream entertainment and most pro-sports is beyond me.

"The greatest danger is always from the traitors amongst one's own ranks." Look to most politicians around today to confirm this statement.

"Fear, selfishness, greed and a human weakness for seeking the "easy way" have led us to the abyss."

Erasing our history, tearing down statues of our heroes, demonizing and marginalizing the white race; what started slowly without push back from whites, is escalating at an ever increasing pace.

To be continued.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Healthcare or Deathcare?

I will preface this by saying I have been in the psychiatric/healthcare field for about 45 years. To say there have been a lot of changes to it since the early 70's would be an understatement.

Now let me state the obvious, if you experience a trauma like a car accident, stabbing, shooting, or a heart attack, going to the hospital is, as they say, a no-brainer. I mean, what's the other option?

Here is the reality which needs to be known by everyone, it is estimated that somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000 deaths a year are caused by hospital error. It is not surprising that this figure is questioned and disputed by medical and hospital associations. My response to them would be, after all the lies connected with Covid, you expect me to believe anything you have to say?

 Bottom line, medical errors made by hospitals are the 3rd leading cause of death behind heart attacks and cancer. Is there anyone out there who doesn't have a hospital or healthcare nightmare experience to tell?

What follows are some insights and suggestions on how to deal with hospitals in the 21st century.

If you or a loved one are hospitalized and having difficulty moving or doing self-care, I would strongly recommend having someone available to be with that person. Hospitals these days are understaffed and providing the needed care to incapacitated patients is just not there. Going to the bathroom, assistance with eating, etc. is too often not attended to in a timely manner. Sadly, staff is frequently burned out from being overworked and understaffed and this can be reflected in their attitude towards the patient. A sad state of affairs to say the least.

A few other insights into healthcare in general, Again I add, I've been in the field forever, I know what I am talking about.

1.As you get past retirement age you suddenly find that the doctor you had been seeing has been replaced by a physician's assistant or a nurse practioner. Two woefully undertrained professions that for some reason are allowed to function like a doctor. I say undertrained because physicians are required to have many more years of instruction. Translation: you are on the downside of your lifespan and well, the physician has a heavy caseload and needs to prioritize who gets what care.

2.Taking prescribed meds: here's the bottom line, every medication you take has a side effect, be it subtle or obvious.  Count the plusses and minuses of taking them. Most importantly, do the research and see what you can do personally to get at the CAUSE of your ailment. Meds mostly treat only the symptoms; you must find a way to get at the cause.

In closing, the healthcare we once had many decades ago no longer exists. Yes, it wasn't perfect, but it was far better than what is around today. 

The reasons for the decline are many but the big one is not surprisingly related to money.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Insights From George

 Three quotes from Mr. Rockwell:

“Even Rome, during its decline, never reached the depths to which America has already sunk.”

And to think he said the above sometime in the 6o's. Look how much further this country has degenerated since then.

"We must have a foreign policy which is based only on the long-term interests of our race, not on the interest of other races or on economic considerations or anything else." Imagine a politician saying this these days?

“Revolution is a spectators sport. The majority will sit in the stands and watch the factions fight. At the end they will choose side with the team that is winning." 

That quote makes me think of the non response to the persecution and demonizing of the white race going on today.

New article coming Thursday--Healthcare or Deathcare?

Monday, April 8, 2024

Prophetic Words

While reading the above which was spoken many years ago by William Pierce, we can see what he said is going on full throttle right now. Interesting how Mr. Pierce was called a racist and a white supremacist for saying things that other races and its leaders proudly proclaim and are celebrated for.

The war on the white race continues and is accelerating.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Y-2K All Over Again

Depending on where you live in this country you may have recently been subjected to the Eclipse is coming hysteria. I live in Buffalo and it has taken a "the sky is falling" approach to this 10 minute event. Buffalo, like many other cities that will be in the best position to see the eclipse, have declared a "state of emergency". In fact, the fool that is our county executive has declared a state of emergency for the whole county. He urges no travel, stocking up on food, making sure you have enough gas and on and on. It is also strongly encouraged that businesses close. He cites one of the reasons for not driving is because he is anticipating one million visitors to the area. To all this I say, bullshit and you're wrong.

What the hell is with these people? We shut down the whole area for a 10 minute blockage of the sun? Gosh, how did we ever get through driving late at night like we have for years? We are going to have one million visitors to "the armpit of the East," Buffalo, to see a 10 minute eclipse?

Yeah right!

