Sunday, June 30, 2024

They Really Don't Give a Shit About You or This Country

By now I am sure pretty much everyone in America realizes after Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance, that he is totally unfit to lead a 7-11 convenience store, much less a country.

I mean, for the dummies that didn't think something was wrong before this considering his often incoherent speech, confused look and wandering off inappropriately, then I say wake up for heaven's sake!

At the recent G-7 summit independent sources revealed that many world leaders were stunned by the mental condition of Biden.

With that said, is it a surprise that this man has been destroying America in a variety of ways that have been chronicled here and elsewhere?

After the debate, the stunned supporters, fellow party members and the media called for this demented fool to give up his quest for re-election. But the next day there was Joe in North Carolina spreading his lies and hate in a campaign event. He and his wife made it quite clear they were "in it to win it."

Now we are seeing a backtracking by many of Biden's fellow party members on asking him to withdraw.  The racist Obama has said, "bad debates happen." The Clintons and Newsom have voiced their support for his continuing. Newsom as we all know has been touted as a replacement for Biden. Let me get this right, you want a guy who ruined San Francisco (Sodom by the sea) and California as President? WTF?

Soon, this debate will be ignored and forgotten. The next one will be cancelled. Trump will probably be put in jail on July 11. The "new" Joe Biden will be promoted endlessly by this regime's media.

Here's the reality, America is ripe for the picking. Our enemies see what a disaster this buffoon is. They know they can do as they please in the world and the U.S. will not respond. 

What say our politicians? As long as their guy gets in, they could care less about the danger they are putting us in or the fact that this country is being destroyed. They don't give a shit!

If Biden is re-elected, that will be it for this country. Do I have to say 20 million more and counting illegals allowed in, an economy that is going further down the tubes as each day passes and the increasing unpunished lawlessness as reasons?

Be aware, be alert and be prepared.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Celebrating Scumbags

As they take down statues of our heroes, starting with those in the Confederate army and then moving on to people like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others, we see statues of a scumbag like George Floyd being erected.

Making heroes out of so-called martyrs and undeserving blacks is now the norm.

This is the country we now live in.

I would strongly recommend you listen to the Amren talk I posted yesterday. It explains the how's and whys we have gotten to this point.

Next post tomorrow.

Friday, June 28, 2024

A Must Listen to Podcast

This, probably 20-minute program from American Renaissance by Gregory Hood, is a must listen to talk. He nails it in regards to what has been happening, and what will become of, the White people in America.

It is insightful and disturbing. I don't usually recommend podcasts and talks but this is one that needs to be heard!

I was going to post an article today but will do so tomorrow because I wanted to get the word out on this.

Click on the link below to listen. I should add that despite the title, it is not all about Juneteenth.

A Juneteenth Celebration - American Renaissance (

Thursday, June 27, 2024

One More Time

Do you have a purpose in life?

Spread the message to those brothers and sisters who are clueless about the war against the White race.

Do whatever you can to stand up to the real and only racism in this country, the targeting, disparaging and demonizing of Our White Race.

14 Words!

Next article on Friday.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Muslims, Islamophobia and Tommy Robinson

To the above I say, why don't you and all your American sympathizers go back to the hellhole in the Middle East where you came from?

You may recall I did a post the other day on English anti-Muslim activist Tommy Robinson. He was recently arrested in Canada after giving a speech. There is no freedom of speech in Canada anymore. Then again, there really isn't any in the U.S. either. I have a link below to the Rebel News site where you can access recent articles on Robinson and his plight.

Robinson has the courage to speak out on the consequences of flooding his and other countries with third worlders' who have no desire to assimilate into the host country and cause murder and mayhem wherever they go. For starters, he cites what has happened to England, London in particular, and France. Robinson has paid a heavy price for his being honest and outspoken. He's often been arrested and done time in prison.

As far as Islamophobia? I laugh when I see that word because I think of how our spineless leaders in America have cautioned against Islamophobia right after Muslims have committed terrorist attacks here. Huh?  George W. Bush, who started two useless wars, actually warned against it shortly after 9-11. Our mush brained; pants crapping President Biden has done the same on more than one occasion. Way to show strength guys!

