The Endless Reconstruction - American Renaissance (
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
This is the Reality of the World We Now Live In--Radicalized in 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Thoughts On Observing America's Leadership Destroy This Country
There comes a time in this country when enough is enough.
Monday, December 12, 2022
The Error of Christian Passivity
This is an article that was published by the excellent online news site--The American Thinker.
The Error of Christian Passivity
People who are aware of what is going on around them in this country will admit that we are living in unprecedented times. America has morphed into an authoritarian and increasingly dangerous country: the "cancel culture," a heavily biased media establishment that allows only one point of view, federal and local governments dictating what we can and cannot do, an FBI and D.O.J. working as an arm of the Democratic party, all done in the name of "protecting" us.
Add to this, the fact that there has been a sharp increase in the organized destruction of our cities while murder rates in these cities are soaring. I could go on, but you get the picture.
As one who visits many news sites that have a primarily Christian readership, I see one prevalent thought among Christians regarding how to deal with what is going on. Basically, it's just pray and occupy till Jesus returns, or, Christ is returning soon and he'll straighten it all out.
I find this passivity inappropriate and foolish. With that said, I would quickly say that as Christians, we should pray and anticipate his return, but we should not act as sheep being led to their demise. We can see evidence of why we shouldn't from Our Lord and Savior Himself.
Do you recall what He did to the moneychangers when He chased them out of the temple — how He verbally condemned the religious and government leaders of His day? Jesus called out people for their actions, speech, and behavior.
Here is one thing he directed his disciples to do and what all the sissified preachers and theologians try to explain away: "Then He said to them, but now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."

Passivity to these injustices under the guise of doing Jesus's will is, to my mind, done out of either ignorance or cowardice.
There is much we can and should do as believers to stand against what is going on in America, whether it's protesting, writing your elected officials, contributing to the leaders and organizations that are on the frontline of trying to save this country, or anything else you can think of.I urge people to wake up. This wannabe totalitarian government has taken away your right of assembly to worship once. Don't think that it won't do it again if we just sit back and wait until His return.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022
Two Quotes to Think About
Hey white folks--you are in the process of being marginalized and pushed out. Doubt this? Then get your head out of the sand, wake up and look around. It's a gradual process, look to what happened over the years to South Africa and you'll see where this all ends. Communist leadership, rampant crime and violence against whites.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
The Elephant in the Room--The White Race
Taking into account how people in recent years have been so intimidated in regard to bringing up issues pertaining to race I feel it's necessary to say this: I am not a racist and have never been one. However, in these dark times, bringing up certain racial issues will get you branded as one. For starters, try something like presenting the stats on black and white crime, black ON white crime and vice versa. Take a look at those numbers and you will see who is truly being victimized in a big way. Strangely, nary a peep from any of the Media on this. But, we are subjected to endless movies, documentaries, books, TV/radio shows and print articles on the evil white man and what he did to blacks ages ago. It's also highlighted in all our halls of learning from grade school though college.
You want to know one form of real racism that is never talked about? Try the practice of not criticizing someone for what they have said or did because of their race. Again, the unspoken rationale for this is the FEAR of being tagged with the dreaded R word. Haven't we been taught that everyone is equal under the sun and should be praised when appropriate and criticized when deserving of it?
In closing, I'm white and proud of the accomplishments of my race as I would hope all blacks should be proud of theirs. Stop the demonizing and marginalizing of whites, particularly white males!
Monday, November 28, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Social Justice Warrior Glossary, Pt.2
Following up on the last post of Social Justice Warrior Glossary by Jim Goad--what their words really mean in REAL life terms--here is Pt.2 in no particular order:
#1. Islamophobe--Someone who is so terrified of Islamic retribution, that they are afraid to say anything bad about Islam. (My comment about this--you will see people all over social media ripping the Christian faith and God but not a peep about the other faith Islam that worships God. Mmm-- I wonder why? Fear is crippling. #2. Nonprofit--A tax-exempt organization that pays its staff members handsome salaries. #3. Institutional racism--A persistent hallucination of ubiquitous racism that is so deranged, anyone who experiences such hallucinations should be institutionalized. #4. Hierarchical--Anything that posits there is true diversity among human individuals and groups when it comes to skills and intelligence. #5.--Objectification--the act of noticing women possess an object called a vagina.
#6. On the Wrong Side of History--Someone who actually understands history and thus can see where all this is going. #7. Progressive Politics--Politics that favor a government that is progressively intrusive. #8. Redneck--A racial slur used to describe people we ASSUME are always making racial slurs. #9. Rights--Things we wish to take away from the political right. #10 White--The color of evil.
