Saturday, July 1, 2023

Mocking Alpha Males

Pictured above is one of the more arrogant, half men you will ever see, Steven Colbert. Richer than any of us, he made this comment not too long ago when gas prices were sky rocketing, I'm paraphrasing: "I've got an EV (electric vehicle), no problem here." The inference was, get an electric car fool. Well, sorry dweeb, I don't have 60 thousand to spend on a vehicle that sounds like a child's toy and has to be charged up at places that don't exist in my area. It was this idiot's "Let them eat cake moment."

You've read on this blog before how any display these days of what was once accepted as traditional masculinity, is now described as "toxic." From there the media and its puppets make the jump in "logic" to saying that if you look into what comprises alpha males you are bound to find homophobes, neo-Nazis, insurrectionists, etc. Translation: these are potentially very dangerous people. What a despicable and false assumption to make.

Well, guess what? These same people have taken their twisted thinking to a whole new level. Of late, the inference is being made that those who are alpha males and engage in the things alpha males do, like working out for starters, are basically repressed, or closeted, homosexuals. Don't believe me? Google Tucker Carlson's, The End of Men for starters.

So, why all the hatred and lies directed to us alpha males? Isn't it obvious? It's because we are seen as a threat to the world these people want. You know, a world like the one they are attempting to create in America right now. I hope you recognize what they are trying to do to us and this country. 

Docile, passive men who buy into the "party line" are what they want. My question is, are they that foolish to think that calling us homos is going to change anything?

I know I write this all the time but people, be an example to others, stop smoking pot, doing drugs and drinking to excess. Oh yeah, do you believe that after decades of the government demonizing marijuana that suddenly it's now OK? Ya' think maybe the legalization of weed may have something to do with creating a lazy and controllable population? Mmmmm.

Fight the power people, stay true to your convictions, connect with those of like mind.

Celebrate Our Heroes this 4th of July, you know, the ones now being "cancelled."


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