Saturday, July 8, 2023

What To Do--Now!

 This is your wake-up call, if needed!

"If you despise what you see in the world around you, do not lament the passing of a dream you never knew--dream the world that you want NOW! Begin from where you are. Dream a new world and impose it from above. Thrust your hands into the decaying soil, scoop it up and sculpt it--give it shape with all of your strength. Life was never fair and creation was never easy.

Take the world you have and make the one you want. Be the god that gives it life.

And if you don't know where to start---if you have nothing but your own body---start there. Create and recreate yourself. Be the clay,and become your own dream. Not because you have to, or because it is needed or necessary, but because you want to.

Why not?

Isn't that what the conqueror, the master and the first king says?

'Why not me?'

Why not be the creature who creates himself? 

And...then......." J.Donovan.

I'll say this to "And....then..." And then we should go on to start the type of environment we want to live in. Intentional communities consisting of those of like mind and ideals. If you are waiting for "your guy" or team to get in and right this sinking ship called America, you are deluding yourself.

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