#11.--Working Class--A heroic tribe of simple-yet-noble people we've never met but have read about in books. #12.--Starting a Dialogue--Starting a monologue. #13.--Uprising--A violent riot characterized by looting, arson, rape and murder. #13.--Tolerance--Ideological intolerance. #14.--Social Construct--A term frequently used by people who have never constructed anything of social value. #15.--And last but certainly not least--White Privilege--The honor of constantly being blamed for everything bad throughout world history.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
The Social Justice Glossary, Pt.1
The following is from the excellent, funny, yet very much on the mark book by Jim Goad. I would highly recommend purchasing it. His insights and humor make for great reading. What follows is The Social Justice Glossary and what it REALLY means, not what the "social justice" warriors want you to think it means. As Jim writes--social justice warriors---people formerly known as liberals.
#1. Anti-Racist--a person who makes everything about race. #2. Blaming the Victim--Daring to suggest that conflicts between humans are often complicated and therefore that it's childishly naive to believe that one person is always entirely guilty and the other is always entirely innocent. #3. Cultural Imperialism--An antiquated system that must be destroyed in order to pave the way for the newer, more global form of cultural imperialism. #4. Disadvantaged--Dumb and unskilled. #5. Diversity--A magical incantation used to divert your attention from the fact that it is strikingly similar to the words "divide" and "division."
#6. Elites--Wealthy people on the political right. This term is never used to describe wealthy people on the left who control much of the Media, government and academia. #7. Empowered--loud and annoying. 8. Extremist--Someone whose beliefs make us extremely uncomfortable. #9. Fairness--A political strategy requiring that winners be treated unfairly. #10. Fighting the Power---Allowing oneself to be used as the unwitting tool of global power elites.
#11. Global Warming--A fashion trend that replaced the global-cooling fashion trend of the 1970's. #12.--Government Aid--Money the government takes from the taxpayers and then partially redistributes to non-taxpayers after taking a cut for itself. #13. Herstory--The part of history that is usually ignored because not much really happened. #14.Homophobe--Someone with a distaste for sex that involves feces and AIDS. #15. Honest Conversation About Race--Condescending lecture about race.
#16.Marriage Equality--The act of pretending that two people of the same sex who can't reproduce children are equivalent to opposite sex couples who can produce children. #17. Misogynist--One who believes that women are human beings who are fully capable of intentionally harming others. #19.White Supremacist--Any white person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color. #20. Social Justice--A fairy tale belief system stating that the winners are solely responsible for the loser's plight.
To be continued soon
Friday, November 11, 2022
50 Reasons Why America is Self-Destructing--Pt.1
I've been thinking about writing this for some time but it is such a depressing subject I kept putting it off. However, recent events have led me to suck it up and provide the following.
I should begin by stating that the reasons given are in no particular order as it pertains to which reason is the worst and which is less so. This list I'm sure reflects some of my beliefs and prejudices. See the listing of marijuana for starters. So here goes:
#1. I didn't want to start with this one but you can't avoid seeing it each and every day. The leader of the U.S.A. has severe, and ever worsening Dementia. So, am I to conclude that this man's political party thinks more of staying in power than the survival of our country? Need I remind you that the leaders of China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia are very aware that our leader is impaired and have said as much. Gee, do you think that might embolden them?
#2. The push to legalize Marijuana. After #1 I thought I'd lighten it up a little bit. Several states have already legalized it with many more to come. Naturally, $$$ is the primary motivation to legalize something that was once demonized as being dangerous and bad for your physical and mental health. The THC in today's marijuana is much stronger than it ever has been. Follow the science (we all know about that right?), see what it does to your brain. It has an especially devastating effect on young developing brains (up to the age of 23). Ever know any regular (daily) pot smokers? The ones I've known have tended to be lazy, dull and preoccupied with self-satisfaction. Awareness of what is going on in this country, much less trying to work for change is not on their list of things to do. I'll close with this; would you feel comfortable on the highway going 65mph knowing that there is a good possibility there are people out there who just blew up some high potency weed? Final thought--a nation heavily populated with regular pot (throw in Dab-mushrooms--edibles--they're all legal and sold) smokers is a more docile and easier to manipulate people.
