Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Boost Your Testosterone

I thought of this post after seeing an uptick in people, particularly males, wearing facemasks (aka face diapers). I feel a combination of pity and disgust when I see a man walking around with one but we should all know that ignorance and fear can be crippling. I often ask myself, what kind of testosterone level does this guy have? I also wonder about this because unless you are glued to the left-wing media all day, facemasks have been proven to be useless. This is a scientific fact, not a personal opinion. However, good luck finding honest info regarding the facemask issue online. The Web has pretty much shutdown or put disclaimers on facemask honesty.

So, how can these guys and others boost their testosterone levels? Here goes:

#1. Exercise and lift weights. With the lifting, doing the major lifts like the squat, deadlift and bench press are extremely beneficial. Aerobically, focus on HIIT style training. If you don't know what that is, there are plenty of sources on the Net that show you what it is all about.

#2. Eat enough Protein and healthy fats. Sources on protein vary from eating .8 grams of protein for every 2 lbs. of bodyweight to 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. If you are a vegan, enjoy your low T levels and unhealthy diet. There is nothing that can be done for you. Veganism is a hoax and a fad that is dangerous to do for long-term health. If you think I'm full of shit, just name one culture that has lived a long vigorous life being a vegan. I'll save you the time looking, there aren't any. If you want to find the real facts on eating for life and health that doesn't have an agenda, go to the Weston-Price Foundation online.

#3. Minimize stress. I suppose, among other things, possibly turning off the News would be a great place to start. Why be reminded every day that America is going down the crapper at breakneck speed.

#4. Increase your Vitamin D intake. That means taking a Vitamin D3 supplement and getting out in the sun. FYI--the dangers of exposure to the sun and the benefits of commercial sun blockers have been much exaggerated.

#5.Take the right supplements. A quality multi-vitamin for starters, L-Arginine and Scots Pine Pollen  Extract. The pine pollen actually works if you get the right kind and take a dropper full a few times a day. Here is a link to the best place--I have no financial connection with the company--                             Scots Pine Pollen Extract – Woodland Essence

#6.Get plenty of sleep. This one is way too often overlooked. Not enough sleep guarantees lower T-levels. 8 to 9 hours works best.

#7. Avoid estrogen like chemicals. That applies to containers housed in plastic. As a side note, avoid soy containing products like the plague. This especially pertains to Soy milk and fake meat products containing soy. They WILL raise the estrogen level in your body.

#8.Watch your alcohol intake. This one's talking to me. Your testosterone level drops 30 minutes after consuming a drink. The grim reality? Regular heavy alcohol use can lead to a condition called Erectile dysfunction or aka the rubber dick syndrome. Also, for you IPA beer drinkers, IPA means more hops in the beer which translates to higher levels of estrogen(female hormone) in your body. If you are heavy on the IPA's for a long enough time you may see the appearance of "man-boobs." I'm not bs'ing here, it's  unfortunately a fact.

Well gents, hopefully you don't need the above but file it away or pass it along to those who might.


  1. Oh yeah--avoid Testosterone Replacement Therapy--the potential long-term health problems are well documented. And--this is big--especially for you younger guys--regular injections of T will cause your body to eventually stop producing it on its own.

    1. But surley for older guys who need it, it is pretty much essential?
