Thursday, July 14, 2022

Wimps and Toxic Masculinity

 You want another sign of how debased, brainwashed and wimped out today's male has become? After the above photo was posted on FB there were comments, sadly, many by males, that basically warned of the dangers of "toxic" masculinity,

So what constitutes toxic masculinity? Is it a male who keeps fit, is proud to be a male and has his own opinion and is not hesitant to express them? 

If you have been halfway observant in recent years you can see where the independent, non-Woke, non-PC male has often been labeled as a potential threat to our society. Also, terms like white supremacist and racist have been applied to men who a generation or two ago would have been considered......normal males. You know, strong, take charge guys who worked, took care of their families and were not afraid to speak their mind.

Add to this, there is no question that America has either purposely, or inadvertently, been stifling the development of our male children through ADHD drugs. Why would they do this you ask? 

Well, what was once accepted as normal boy behavior such as being, fidgety, restless, loud and active, has now been deemed as unacceptable and disruptive. A kind of hyperactivity that needs to be stifled. This is done frequently through powerful drugs that are basically chemical restraints. I worked on a Child/Adolescent in-patient psych unit for eight years and saw this for myself.

What I have just stated above is not something new. Informed and observant professionals have expressed their concern about this situation for many years. 

I should also say that ADHD drugs profoundly effect the physical and mental development of the children who are prescribed them. That's fact, not speculation. Consider the data that says the U.S.A. prescribes 85% of all ADHD drugs given out in the world. 

The medical profession, clueless counselors and our public school system, will strongly urge parents to look into possibly medicating the "hyper" young male. I'd be remiss not to say that girls are also given ADHD meds as well.

I realize I have gone off on a bit of a tangent here but it's all part of the big picture we see going on in  America these days. This is, the marginalizing, repression, and dare I go as far to say, the demonizing of the male and their behavior? Now I could go on and talk about how in movies and television the white male is often portrayed as a dimwit, racist, oaf, or brute who needs the correction and/or direction of a heroic black male or black or white female but I'll leave that for another time.

Give this seemingly unrelated news story some serious thought. Only 27% of our population between the ages of 18 and 24 is viewed as fit and acceptable for military service. Absolutely incredible.

So guys, don't buy into the toxic male bullsh*t. Think for yourself and for heaven's sake, Man-up!


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