Wednesday, May 15, 2024

W.R.R.M.---The Worm Has Turned

Thought I would repost this one. A new article is coming tomorrow. 

There is an old expression that says, don't sh*t where you eat. When I witness day after day the abusive treatment of everything White and our history, I ask myself, how do the powers that be think this is all going to end? I mean, how does elevating a totally ill-equipped people(blacks) into leadership in local, state and national governments while promoting diversity and equity, which makes a point of excluding Whites from industry and corporations, make this a better country? It doesn't.

To top it off, does promoting and celebrating everything Trans and Homo make us a better country? Look at the Trans freaks that have high positions in our military. It's embarrassing!

Enough of that, it's all just too much. Here is the article:

  W.R.R.M. stands for the White Race Resistance Movement. A movement whose time has come. 

So, what's with the phrase "The Worm Has Turned"? To those who aren't familiar with it, it means: when a person or group of people have been treated badly for a period of time stop accepting that treatment. We white people have been disrespected, demonized, disparaged, blamed and marginalized for now, far too long. 

Think about it, who has built this country (America) and the European countries? What was their skin color? Inventions, innovations, and advancements? Who was responsible for those? You see what I am getting at.

Yet, in America we see the denial and the rewriting of our history as well as the demonization of our founders and warriors. The white male in particular has been the target of those who hate the truth and our history. White supremacist is the term given to any white male who tells the truth about what is going on and does not follow the crowd.  

So, where do we go from here?

This is a non-violent movement that speaks out against what is going on, frankly, for what that may be worth, but, it is better than just remaining silent and doing nothing. There is something worthy in trying to educate the clueless or uninformed masses who have been dumbed down and/or brainwashed.

As stated by me previously, serious consideration must be given to living near those of like mind and beliefs. Getting out of the city is a no-brainer.

 I'd like to say thank you to all who visit this Blog. We are close to 1,000 visits a month. The purpose of this site is to help you become the best person you can be in a country that has become increasingly hostile to all things white. I will provide the truth of what is actually going on and what our hopelessly corrupt government is up to. The Media is co-partner in crime with the government in regard to the demonization of the white race.

Wake up Brothers, it's later than you think!

Our Perverse and Totalitarian Government

David Lane said the above many years ago. We now have a totalitarian government that is openly hostile to the White Race.

Spread the truth to our brothers and sisters who need to be woken up.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Two Quotes From Jefferson Davis

"Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established."

Although he spoke the truth in the above quote, this concept has been forgotten by the American people and made clear by our government that they will do as please.....or else.

"The South will rise again."

We can only hope because the North is lost, ruled by incompetents and tyrants.

To lighten it up a bit and to stay on topic, click the link below to hear Charlie Daniels do an incredible live version of The South's Gonna Do it Again.

The Charlie Daniels Band - The South's Gonna Do It Again (

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Media Encouraging the Hatred of Whites, Pt.1

Anyone that is half awake and observant recognizes that all facets of the media are against the White race. We see this everywhere, every day. Meanwhile, everything black is celebrated. Pride for the black race, making concessions and giving special privileges to the negro is fully accepted. Hell, we even have a whole month dedicated to their "history." Not so for us honkeys.

We see that if you are a White nationalist though, it automatically translates to you being a bigot, Nazi, hater, etc.

Let's see, one group can be proud of their race and its preservation while another one can't. Yeah, that makes sense.

So, I was looking up White nationalism on the Web and I came across a list of people thought to be White nationalists. Again, it was made quite clear that these people were not only like Nazi's but a real danger to America.  I was struck by some of those who were on this list. I'll first name ones that were no surprise: Jared Taylor of Amren, William Luther Pierce, Revilo P. Oliver, Kevin MacDonald, Kevin Strom, David Duke, Nick Fuentes, George Lincoln Rockwell. My favorite on the list was Swedish singer Saga who left active participation in the movement many years ago. My other favorite was Adolf Hitler, yes, that Adolf. Let me see, Jared Taylor is in the same class as Adolf Hitler?

Now to the weird picks: Presidents Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Johnson. I couldn't for the life of me find a reason for their inclusion, but Jackson must have done something right because they want to take him off the $20. bill. Tomislav Sunic, a professor and writer was cited as being part of the European New Right as was Merlin Miller, filmmaker, writer. My question is, why didn't Donald Trump make this list with all the hate thrown at him. I could go on and list more but let's get to the heart of the problem, EVERYONE that is/was even mildly connected with supporting and advocating for the White race is considered a clear and present danger. 

Now get this, we have gone from calling violent acts of the past against blacks as being borne out of a White supremacist mindset to..........................saying that writing and speaking about pride for your White race is equally threatening and dangerous. What's next? Just being white is bad? My, my, that strikes me as being truly intolerant,

As an aside, I live in an urban area and will often put up small stickers on stop signs and lamp posts that say: It's O.K. To Be White.  People put up all kinds of stickers, mostly left leaning, Commie, or flat out Marxist ones. I should add that this area is overwhelmingly white. Well, it is guaranteed that within a week these stickers are either blacked out or ripped off. Funny though, the hideous BLM signs on lawns and stickers that are all over the place are never defaced

That's the world we now live in.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Men, Teach Your Boys

I just saw an article stating that 77% of young Americans are considered unfit for military service. But, that might be a good thing. Does anyone really want to be a part of unnecessary wars and a military that promotes and celebrates everything homo and trans? The takeaway from this is that the majority of our youth are in poor physical condition.