The reality is, the Quran is loaded with many disturbing verses calling for death to all who don't follow the "prophet's" dictates. Like the Book of Mormon, it is a fraudulent book that has in its own way enslaved millions of people.

Merle Haggard summed it all up in this one verse from his song: Fightin' Side of Me: "They love our milk an' honey, but they preach about some other way of livin'."  My take on this: think of America as an animal being eaten alive by millions of parasites. The death is slow and deliberate. That is what's happening here now. Millions upon millions of people are coming in from 150+ nations going directly to welfare. Most have zero desire to assimilate, many have criminal intent that is emboldened by a gutless American justice system.

The elites and politicians are pushing our country to a kind of suicide that will lead to the destruction of our country. Why? Tell me if you know.

Rebel News is a great News site, click on the link at the bottom and you will see recent articles about Robinson and other reports on very relevant, timely issues.

Rebel News



Sunday, June 23, 2024

On the Road to Ruin

If the current regime remains in power, that means our borders will stay open, thus allowing in millions more illegals who will bring with them more mayhem and murder. Let's not forget all will be going on the public dole.

My only hope is that by some miniscule chance this current regime is forced out, and, politicians, rich people and all those in the Media become victims of illegal alien crime. That this rabble invades their mansions and gated communities and does to them what they have done to the average White American.

If there is no change of leadership in November, I urge all those who are still living in cities to leave and move to some place in the country surrounded by those of like mind.

America is presently going down the shitter at an ever increasing speed and looks like it's about to crash and burn.

Forewarned is forARMED.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Few of the Many Who Have Been Killed by Illegals

Note that the overwhelming majority of those killed are White. Worse yet, there are hundreds more murders and attacks that have gone unreported.

This present government doesn't care about the White race.

Next article Monday.

Some Relevant Advice for All White Americans

 "The law of silence: Speak little. Say only what you must. Speak only when necessary. Your oratory should be deeds, not words. You accomplish, let others talk."

As we wonder how our government has become so dysfunctional, in the quote below Corneliu Codreanu provided the answer over a 100 years ago:

"Democracy is incapable of perseverance. Since it is shared by political parties that rule for one, two, or three years, it is unable to conceive and carry out plans of longer duration. One party annuls the plans and efforts of the other. What is conceived and built by one party today is destroyed by another tomorrow. In a country in which much has to be built, in which building is indeed the primary historical requirement, this disadvantage of democracy constitutes a true danger. It is a situation similar to that which prevails in an establishment where masters are changed every year, each new master bringing in his own plans, ruining what was done by some, and starting new things, which will in turn be destroyed by tomorrow's masters."

In one paragraph this so-called right-wing extremist from Romania nails what is wrong with our government.

Next article coming Monday.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Prophet for Our Time

 Replace Romania with America.

Just came across this man, I don't know why it took so long.

I know Wikipedia is often not accurate but check out his bio in the link below. It seems like this entry is pretty good.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - Wikipedia

Thursday, June 20, 2024

No News is Good News?

We all surely realize that the media lies to us, Recently I had to laugh when the liberal media outlets, which means pretty much all of the media, claimed that videos of our mush brained, demented President acting like a dementia patient were fake. Hosts on TV were pushing this narrative endlessly. I can only assume that they think most Americans are stupid. I say this because Biden makes a fool of himself EVERYTIME he is in front of the camera. Even several world leaders have recently made mention of Biden's impairment to other leaders and the press in their country. Add to this the fact that Biden won't, unlike Trump, take a cognitive test speaks volumes. I could go on about this useless p.o.s. and his mental impairment but he isn't worth my time.

Let's get to the heart of the matter and that is that all facets of the media, local and national, are not reporting on all the crimes being committed by illegals. Sure, they cover some that they can't suppress but most are going unreported. The reason for this is that it goes against the current regime's push to keep the borders open with minimal opposition. How do I know this? Certain politicians, independent media outlets as well as police and officials in effected towns and cities have gotten the truth out.

Let's get to the heart of the matter. The overwhelming number of people who have fallen victim to illegal crime and violence are White.

Ultimately, most people don't give a shit about illegals until they are personally impacted by them. As an aside, the County Executive where I live allowed in 536 illegals, within a week of their arrival, one rape was committed and one attempted rape. Since then, these people have engaged in various criminal acts. Our local newspaper reported on these sexual incidents only after they were posted on social media.