I remember the Y-2K nonsense at the turn of the century that proved to be a total nonevent. 

So, what is this all about? Could it be that our various local governments around the country are testing us to see if the populace who bought into the Covid lies with all its restrictions are still able to be dictated to and manipulated?

It sure looks that way to me. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Pain is.....

In a world that is preoccupied with comfort and entertainment, we can forget the benefits of testing ourselves and not taking the easy road.

The above quote is by Australian coach/philosopher Percy Cerutty who also made this very thought provoking quote: 

“You only ever grow as a human being if you go outside your comfort zone.”

Next article on Friday.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Advice to Heed

I don't know who wrote this but it wasn't the name at the very top, that may have just been the person who posted it somewhere online. Whatever, the above is solid advice and fits the theme of my last post and this Blog.

Read and think about this carefully, don't just breeze over it and move on.

Consider This

While most men these days seem to prefer avoiding difficult or challenging situations, what they don't realize is that these things can make you better men. The process of overcoming offers many lessons that can ultimately make you a better man.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Okay--I realize I have touched on this subject before but as each day passes and I see what is going on in America, I keep asking myself the same question, what's the end game? What are the powers that be trying to accomplish?

Here are some things that are purposely being allowed to happen:

1. Having a President, who so obviously as severe Dementia, continue in that office. Yeah, I know someone else is pulling the strings behind this pants crapping idiot, but there was a time Americans would not have tolerated a man so obviously impaired representing our country.

2.Unpunished lawlessness and No-bail. We've all seen the news reports, shoplifters (all black) taking whatever they want from stores. No effort is made to stop them. If any are arrested they do no jail time or receive any kind of punishment. Criminals with long "rap sheets" (appropriate term considering who the offenders are) are let back out on the streets because their state has a no bail policy where they are allowed to terrorize their community again....and again.

3. Handcuffing the cops. Defunding the police, restricting what they can do to stop a suspected criminal, charging the cop with a crime if he is perceived as abusing the criminal. 

4.Here's a big one: an open border where we have let in 10 million plus illegals and counting who are mostly criminals with no skills except to go on the welfare/Medicaid dole. We've seen reports of the crimes these people have committed so far, you should see the number that have gone unreported. And it's only going to get worse, much worse.

5.Restricted free speech. Social media, YouTube, your local newspaper, whatever, see what happens when you try to publish the truth in regard to race or any of the other things I've spoken about so far.

6. What's with the protection and promotion of the Transgender movement?  These people are all confused and sick. Like homosexuality, transgenderism was classified, rightly, as a mental disorder until special interest groups pressured the A.P.A. to remove them from the list of disorders. Also, encouraging confused or attention seeking children and teens to undergo sex change treatments? How sick is that? Yet our White House celebrates these freaks.

Need I go on? Sending billions of dollars to a lost cause called Ukraine? Pushing Electric Vehicles which are not feasible or practical, all while potentially destroying our auto industry? Selling off our farmland to other nations like China? Throw in the demonization of the white race, particularly the white male while you're at it.

Why go on, you probably all feel the same way, BUT, here is what I don't understand, what is the purpose of creating and allowing this insanity? To turn us into a type of South Africa? If those who are creating this instability live in America, don't they think that the wolves will eventually be at their door because they will.


Thursday, March 28, 2024


Every word he says is true. Consider carefully the above.
Next post tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Taking Risks

Too many people are just existing, not truly living life.

"To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.

To live is to risk dying.

To hope is to risk despair.

To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow love, live.

Chained by their certitudes they are a slave, they have forfeited their freedom.

Only a person who risks is free."

Author Unknown

My take: Don't live a life of quiet desperation.

Next post Thursday.

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Quiet Strength

 In a world of superficialities, being more about "the look" than substance, we men need to be the real deal. The following says it all, written by me a few years ago. 

We're not them.

A Quiet Strength

"It's a quiet strength, not one borne from slogans printed on t-shirts or bodies.

 It's a strength acquired from a conditioning and lifestyle that has no need of vain proclamations. 

It's a strength earned by challenging yourself daily within the simplicity and sometimes harshness of nature while striving to obtain victory over oneself in the process. 

Ultimately, it's a quiet inner strength gained from a life you've chosen, understanding that there are no sacrifices in this process, it is a labor of love devoid of pretense."

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Looking at Our Lives

 Are we truly living life or just basically existing?

