Monday, July 25, 2022

Are You Aware?

I thought about this post the other day when I read of a criminal who had been charged with attempted murder and having an unlicensed firearm with a box of ammunition. All told, he was charged with four felonies. Due to a no bail law he was released and given an appearance ticket to show up in court sometime in late August. Welcome to Bizzaro world, where nothing makes sense and appears logical. AKA New York State. The insanity of this typifies what is going on all around the country. 

I could go on and on about what is happening in the U.S. but it is my hope that readers are aware, regardless of their political affiliation, that things are definitely going down the proverbial tubes in America. We are in an ever-increasing descent leading to an inevitable crash and burn. You say this is being an alarmist? Have you looked around? Really looked around or are you still holding to the "I'm standing behind my party" no matter what mindset. Read a history book and see how that kind of thinking has worked for people in various countries over past generations. 

Ah yes, ignorance mixed with alcohol, legalized pot, sports, and entertainment is bliss.

Hey folks, hopefully I don't have to remind you but crime is up, way up thanks in large part to the restricting of police intervention and the demonizing of law enforcement in general. Does anyone with half a brain even remotely think that defunding the police makes any sense? Let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from one hundred and fifty different countries who are coming across our border unchecked, many are terrorists, and most have nothing to contribute to this country except going on the government dole. This number will be in the millions in the not too distant future as will the impact to us financially and to our personal safety.

Add to this, we have a braindead (in one case literally) leadership in Washington that can't stop itself from provoking our major enemies Russia and China. You want me to go on? 

I'm sure if you are aware, you could sight the corruption on a grand scale among our leaders in Washington as well as the crippling of our economy because of the insane belief that America has a "climate crisis" which is in reality just an excuse to change the whole make-up of our government. Why else would we endeavor to do this when the major polluting countries have no desire to follow our lead and the scientific proof is that there is no crisis? Does our soon to be clean air stay just above our country?

We live in a nation where educators, leaders, politicians and even scientists don't even have the courage to define what actually constitutes a woman.

Free speech is gone due to wokeism, political correctness and a totally corrupt Media.

Here's the skinny--America has had a great run--all great nations and empires eventually come to an end. This process usually begins by a rotting from within and we see that occurring in America. In a weakened and debased state, a nation is overtaken by a stronger and hungrier nation. Of no help to this situation, we have a severely compromised military that can't get recruits and is more concerned with teaching their troops the LGBTQ and on and on lunacy then being an equipped and ready force.

More could be said but those of you who are aware, observant and have cast off your "my team will straighten this out" nonsense, know where this is all leading.

Today--think of what is going on in America, don't be like the majority of Americans who are preoccupied with the here and now and are either willfully or deliberately oblivious. Do you want to be as the frog in a pot of slowing warming to boil water? You become aware when it is too late.

There are things you can do when you become aware.

More about that coming soon.

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