The picture above is of illegals in NYC attacking police. These criminals were briefly arrested and then let out with appearance tickets compliments of the obese, waste of DNA, District Attorney Alvin Bragg. As one illegal was leaving jail, he gave the finger to members of the press. Why illegals aren't immediately deported after committing crimes is beyond me.

Sometime soon I will provide a list of websites that provide the real news.

The government and most of the Media lies and care only about their "agenda," not us.

In closing: Be prepared, be vigilant and forewarned is foreARMed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy White Heterosexual Pride Month

There has already been an outcry of protest against those who have declared this White Heterosexual Pride Month.

Figures. Up is down, ugly is beauty, perverse is normal in our depraved society today.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Don't Be a Soft Target

Before I start, I should say this, while looking on Bing and Google for photos of blacks attacking whites, I couldn't find any. All I saw were pictures of whites brutalizing blacks. This is very perplexing because black on white crime is overwhelmingly greater than white on black crime. Exhibit A on how corrupt and dishonest these two search engines are.

If you want to find honesty on the prevalence of black on white, illegals on white crime, simply go to X (twitter) and type in anti-white and you will find 3 or 4 sites that accurately chronicle this travesty. WARNING: it will enrage you watching the video posts they show. With that said, what kind of depraved human films blacks beating on outnumbered and often defenseless whites, white females in particular?

What I am about to write about is probably info most of you already know but I have some readers who aren't up on even what a "soft target" is. A soft target is simply someone who appears vulnerable and easy prey for some criminal. So, how do I avoid becoming one?

Conceal and carry, as in packing a gun. This isn't always feasible because so many states place restrictions on obtaining a permit. In New York, you can't buy a Taser or even Bear spray. But, having no bail and releasing serious criminals back on the streets after they commit a crime is, OK? Couple this with defunding and defanging the police and consequently the larger cities in N.Y. are basically unlivable. This situation exists in many other cities in the U.S.

This one is a no-brainer, stay out of city areas after dark that are heavy on minorities. It's amazing to me how Whites will think nothing of going to restaurants or clubs in such areas. Also, leaving such venues alone, especially if intoxicated, is pure foolishness.

If you are elderly or have some physical issues that are obvious like difficulty walking, keep your ass in predominately white areas. Nothing is sadder than elderly white people who are forced, because of financial issues, to stay in neighborhoods that were once safe and white but over the years have degenerated into ghettos.

When driving up to gas stations and stores in certain areas, especially after dark, survey the surroundings of the buildings before getting out. Where I live, I often see aggressive "panhandlers" approaching cars asking for money. Many are somewhat threatening when they are told no.

Finally, remember that blacks in particular choose to travel and attack in groups. You often see one approach a White person in a confrontational manner, then when the White guy fights back he is jumped on by the negro's buddies. I have read that it is recommended that when threatened, a White man should strike first and not allow the intimidation by the negro to escalate. This makes sense because either way the White man is potentially going to be attacked. We all know that at the heart of every bully lies a coward.

There you have it Brothers and Sisters. If any of you have some other suggestions on not being a soft target, make a comment below.




Monday, June 10, 2024

You Might Be a White Supremacist If

I've mentioned this previously how America has gone from describing people in white robes and hoods and those wearing Nazi symbols as White supremacists, to certain people making the OK sign as also being White supremacists. Absurd as this is, take a look on the Web and you will see what gets you targeted as a hater has greatly expanded.

What follows are just a few of many things that can get you labeled a White Supremacist. Most will make you shake your head and say WTF?

Betsy Ross flag and any 1776 memorabilia. When looking to find an explanation for these things making the list I found it was because those were the days when the nation was White and White ruled. Throw in the fact that there was slavery back then and you arrive at White supremacy. After reading about this last year, I made a point of buying a Betsy Ross cap. 

The America First flag. God forbid, America first. Donald Trump was targeted as a promoter of America First. In fact, they make a point of naming Trump being connected with many things White supremacist.

The Confederate Flag. Sorry you fools at the S.P.L.C. and A.D.L., the flag is about heritage not hate.