#3. The demonization and marginalization of the white male. In large part this is what this website is all about. For starters, I don't watch movies or regular T.V. but I see commercials promoting programs about both and one thing that comes through consistently, the mostly negative portrayal of white males. You know the shows and movies I'm referring to, the clueless white guy who needs the help of his smarter, streetwise, black partner, or white female. Then of course there is the trashing of the great (white) leaders of centuries past. Usually portrayed as racist, their statues have been taken down, buildings and other venues bearing their names have been removed. Nothing like looking at history and making judgements through your PC, Woke (hate that word) 21st century eyes. What I am about to write is reality not racist, what was the predominant complexion of the Founders of this country, the innovators and inventors? Deny what made you great and what got you there is a recipe for destruction.
#4. Speaking of destruction, the destruction of our military. They can't get recruits and have lowered mental and physical standards. Only 27% of the population between the ages of 18 and 24 is viewed as fit for military service. Funding from this current administration to our military has been way down. Gosh, don't you think that after leaving 80 billion dollars' worth of weapons in Afghanistan we might have some areas that need replenishing? The military, led by this current feckless administration, has pushed inclusion, diversity propaganda (trans and homosexual issues in particular) and the elimination of the alpha male (translation--white supremacist) from their ranks. Our military has never been weaker than it is in 2021.
#5. The Media. As they say, this one's a no-brainer. The news we see in print and on television lies, covers up and causes division within this country. One example, I blame the Media for creating much of the racial division we now see in the country. One non-black guy murdering a black person will get coverage for days with the "talking heads" repeating over and over the mantra--America is still racist. Hey Bozos--this country twice elected a man who is black as President. Meanwhile, when the situation is reversed, a black person murdering a non-black person there is little if any follow-up and discussion. They also choose to ignore the fact that the overwhelming black/white crime is perpetrated by blacks on whites. That's a fact, not racism, look it up, Google it. I am wary of all media and television, Fox included. More about the Media further down this list. "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
To be cont'd
Sunday, September 11, 2022
They Are Afraid of You
At the end of this post you will see a link to an article about the reaction to a documentary series called: The End of Men. Not surprisingly, those on the left side of the political spectrum had a field day disparaging and mocking it. It is quite revealing to read this short article. The wimps and half men (and women) have a blast ripping the idea of a strong, assertive male. It is a view that is widespread and promoted in our society these days.
This really is a snapshot into how badly our society and culture have been debased. Here it is:
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Don't Let This Be You
That's them, hopefully it's not you.
"Humanity is so firmly entrenched in the programming of the modern world that most people are at the mercy of fear, depression, anxiety, weakness, addiction, and perhaps most importantly, a lack of purpose and true direction." P.W.
Be your own person, think for yourself, find your own way.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Time to Be a Real Outlaw
You don't have to look like the guy narrating this video to be a real outlaw in this totalitarian country in which we now live----there comes a time when we say enough is enough--I'm not following your dictates or the crowd.- click the link below the picture and listen to this 3-minute video.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Words To Live By
"Better to live vigorously, better to fight, than to simply wait for the peace."
Monday, August 15, 2022
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Is There Something Sinister Behind the Push to Legalize Marijuana?
I was never one to buy into conspiracy plots but events of the last 5 years or so have changed that.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Don't get sucked into living a life that society says you should.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
Are You Aware?
I thought about this post the other day when I read of a criminal who had been charged with attempted murder and having an unlicensed firearm with a box of ammunition. All told, he was charged with four felonies. Due to a no bail law he was released and given an appearance ticket to show up in court sometime in late August. Welcome to Bizzaro world, where nothing makes sense and appears logical. AKA New York State. The insanity of this typifies what is going on all around the country.
I could go on and on about what is happening in the U.S. but it is my hope that readers are aware, regardless of their political affiliation, that things are definitely going down the proverbial tubes in America. We are in an ever-increasing descent leading to an inevitable crash and burn. You say this is being an alarmist? Have you looked around? Really looked around or are you still holding to the "I'm standing behind my party" no matter what mindset. Read a history book and see how that kind of thinking has worked for people in various countries over past generations.
Ah yes, ignorance mixed with alcohol, legalized pot, sports, and entertainment is bliss.
Hey folks, hopefully I don't have to remind you but crime is up, way up thanks in large part to the restricting of police intervention and the demonizing of law enforcement in general. Does anyone with half a brain even remotely think that defunding the police makes any sense? Let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from one hundred and fifty different countries who are coming across our border unchecked, many are terrorists, and most have nothing to contribute to this country except going on the government dole. This number will be in the millions in the not too distant future as will the impact to us financially and to our personal safety.
