Saturday, March 9, 2024

Hey Whitey, They Don't Care About You

The other day there was a social media post from a lady in my town who had fought off an attempted abduction. The guy tried to shove her into his car but fortunately she escaped. This lady gave a detailed description of the attacker. She described him as a middle eastern man with a dark complexion and a beard. Well, when she saw the News report of the crime that said the man had dark hair and a beard she was seriously pissed off.
Which brings me to the point of this brief article, when did it become a practice for media outlets not to report on the skin color and/or ethnicity of a criminal? I understand that many states in this country will not provide the skin color of the perpetrator of a crime. Does this even remotely make sense? You are going to deprive the public a chance of eliminating a significant number of possible suspects? Why? Is it because you don't want to offend blacks? 

And while we're on the subject, how come black on white crime does not get the same amount of coverage as white on black crime? Readers to this Blog know that black on white crime far exceeds the reverse, white on black.

Now the media has taken it up another notch. With millions of illegal aliens in our country committing crimes on a daily basis, most media outlets are trying to avoid identifying, and even reporting on, the origin of these criminals. The million-dollar question becomes: what's the skin color of the majority of victims of illegal alien crime? Yeah, white it is.

My, my, how far America has fallen. Our country has risen up against the very people who made it great in so many different ways. To make it worse, many of our own race have turned on.....their own race! How in the world did these whites become so twisted in their thinking? Do they really believe they will be exempt from the carnage once the rabble comes to their part of town? Do they believe their stupid BLM posters or Hate Has No Home Here signs on their front lawn are going to protect them?

Keep dreaming fools!

To the sane people out there, Forewarned is Forearmed, emphasis here on armed.

If you like what I write, please pass it along to others, our race must be informed and inspired.

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