Fred Perry Polo shirts. Fred Perry was a tennis champion from the 30's to the 50's who founded a clothing line. From what I understand, these supposed "racists" who were at certain pro-White or America gatherings wore Fred Perry gear. Guilt by association?

Lonsdale Clothing Company. Never heard of the company, clueless to what their stuff looks like. Here's where the White supremacist claim comes in, if you take the middle letters NSDA, that supposedly contains some Nazi reference.

Next: Any kind of Norse Imagery, Viking or Runic symbols. Go figure on that one.

Thor Steinar clothing. Based in Germany, this clothing line features a fair amount of Viking imagery. I have a Thor Steinar winter coat I bought 3 years ago and it is the best coat I ever had. I highly recommend this company but order directly from Germany. The American outlet for Thor Steinar is grossly overpriced. They have a wide variety of clothing and accessories. Once again, Steinar apparently makes the list because of certain people who have worn it.

New Balance sneakers, no shit. Don't ask me to explain this one, just do a search on Bing for New Balance sneakers, White Supremacist.

Last but not least, Pepe the frog meme. I've seen Pepe on the comments section of many sites I go on. I could never figure out what it was or what the frog signifies. But, in their twisted thinking, the powers that have deemed this a symbol of hate because the people who use it don't fit their way of thinking.

Well, there we have it. This country has gotten to the point where being White and proud of what America once was, makes you a hater and/or a White supremacist. However, we White men and women who are proud of our race will not be intimidated and will inform others of what is going on in this country.

In closing, I highly recommend that you listen to this 20-minute talk given by Jared Taylor of American Renaissance. It ties in with what you've read today and is vitally important for concerned White Americans to hear. Click on the link below:

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part I - American Renaissance (

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Truth


I believe the stats in the first picture are old. It's worse now.

New post coming Monday.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Something For Men to Think About


“If you are never truly challenged in a meaningful way and are only required to perform idiot-proofed corporate processes to get your meat and shelter, can you ever truly be engaged enough to call yourself alive, let alone a man?”

Are you finding ways to challenge ourselves mentally and physically or have you just settled into a comfortable routine?

 “Feminists, pacifists, and members of the privileged classes recognize that brother-bonded men who are good at being men will always be a threat, but they forget that some of those men are necessary to create and maintain order in the first place.”

I always laugh when being an Alpha male is demonized by the media. Who do they think made this country great and got us to where we are?

"To protect and serve their own interests, the wealthy and privileged have used feminists and pacifists to promote a masculinity that has nothing to do with being good at being a man, and everything to do with being what they consider a “good man.” Their version of a good man is isolated from his peers, emotional, effectively impotent, easy to manage, and tactically inept."

Hard to believe that being an Alpha male was once respected and celebrated in our society. The sensitive Beta male is now promoted as the ideal man.

Don't get lulled into complacency, don't coddle yourself, be a doer not a watcher.

Quotes by J Donovan.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gay Pride Month and All That Fagg*try

 Where to begin? June is Gay Pride month. So, am I to celebrate a group of people who are so obviously sick and perverted?

If you think I am being harsh, my question is, have you ever been to a gay pride parade? I did last year. It was part freak show and, in many ways, quite depressing.

The parade was led by 20 different area high schools with banners identifying their school's LGBTQ "club." After them, every area business, hospital, corporation, and political party with politicians followed. The parade marched past the point where I was for over an hour and a half. Think about that. The screaming from the spectators for the marchers was loud and unending.

A few things struck me about the parade participants. Most were obese and ugly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at that because well over half the U.S. population is obese. Then, we had guys wearing chaps with little else on, some were wearing leather masks and carrying whips while other people were dressed like stuffed animals (furies?). We would be remiss not to mention the Transgenders who made up a big part of the parade. In a venue filled with freaks and depravity, the Trans group took the prize for the sickest.

The spectators: most were as bizarre and obese as the marchers. Multicolored hair with multiple tattoos over flabby white bodies is never a good look. A suggestion, you might want to get in shape before putting another tattoo on your body. Effeminate, swishing males were well represented. 

Question, who in their right mind would take children of all ages to something like this? To top it off, many of the children were waving the fag pride flag.