Add to this, we have a braindead (in one case literally) leadership in Washington that can't stop itself from provoking our major enemies Russia and China. You want me to go on?
I'm sure if you are aware, you could sight the corruption on a grand scale among our leaders in Washington as well as the crippling of our economy because of the insane belief that America has a "climate crisis" which is in reality just an excuse to change the whole make-up of our government. Why else would we endeavor to do this when the major polluting countries have no desire to follow our lead and the scientific proof is that there is no crisis? Does our soon to be clean air stay just above our country?
We live in a nation where educators, leaders, politicians and even scientists don't even have the courage to define what actually constitutes a woman.
Free speech is gone due to wokeism, political correctness and a totally corrupt Media.
Here's the skinny--America has had a great run--all great nations and empires eventually come to an end. This process usually begins by a rotting from within and we see that occurring in America. In a weakened and debased state, a nation is overtaken by a stronger and hungrier nation. Of no help to this situation, we have a severely compromised military that can't get recruits and is more concerned with teaching their troops the LGBTQ and on and on lunacy then being an equipped and ready force.
More could be said but those of you who are aware, observant and have cast off your "my team will straighten this out" nonsense, know where this is all leading.
Today--think of what is going on in America, don't be like the majority of Americans who are preoccupied with the here and now and are either willfully or deliberately oblivious. Do you want to be as the frog in a pot of slowing warming to boil water? You become aware when it is too late.
There are things you can do when you become aware.
More about that coming soon.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Words to Heed
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Don't live a life where each day is the same as the last, where there are no challenges, no adventures.
Live life vigorously!
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Be Honest With Yourself
In this present age where character and integrity aren't what they used to be and moral relativism is the rule of the day, those of us based in the real world see things as they are, we live and walk a different path. However, being human, and living in this debased society it's easy to get sucked into being like the world. Every day we should engage in self-evaluation.
Consider this:
Thoroughly check the conduct of your daily life. Really think about it.
Do you, or have you avoided responsibility?
Have you made excuses for your shortcomings and failures?
Have you told lies and half-truths?
Well. know this:
It takes a certain kind of person to face up to life's responsibilities.
The more one admits his own failures, the greater are his chances of doing something about them.
As I said at the beginning, the meaning of character is not quite what it once was, there are now 'conditional' things(excuses) that make allowances for behavior that was once considered a personal shortcoming.
Don't buy the lie, good character consists of qualities that are changeless.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Quote of the Day From Teddy
Since this Blog has to do with the alpha male and beyond--I thought I would put up quotes from time to time on being, for lack of a better word, a strong male. As I did the search, all I appeared to find were quotes that had a kind of addendum to the strong male thing that softened the intention of the quote. It ended up wimping out the whole thing.
Then I came across Teddy Roosevelt who is an endless source of wisdom, inspiration and true manliness.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Boycott "The Boss"
Upon reading the title of this post today, the uninformed person might say, "Why would anyone suggest boycotting an American icon?" Well, there is one very big reason and it's not the outrageous ticket prices charged by a man who has a net worth of $650 million. He's rolling into Buffalo this coming March with tickets starting at $367. and going up to $1,800.
We wouldn't want to forget that when he did his one man show on Broadway in a small theater a few times in recent years, tickets went as high as $3,100. So much for his "man of the people" persona. With that said, I believe a man has the right to charge people whatever they feel they'll tolerate, but, it does seem like gouging,
And, advocating a boycott has nothing to do with his trashing of America anthem, Born in the U.S.A. either.
Also, it's not about him being another celeb Trump hater either. I mean, look how much better we are now with this current regime.
No, it's something much bigger than this, much, much bigger. It's about him referring to his fans as racist in a podcast he did with Barack Obama last year. The comment came out as Obama, ever the one to charge racism where it doesn't exist, brought up the subject of racism when talking about the singer's late sax player who was black.
Obama, who stirred up more racial division in his eight years as President than most anyone else, helped expose Springsteen for what he is. An ingrate and a phony. And if you think I am wrong about Obama and racism, I say you didn't follow what he said over his eight years in office.
The same goes for "The Boss" if his trashing of his fans is a revelation to you.
\At the end of this article I will post the link to read the story, one of many on this subject.
My question is, what self-respecting white guy would even bother with this character? Apparently hundreds of thousands. Says a lot about the character of the average American male. I am excluding black males here because I doubt they are into Bruce.
So, to all you dweebs out there who got their Springsteen tickets, enjoy the concert, be sure to sing along and dance with Born in the USA.