"If you are never truly challenged in a meaningful way and are only required to perform idiot-proofed corporate processes to get your meat and shelter, can you ever truly be engaged enough to call yourself alive, let alone a man?" J.Donovan 

New article coming Sunday.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Jewish Thing and What to Do About It

 This is a tough article to write about because people have strong feelings on Jews. My purpose for this brief post is not to defend the Jews but to bring up one essential point which I will give near the end. With that said, I will admit I am not that well versed on the Jews and what they control, what they do and what they have done. But, I have read author Robert Balaicius' books which often reference the Jews and their actions. He is based out of Mountain City, Tennessee. I would highly recommend his books. He heads Sacred Truth Ministries which I must quickly add is unlike any ministry you will ever see. Political correctness is nowhere to be found in Robert's writings.

I have read that the Jews of today are not the same as the Israelites of the Bible. Perhaps they could be more accurately called Talmudic Jews. I am not 100% sure of that description but suffice to say it is true that these Jews are NOT the same as the Israelites of centuries ago. Once again, Balaicius and others are more knowledgeable on this subject than I. Also, and this was a surprise to me, Israel is not a country filled with pious Jews, the majority of people there aren't observant.

To continue, you won't get an argument from me that the Jews control the Media, entertainment, Banking and probably much more. Are they pulling the strings on world events past and present? You couldn't get me to bet my paycheck on the fact they haven't.

I thought of this post the other day when I went to the site The Unz Review. Looking through several articles, and especially going over reader's comments, I was struck by the anger and obsessive hate for the Jews. Now don't get me wrong, I understand where they are coming from but the BIG questions I have are, where's it going to get you? What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? I don't see anything. This isn't helped by the fact there is such a veil of secrecy around what Jews do.  

So, to those people who are preoccupied with everything Jew, I say, let it go, focus on other things you can do something about. Letting this issue effect, obsess and distract you means in a small way the Jews win. They've gotten under your skin. You are thinking about them way too much.

In closing, I would urge people, especially city dwellers, to focus most on improving themselves and preparing for the hell that is about to be unleashed in their cities and suburbs. A result of 10's of millions of illegal criminals being let into this country. And don't forget about the increase in crime, that for the most part, just seems to be allowed and not adequately punished. Police have been so restricted by what they can do to deal with the rabble. 

Take it from me Brothers, this country is in for a chaos that no one has ever seen in America before.

Forewarned if ForeARMED.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Julius Evola Quotes for the Alpha Male

Julius Evola has been gone almost 50 years but I don't see anyone around today who has the insights he had.

"It is a sign of regression when pleasure begins to be considered as the highest principle."

You see the truth of this quote above in America every day, everywhere. Obesity, addiction to sports and entertainment. It's a dead-end road for males who give a shit about themselves and their people. Be a doer not a watcher.

"The best and most authentic reaction against feminism and against every other female aberration should not be aimed at women as such, but at men instead. It should not be expected of women that they return to what they really are and thus reestablish the necessary inner and outer conditions for a reintegration of a superior race, when men themselves retain only the semblance of true virility."

My take on this quote is, the women's movement was supposedly started to gain equal pay and "opportunities" for women. Since then, it has morphed into something much more. Now it looks like an org for bitter women and lesbians, a real freak show. The irony of it all? This movement became so radical and loaded with freaks and bull Dykes that it alienated sympathetic straight women. The sad reality, read the last sentence of the above quote. Somewhere along the line, far too many men were never taught, or forgot what it was, to be truly male.

"The "enemy" who resists us and the "infidel" within ourselves must be subdued and put in chains."

The quote above is a call to action for us males who are aware and care about themselves, their family and race.

New article coming Wednesday.

Saturday, March 16, 2024


                              Isn't that something, I wonder why I never saw this on the news?

                        If you doubt this, check out the link just below the title Interracial Rape.

                For those who would say I was a racist for posting this. I'm just the messenger here.

                   What's the old saying? "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free."

Friday, March 15, 2024

Just a Reminder

I don't want to keep repeating the same thing over and over but doing a search on the Net about white Nationalism brought up 99.9% hate against it. And once again, every other color of the rainbow and lifestyle; black, Indian, queer etc. is celebrated.

The hate directed towards the white race is unbelievable. None of these haters in America would have what they have and live the kind of lives they do if it wasn't for evil whitey and his contributions to this country.

The logical question becomes, are these people f'ng stupid? 