Then I was reminded of the curriculums in our public-school systems, one of which is called Critical Race Theory CRT) which is a dressed up phrase for, blame the White race for pretty much everything. You know, we were and are the oppressors and exploiters of blacks through the ages.

Also, sometime back I read an article about how young male children are far too often drugged with dangerous ADHD drugs for exhibiting what was once accepted as typical boy behavior. You know, things like being fidgety and hyperactive.

Girls' attendance at college now surpasses boys. Young men are experiencing "mental illnesses" more than they ever have before. Pot smoking is very prevalent among our male youth. Cellphone use is beyond excessive with pre-teens and teens.

I could go on, but you get the picture, it is a tough time to be a boy.

What can fathers do about this situation?

The answer should be obvious for every White male who is proud of his race. For starters, be a role model, be an example of what true masculinity is. Remember this, your boy listens and absorbs what you say to others be it at home, in the car or wherever.

Then, do all you can do to keep your kids out of the public school system where they brainwash your children in pretty much every way imaginable. The alternatives are home schooling or the exorbitantly expensive private schools. If neither one of these is an option, ask your children daily about what they were taught in school and set them right as needed.

Get them to be physically active. There are so many things they can do. It is not just about joining teams.

Hold off giving young kids cellphones because they are extremely addictive.

Talk to your boys daily, teach them about the world around them and life. Read to them when they are young. Listen to what they have to say. Now read the following sentence VERY carefully: After a certain age too many fathers simply let their sons go their own way while they go theirs.

I could say more, and I am certain many of you could add to what I have already said. We live in an America where the strong, assertive, confident, and courageous White male is not portrayed on television and in movies as he once was. Too often he is depicted as a buffoon, bigot or someone who needs the guidance of a female or some negro.

I am not blowing my own horn but what I have written about and the suggestions I have made, don't seem to be spoken about much. 

We must nurture, safeguard and prepare our boys for a world that is daily demonizing and marginalizing him because of color.

Imagine that.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

I Never Cared Until.....

 Thought I'd repeat this post from awhile back for those who haven't looked into my archive section.

As I posted below--new post coming tomorrow.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Being a Real Man

 Vulnerability invites violence.

Strength isn’t the only quality that matters. Sometimes it doesn’t matter at all. Strength is rarely a disadvantage.

"No one respects a man who is always apologizing and backpedaling. No one respects a man who is always asking for permission. No one respects a man who won't stand up for himself or fight for his own interests." Quotes by J.Donovan.

Next article is tomorrow: Men, Teach Your Boys.

Delayed--will post Thursday.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Be a Role Model White Man

I've written on this subject before regarding how us white nationalists should look and behave. I am going to ramble on a bit so bear with me. 

I'm sure most of us know we (White Nationalists) are lied about by the media and by our totally corrupt government. Freedom of speech and expression don't exist for us like they do for blacks and their groups. I can't even get my local newspaper to print a Letter to the Editor asking why all black graduations, all black colleges and all black organizations are allowed but the same doesn't go for anything all white. Also, this paper won't publish my asking why it is acceptable to have blacks portray white historical figures on TV and movies, but you would never be allowed to have a white play the part of a black person.

A significant number of the white population in the U.S. knows what is going on. What I mean is, is that they recognize that blacks have been elevated to a special class of people viewed as victimized, yet somehow privileged and deserving of special treatment. For example, unacceptable and criminal behavior is more often than not excused and given a free pass. Whites who recognize what is happening know better than to speak out about this for fear of being labelled a racist. Along the same lines, this also includes being vocal about having pride in your white race and all its accomplishments. Relatedly, Americans have been hammered by the media to believe that having white pride or being White Nationalists means we are all nazis, bigots, haters, etc.

Which brings me to my point. We white men are to be role models as to what a White Nationalist is. And for those who aren't really sure what a White Nationalist is, it's a person who supports the wellbeing and interests of a white population within his country. By the way, if you look on the Web to find a description you will find only lies and misinformation.

Now, back to my point, we white guys are to be ambassadors for our cause. That means we talk, act and look in a way that promotes the cause, not turns people off. We are well read and informed. For instance, when some deluded white person tells you about the brutality perpetrated against blacks by whites you cite the overwhelming stats that show the opposite is true. You also refrain from being crude, like using the word n*gger and other types of words. For the person who is still new to what White Nationalism is, this can be a real turn off.

Appearance. Are you a fat, slovenly shit who looks like he just rolled out of bed or a 98 lb weakling? Do I need to ask what kind of impression does that make on anybody? Work out, stop eating shit food and guzzling booze every day. Discipline yourself in all areas of your life. If not for yourself, do it for the cause you claim to represent. 

In closing, be the right representative of the White Pride you espouse.