Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Jewish Thing and What to Do About It

 This is a tough article to write about because people have strong feelings on Jews. My purpose for this brief post is not to defend the Jews but to bring up one essential point which I will give near the end. With that said, I will admit I am not that well versed on the Jews and what they control, what they do and what they have done. But, I have read author Robert Balaicius' books which often reference the Jews and their actions. He is based out of Mountain City, Tennessee. I would highly recommend his books. He heads Sacred Truth Ministries which I must quickly add is unlike any ministry you will ever see. Political correctness is nowhere to be found in Robert's writings.

I have read that the Jews of today are not the same as the Israelites of the Bible. Perhaps they could be more accurately called Talmudic Jews. I am not 100% sure of that description but suffice to say it is true that these Jews are NOT the same as the Israelites of centuries ago. Once again, Balaicius and others are more knowledgeable on this subject than I. Also, and this was a surprise to me, Israel is not a country filled with pious Jews, the majority of people there aren't observant.

To continue, you won't get an argument from me that the Jews control the Media, entertainment, Banking and probably much more. Are they pulling the strings on world events past and present? You couldn't get me to bet my paycheck on the fact they haven't.

I thought of this post the other day when I went to the site The Unz Review. Looking through several articles, and especially going over reader's comments, I was struck by the anger and obsessive hate for the Jews. Now don't get me wrong, I understand where they are coming from but the BIG questions I have are, where's it going to get you? What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? I don't see anything. This isn't helped by the fact there is such a veil of secrecy around what Jews do.  

So, to those people who are preoccupied with everything Jew, I say, let it go, focus on other things you can do something about. Letting this issue effect, obsess and distract you means in a small way the Jews win. They've gotten under your skin. You are thinking about them way too much.

In closing, I would urge people, especially city dwellers, to focus most on improving themselves and preparing for the hell that is about to be unleashed in their cities and suburbs. A result of 10's of millions of illegal criminals being let into this country. And don't forget about the increase in crime, that for the most part, just seems to be allowed and not adequately punished. Police have been so restricted by what they can do to deal with the rabble. 

Take it from me Brothers, this country is in for a chaos that no one has ever seen in America before.

Forewarned if ForeARMED.

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