Take a look at what is happening in America, what are they going to do when the barbarians are at their gate because it is going to happen. When you let in millions upon millions of illegals with no end in sight and many of them are criminals, there is coming a time when it will not be life as usual in the U.S.A. Throw in the lack of sufficient law enforcement, and perhaps more concerning, restricting surveillance of criminals and their ability to go after them and you have as they say, a recipe for disaster. I would be remiss not to mention the insanity of no bail laws.

Yeah, this is all going to end well. Keep telling yourself that. Will these fools still be preoccupied with disparaging and hating everything white then?

Past articles on this Blog tell of a way to avoid the hell that is to come. Check them out.

Forewarned is foreARMED.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Hey Whitey, Hold the Ghetto Speak

This is a companion piece to my earlier post called, Misguided Youth. I thought of writing this after someone put on sport's commentator Jim Rome the other day. Rome loves to talk like he's "down with the brothers" using lots of ghetto slang. It was really pathetic to listen to.

We white folks have to avoid corruption from the world and especially any black influences. I occasionally come across white nationalists and racial realists who will use ghetto speak and think nothing of it. Words and phrases like dope, drop, and my favorite "My bad." I mean, there are so many more like calling someone Dog, Homie, Brotha and on and on.

I would highly recommend you read a short post I did a while back which stresses the importance of being true to who you are and your identity, here is the link to it: 

The New Man: We're Not You! (

I may fill out this article in the next day or two but you know what I'm getting at.

In this world but not of this world as they say.

Monday, March 11, 2024

The Decline

Dave Draper who wrote the following was not only a champion athlete but an astute observer of life and a great writer. Consider this commentary on America and its people over the decades to this present time.

The Decline by Dave Draper:

"Here is a rough bullet-summary of a devastating decline of modern mankind. Laugh it up. Pretend it's a badly scripted, poorly directed B-flick from a Hollywood starring the Osmond family.

Fitness takes hold in the '60s and erupts in the '70s. Swell. Big biz and big bucks do their dirty work: feeding frenzy, deception and hype, confusion and gluttony. No comprehensive education offered, intended or achieved, just sell, exploit, sell. Aerobics will set you free, buy a $7,000 treadmill.

Fast food arrives in the '60s --- just what we needed --- waistlines and appetites grow, time shrinks.

Schools drop athletic programs and classes on nutrition. Junk food and fast food is installed in school halls and cafeterias instead.

Fast-track living increases across the fruited plains to accommodate rising costs; God's replaced by a second job, second car, second mortgage and declining morality.

Generation gap in understanding critical need for sound exercise and right eating widens... going, going, gone.

Less family life, more single-parent families, less home front education from the now nutrition- and exercise-ignorant moms and dads results in the development of horrible eating habits and passive lifestyles.

Computers and video games replace physical play and sports for adults and kids alike, Standard game rules: 1) Sit on butt and 2) Press the buttons.

Governments miss the picture by light-years. The FDA and other agencies are 70 years behind the times in nutrition information they offer to the populace.

Sugar and grain lobbyists and fast-food bosses control the government and they control society, the herds, the sheep.

Terrorism, wars, serial killers and small and large thieves --- wickedness --- removes the prevailing wind from the ship's sails and strain at man's hopes.

The match is not over yet. It's time to get back up and fight like a man, like a woman, right here, right now. Exercise, eat right and grin with joy, and build enabling discipline and enliven the weary character as you do."

Remember folks, don't be them.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

What We Are Seeing in America Right Now

Free speech is a thing of the past in America but I'm sure most people that are even semi-conscious realize this. This fact became glaringly obvious during the Covid lockdown when anyone publishing the truth about this variety of the flu was censored, vilified and shut out of all social media. This included scientists and physicians, as well as us average folk. Fast forward a few years and the truth is now coming out about how all these restrictions were unnecessary and counterproductive.

Here's another example, the other day the useless, unqualified, white hating Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, was loudly booed at an event recognizing NYC fire fighters. The fire commissioner, naturally female, said that there would be an investigation into who participated and those involved would be punished. She added that if these people came forward and confessed, they would not face as severe punishment as the people who didn't. Severe punishment, for what? Booing?

This event is typical of what has been happening all across America. Go against the regime in power and the party line and you will be dealt with.