Bruce Springsteen Throws His Fans Under The Bus, Agrees With Obama's Assessment Of Them (
Monday, July 18, 2022
Take The B.A.M. Pride Contest
For this contest readers are asked to identify the three flags that are viewed as OK, and even promoted in America, and the one that is banned. As an assist, the bottom flag is the "Trans" flag and the second one down from the top is the Black Pride/Power flag.
The winner will get the latest Adele CD to enjoy for your heart wrenching, tear filled enjoyment.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Actually, You Can Do It-- If
"Do not be discouraged because you may affirm that you were not born strong. It is true that some types seem to inherit the factor of physical strength, just as some seem to inherit more brains. However, life has taught me in very many examples I have known personally, that with some natural flair for anything at all we can achieve heights quite exceptional if we will only believe in ourselves, and do the essential work, find the true way.
Indeed--those who are hell-bent to succeed are those who often do what others believe to be implausible or impossible ". Percy Cerutty, athlete, coach, philosopher.
Sadly--far too many people don't want to put in the time and do the work to change their life. So, they end up becoming like the people referred to in the post just before this one.
To close, as a sage once said--"The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are truly alive before death."
Don't Let This Be You
Don't allow yourself to plod through life without direction, purpose and a goal (s). If you do, the following verse by Greg Walsh may be your epitaph. What you are about to read is taken from Greg's great book, War of Attrition, a collection of articles taken from his life experiences.
You prayed for a station in life that never came,
you had eyes on a prize that mere 'want' could not claim.
You are the epitome of mediocrity,
and your 'now' is your destiny.
You'll plod through what's left,
never moving the needle,
and you'll gripe the whole time....
Too dark to be good,
too light to be evil.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Wimps and Toxic Masculinity
You want another sign of how debased, brainwashed and wimped out today's male has become? After the above photo was posted on FB there were comments, sadly, many by males, that basically warned of the dangers of "toxic" masculinity,
So what constitutes toxic masculinity? Is it a male who keeps fit, is proud to be a male and has his own opinion and is not hesitant to express them?
If you have been halfway observant in recent years you can see where the independent, non-Woke, non-PC male has often been labeled as a potential threat to our society. Also, terms like white supremacist and racist have been applied to men who a generation or two ago would have been considered......normal males. You know, strong, take charge guys who worked, took care of their families and were not afraid to speak their mind.
Add to this, there is no question that America has either purposely, or inadvertently, been stifling the development of our male children through ADHD drugs. Why would they do this you ask?
Well, what was once accepted as normal boy behavior such as being, fidgety, restless, loud and active, has now been deemed as unacceptable and disruptive. A kind of hyperactivity that needs to be stifled. This is done frequently through powerful drugs that are basically chemical restraints. I worked on a Child/Adolescent in-patient psych unit for eight years and saw this for myself.
What I have just stated above is not something new. Informed and observant professionals have expressed their concern about this situation for many years.
I should also say that ADHD drugs profoundly effect the physical and mental development of the children who are prescribed them. That's fact, not speculation. Consider the data that says the U.S.A. prescribes 85% of all ADHD drugs given out in the world.
The medical profession, clueless counselors and our public school system, will strongly urge parents to look into possibly medicating the "hyper" young male. I'd be remiss not to say that girls are also given ADHD meds as well.
I realize I have gone off on a bit of a tangent here but it's all part of the big picture we see going on in America these days. This is, the marginalizing, repression, and dare I go as far to say, the demonizing of the male and their behavior? Now I could go on and talk about how in movies and television the white male is often portrayed as a dimwit, racist, oaf, or brute who needs the correction and/or direction of a heroic black male or black or white female but I'll leave that for another time.
Give this seemingly unrelated news story some serious thought. Only 27% of our population between the ages of 18 and 24 is viewed as fit and acceptable for military service. Absolutely incredible.
So guys, don't buy into the toxic male bullsh*t. Think for yourself and for heaven's sake, Man-up!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Take Control of Your Life
The following is by Dave Draper, athlete, writer, craftsman, and perhaps most notably, a keen observer of people and life. What you are about to read was written a few years ago. Consider:
"This may not be a startling revelation to you and to me. but it's worth repeating to our neighbor: The best thing we can do in a continuing effort to enhance our apparently declining world is to take control of our lives, personally, individually. Forget war, pandemics, crime and immorality for a minute and notice that we are surrounded by masses just poking along like life was a chore, the late shift, a bad habit or a dull pain and not a fragrant gift.