There was an abundance of flags that said, "Born This Way." The connotation is that they were born gay and/or trans. To this I say, no you weren't. There is no scientific evidence that there is a gay gene. Zero! With close to 40 years in the psychiatric field I say this, being gay is the result of some event or events, or living situation in an individual's upbringing, that leads to his or her becoming homosexual. Both homosexuality, and more recently, transgenderism, were classified as psychiatric disorders by the American Psychiatric Association (DSM). Pressure from special interest groups forced this classification to be dropped. Let me quickly add this little tidbit, several years ago I read where sexually active male homos have a life expectancy that is 20 years less than straight males. And forget where AIDS came from originally.

So, what am I getting at with this post? Do I hate all things queer and related? Not really. Most I feel sorrow and pity for. My beef, like I am sure it is with many of you, don't shove this LGBTQ....shit in my face. Don't ask me to celebrate or recognize it. I don't want to see the streets lined with rainbow flags and endless recognition of "Pride" month all over the television and in every aspect of our society.
If you are homosexual, just go about your business. I don't care about your sexuality and people don't need to hear about it. Just like people don't need to hear that I'm heterosexual. One other thing, spare me the, we are an oppressed, discriminated minority. You are anything but in this sick, increasingly depraved society.

We are not them--14 Words!

Monday, June 3, 2024

President Jefferson Davis


Today marks 216 years since the birth of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865. 

One of the many lies I was taught growing up in the North was that the Civil War was ALL about freeing the slaves. The link at the bottom of this page takes you to a brief article which refutes this misconception.

Another thing I was never taught was that President Davis was formerly a U.S. Senator and a Secretary of War. He served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican American War and was a strong defender of State's Rights (something badly needed today).

It is probably human nature that we don't consider the courage and intelligence it took to break away from the Union against seemingly impossible odds and set up a new government.

Check out the link below this picture at the bottom of the page. The picture below was sent from a Southern friend who is totally disgusted with the depravity that has overtaken this country.

Why the Civil War Wasn’t About Slavery – Abbeville Institute

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tommy Robinson On Islam and the Muslim Invasion

In case you don't know, Tommy Robinson is a courageous British activist who has fought against the massive influx of Muslims into his country. He has been very vocal regarding what has happened to Britain as a result of it.

Robinson has paid the price for standing up against the ongoing destruction of his country. He has been jailed and vilified as a hater. This, despite the fact that muslims have committed countless crimes and terrorist attacks in his country. They actually have "no go" zones in certain parts of London where non-muslims and police won't venture.

Meanwhile, we see the shit for brains Biden catering to the muslims in this country in order to secure votes for the upcoming election. His repeated referencing of Islamophobia is nauseating.

America could use some Tommy Robinsons.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Some Thoughts on Donald Trump, the Verdict and America

 As the Media rejoices and endorses the Banana Republic style trial and conviction of Donald Trump, a few things come to mind.

Many people on both sides of the political fence hate the former President. Fine. That's your right but consider this: you take out the competition against someone who is running against the mush brained Biden and now appears to have a clear path to re-election, what does this mean for America?

It means 10-20 million more illegals coming into the nation and going directly on the welfare dole while committing heinous crimes against mostly White people. If this is a surprise to anyone then you haven't been following certain websites that cover the actual News. The local newspapers and Media will not report the heinous crimes these sub-humans commit because why? Because it will reflect badly on Biden's open border policy.

Biden will continue to kill our gas and oil industries. Groceries are up forty percent and rising, gas for cars and homes will go up even further.

A free pass on crime for negroes and anarchists will continue unchecked.

Negroes will continue to be given favored race status in regard to jobs, grants and everything else.

Organize a protest against this administration involving mostly White people and you will be doxed, canceled, and vilified as being a White supremacist.

They will put the former President in jail come sentencing, you can put money on it.

There will be no Biden/Trump debate because the severely demented Biden is mentally incapable of engaging in one. He will give the excuse of not wanting to debate a convicted felon.

The people that rejoice because of this verdict don't give a shit about this country, they care only about getting their guy and agenda through. An agenda that means control to varying degrees of every aspect of your life,

So, I say, hate Trump all you want but look at the alternative we have.

F*ck this government!