Tuesday, December 27, 2022

This is the Reality of the World We Now Live In--Radicalized in 2022

This year I came to the conclusion that the American government is not our friend, it's our enemy. 
The folly of believing that, "if my party gets in" everything will be all right has been exposed. 
Look at what is happening in this country: a weaponized regime that squashes free speech, uses government agencies to spy, harass, and imprison its opponents, a media that supports this regime, a political party (Republican) that is not doing what is right for its people, fixed elections, a government that assassinates it leaders and the people it feels are problematic (start with JFK and the C.I.A.),  the allowing of crime and the non-punishment of criminals, the promotion of perversion, an open border that is letting in millions of aliens and all that comes with it, the absurd concept of "climate change" with its crippling restrictions, financial and personal, shall I go on? I could, but you should know what I have listed and more if you are aware. But, sadly, the majority of Americans aren't. They are too preoccupied with keeping their heads above water and holding on to the absurd belief that when their guy gets in everything will be OK.

So, what do we do about this? What can we do? 
For starters, get the word out to others who you think might be receptive to hearing the "state of our state," align yourselves with those of like mind, arm yourself with any kind of personal protection "devices" you can which doesn't necessary mean only guns, and, consider moving out of the city to the country, for starters.
Here is the harsh reality, if you are looking for things to change for the better or Jesus to come and straighten this all out, I say dream on!
Forewarned is forearmed.

In closing, the link below gives one small example of so many regarding what has happened, and what is still happening, to this country.

The Endless Reconstruction - American Renaissance (amren.com) 

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