Here in the U.S., we have hate speech and hate crime laws, doxing, canceling, imprisonment...... and people talk about China and Russia being repressive?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Hey Whitey, They Don't Care About You

The other day there was a social media post from a lady in my town who had fought off an attempted abduction. The guy tried to shove her into his car but fortunately she escaped. This lady gave a detailed description of the attacker. She described him as a middle eastern man with a dark complexion and a beard. Well, when she saw the News report of the crime that said the man had dark hair and a beard she was seriously pissed off.
Which brings me to the point of this brief article, when did it become a practice for media outlets not to report on the skin color and/or ethnicity of a criminal? I understand that many states in this country will not provide the skin color of the perpetrator of a crime. Does this even remotely make sense? You are going to deprive the public a chance of eliminating a significant number of possible suspects? Why? Is it because you don't want to offend blacks? 

And while we're on the subject, how come black on white crime does not get the same amount of coverage as white on black crime? Readers to this Blog know that black on white crime far exceeds the reverse, white on black.

Now the media has taken it up another notch. With millions of illegal aliens in our country committing crimes on a daily basis, most media outlets are trying to avoid identifying, and even reporting on, the origin of these criminals. The million-dollar question becomes: what's the skin color of the majority of victims of illegal alien crime? Yeah, white it is.

My, my, how far America has fallen. Our country has risen up against the very people who made it great in so many different ways. To make it worse, many of our own race have turned on.....their own race! How in the world did these whites become so twisted in their thinking? Do they really believe they will be exempt from the carnage once the rabble comes to their part of town? Do they believe their stupid BLM posters or Hate Has No Home Here signs on their front lawn are going to protect them?

Keep dreaming fools!

To the sane people out there, Forewarned is Forearmed, emphasis here on armed.

If you like what I write, please pass it along to others, our race must be informed and inspired.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Boost Your Testosterone

I thought of this post after seeing an uptick in people, particularly males, wearing facemasks (aka face diapers). I feel a combination of pity and disgust when I see a man walking around with one but we should all know that ignorance and fear can be crippling. I often ask myself, what kind of testosterone level does this guy have? I also wonder about this because unless you are glued to the left-wing media all day, facemasks have been proven to be useless. This is a scientific fact, not a personal opinion. However, good luck finding honest info regarding the facemask issue online. The Web has pretty much shutdown or put disclaimers on facemask honesty.

So, how can these guys and others boost their testosterone levels? Here goes:

#1. Exercise and lift weights. With the lifting, doing the major lifts like the squat, deadlift and bench press are extremely beneficial. Aerobically, focus on HIIT style training. If you don't know what that is, there are plenty of sources on the Net that show you what it is all about.

#2. Eat enough Protein and healthy fats. Sources on protein vary from eating .8 grams of protein for every 2 lbs. of bodyweight to 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. If you are a vegan, enjoy your low T levels and unhealthy diet. There is nothing that can be done for you. Veganism is a hoax and a fad that is dangerous to do for long-term health. If you think I'm full of shit, just name one culture that has lived a long vigorous life being a vegan. I'll save you the time looking, there aren't any. If you want to find the real facts on eating for life and health that doesn't have an agenda, go to the Weston-Price Foundation online.

#3. Minimize stress. I suppose, among other things, possibly turning off the News would be a great place to start. Why be reminded every day that America is going down the crapper at breakneck speed.

#4. Increase your Vitamin D intake. That means taking a Vitamin D3 supplement and getting out in the sun. FYI--the dangers of exposure to the sun and the benefits of commercial sun blockers have been much exaggerated.

#5.Take the right supplements. A quality multi-vitamin for starters, L-Arginine and Scots Pine Pollen  Extract. The pine pollen actually works if you get the right kind and take a dropper full a few times a day. Here is a link to the best place--I have no financial connection with the company--                             Scots Pine Pollen Extract – Woodland Essence

#6.Get plenty of sleep. This one is way too often overlooked. Not enough sleep guarantees lower T-levels. 8 to 9 hours works best.

#7. Avoid estrogen like chemicals. That applies to containers housed in plastic. As a side note, avoid soy containing products like the plague. This especially pertains to Soy milk and fake meat products containing soy. They WILL raise the estrogen level in your body.

#8.Watch your alcohol intake. This one's talking to me. Your testosterone level drops 30 minutes after consuming a drink. The grim reality? Regular heavy alcohol use can lead to a condition called Erectile dysfunction or aka the rubber dick syndrome. Also, for you IPA beer drinkers, IPA means more hops in the beer which translates to higher levels of estrogen(female hormone) in your body. If you are heavy on the IPA's for a long enough time you may see the appearance of "man-boobs." I'm not bs'ing here, it's  unfortunately a fact.

Well gents, hopefully you don't need the above but file it away or pass it along to those who might.