Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Pro-Feminist Male

 "The pro-feminist male is a wretched guilt-ridden creature who must at every turn make certain he is not impeding the progress of women in any way. He willingly accepts guilt for crimes against women he never committed, perpetrated by men he has never met.

He must question any interest he has in sports or any admiration he might have for traditional male role models--for fear that he is perpetuating cultures of honor or patriarchy that could somehow result in the oppression of/or violence against women. He must be careful to include women in every activity, even if he would prefer not to. He must try hard to understand how 'his' own attitudes and actions might inadvertently perpetuate sexism and violence, and work toward changing them. He must never collude with men to work for the interests of men---unless those interests have been certified as completely harmless to the interests of women.

He is encouraged to work with women to support their interests with little or no regard to how those interests might have a negative impact on men. He must support and defend programs that help or give advantages to women based on their sex alone. The only 'freedom' that feminism offers men is the freedom to do exactly what women want to do. The freedom to serve." J. Donovan quote.

As I typed this, I could not help but think how this applies in large part to whites and race in 2023.

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