Friday, July 7, 2023

Vegan Nonsense

 I'd like to start by saying I have studied nutrition and exercise since 1974. I was also a certified fitness trainer. In the remote past I too was suckered in by nutrition "gurus" who make a very nice living promoting their way of eating. Over the years I have found that many of these people were basically hucksters who didn't even follow their own teachings.

Then, I took coursework in anatomy and physiology as it applies to nutrition. It was at that time that I learned this: as there are fundamentals to most everything, there are also fundamentals to what our body needs nutritionally to live and thrive.

Enter now veganism. It's been around for ages. Initially it was sort of a sub-culture of those called "health nuts," but in recent years it has gone mainstream. It's strictly a plant-based diet. It's adherents endlessly taut that it is the best, and healthiest way to eat.  I did it for awhile in the past as well as a raw food diet.

It only takes a minimal study of the principles of nutrition to see that veganism is a nutritionally deficient diet.

Now I could go on and on proving this point, but you should do what the overwhelming majority of vegans don't do, a little research. Learn about our need for complete proteins, especially as we age. Also, try going to the website called the Weston Price Foundation. The work done there is based on real scientific study over the decades. Dr. Weil has made some excellent observations on the problems with staying on a vegan diet long-term.

Now let's get to the real test of the validity of any diet, what countries and people have the longest life expectancy. Here's a few: Japan, Italy, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and France.

Guess what? Not one of those countries, plus the ones I left off, eat a vegan diet. In fact, there is not a group of people on this earth who have lived long, vigorous lives on a vegan diet.

The effects of eating a nutritionally deficient diet may take years to reap the negative effects of doing so. Strangely, when you direct the facts to a committed vegan they tend to blow you off and refer you to their favorite vegan huckster. I have a vegan family member who has had at least two B-12 deficiencies as well as a protein deficiency and what appears to be prematurely wrinkling of the skin, especially on her neck. Like many others, she persists going down this wrong nutritional path despite all the warning signs. Many would call this having an eating disorder.

Don't buy the hype people and don't leave your health in the hands of those who make a living from promoting their way of eating. 

Do the research for heavens sake!

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