Wake up friends, wake up. We're broken, we need fixing and it's in our control. It's simple, yet it takes courage and work.
Can you hear me? It takes personal courage and it takes hard work.
I'm losing most of the population, I can tell. 'Courage and hard work' do not ring a bell in the town square; they don't register on the scale of Popular Daily Behavior and I do not see them on today's list of Currently Applied Qualities in Vogue Magazine."
On a related note,Dave used to say: "The Secret of Success is That There is No Secret".
It is all about hard work, courage and determination.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Accountability--What Accountability?
I thought of writing this post recently when I read a news account about a multi-million dollar payout by a pharmaceutical company to "victims" of opioid use. The supposed rationale for this was the incredible assertion that the drug company hadn't informed consumers of the potential "dangers" of opioid use.
I then came across an account by a woman whose son had died of a heroin overdose. Her story was, was that her son had been prescribed opioids for a back injury. She said that when the prescriptions ended he eventually moved on to heroin to deal with his situation (doesn't everyone?). Again, a pharmaceutical company was sued and millions of dollars were paid out.
These two situations beg the question to be asked, what part should personal accountability play in this? You can't buy any controlled substance without every imaginable side effect and danger being clearly written on the packaging. Add to that, you have the health care provider and pharmacist, who are told to inform patients of the potential hazards with the drugs they are prescribing.
Well, the reality is, personal accountability is not as common an attribute as it once was. In fact, it's rapidly becoming non-existent. The blame game is now in vogue.
On a related note, we have also seen other instances where the blaming of others and things for misbehavior and or/lawlessness has become the norm. Recall the rioting and destruction in the last few years for starters. Lest we forget, there was the continual playing of the victim role by certain people, often citing the supposed wrongs done to them recently or generations ago as an excuse for their criminal behavior. This mindset has been too often promoted by the Media and local governments.
Failure to be accountable for your actions is, to say the least, a real indicator of a lack of character. Worst case scenario, a lack of accountability can lead to, and promote, criminal behavior.
This is what we see flourishing in America today.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
How You Live and Its Potential Consequences
Aldous Huxley was, and still is, an incredible source of insights and wisdom. The following, written over 50 years ago, is more relevant today than when it was first written.
To become the man you should be, you must rise above the trap of living an everyday, mundane, soul killing life. Such a life has physical, as well as psychological consequences. Ponder this:
"It's curious that although man has protected himself against plagues, we see that in their place he has called up a formidable array of degenerative diseases hardly known among the lower animals.Most of these degenerative diseases are due to the fact that civilized human beings do not, on any level of their being, live in harmony with a natural life.
They love to intensify their selfhood through gluttony, therefore eat the wrong food and too much of it; they inflict upon themselves chronic anxiety over money and, because they crave excitement, chronic over-stimulation; they suffer, during their working hours, from the chronic boredom and frustration imposed by the sort of jobs that have to be done in order to satisfy the artificially stimulated demand for the fruits of fully mechanized mass production.
Among the consequences of these wrong uses of the psycho-social organism are degenerative changes in particular organs, such as the heart, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and arteries."
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Don't Let This Be You
I see this all the time these days.
"Good, modern, civilized Western white men are so easily cowed by charges of bias and privilege that they work tirelessly to outdo each other with social displays of moral universalism – by cucking themselves in every way imaginable." ~ Jack Donovan.
For those who may not know, cucking means, to put it in a nice way, to allow yourself to be subjugated, to acquiesce, to do what you think will gain your acceptance in society even though it is not what you believe is right.
I'm Not of This World
Hope this applies to you readers out there. Don't waste your time and disrespect your body.
I'm Not of This World
I don't seek pleasure from booze, drugs and satiating every desire that arises.
I have respect for my body, as such, I don't pollute it.
Entertainment, or what passes for entertainment these days, is of no interest to me.
Nor does living vicariously through watching others engage in sports.
I choose to be a doer not a watcher.
I seek out ways to perfect my body and mind through activities that accomplish both objectives.
My friends are those who understand this and are on a similar path.
I'm Not of This World!
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
The Truth
To rise above the madness in this world as well as your self imposed limitations remember this:
"No door remains forever locked against the man of indomitable will and courage. What we most lack is the power to continue: continuity and perseverance--the never quit spirit allied to intelligence is the secret key to success: not great natural endowments, powerful friends and favourable environments." By Percy Cerutty
The Fire
To go beyond the average, to rise above, you must find the drive, the fire within to achieve, deny the naysayers. A must-see five-minute video. Click the YouTube link below: