Friday, November 11, 2022

50 Reasons Why America is Self-Destructing--Pt.1

 I've been thinking about writing this for some time but it is such a depressing subject I kept putting it off. However, recent events have led me to suck it up and provide the following.

I should begin by stating that the reasons given are in no particular order as it pertains to which reason is the worst and which is less so. This list I'm sure reflects some of my beliefs and prejudices. See the listing of marijuana for starters. So here goes:

#1. I didn't want to start with this one but you can't avoid seeing it each and every day. The leader of the U.S.A. has severe, and ever worsening Dementia. So, am I to conclude that this man's political party thinks more of staying in power than the survival of our country? Need I remind you that the leaders of China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia are very aware that our leader is impaired and have said as much. Gee, do you think that might embolden them?

#2. The push to legalize Marijuana. After #1 I thought I'd lighten it up a little bit. Several states have already legalized it with many more to come. Naturally, $$$ is the primary motivation to legalize something that was once demonized as being dangerous and bad for your physical and mental health. The THC in today's marijuana is much stronger than it ever has been. Follow the science (we all know about that right?), see what it does to your brain. It has an especially devastating effect on young developing brains (up to the age of 23). Ever know any regular (daily) pot smokers? The ones I've known have tended to be lazy, dull and preoccupied with self-satisfaction. Awareness of what is going on in this country, much less trying to work for change is not on their list of things to do.  I'll close with this; would you feel comfortable on the highway going 65mph knowing that there is a good possibility there are people out there who just blew up some high potency weed? Final thought--a nation heavily populated with regular pot (throw in Dab-mushrooms--edibles--they're all legal and sold) smokers is a more docile and easier to manipulate people.

#3. The demonization and marginalization of the white male. In large part this is what this website is all about. For starters, I don't watch movies or regular T.V. but I see commercials promoting programs about both and one thing that comes through consistently, the mostly negative portrayal of white males. You know the shows and movies I'm referring to, the clueless white guy who needs the help of his smarter, streetwise, black partner, or white female. Then of course there is the trashing of the great (white) leaders of centuries past. Usually portrayed as racist, their statues have been taken down, buildings and other venues bearing their names have been removed. Nothing like looking at history and making judgements through your PC, Woke (hate that word) 21st century eyes. What I am about to write is reality not racist, what was the predominant complexion of the Founders of this country, the innovators and inventors? Deny what made you great and what got you there is a recipe for destruction.

#4. Speaking of destruction, the destruction of our military. They can't get recruits and have lowered mental and physical standards. Only 27% of the population between the ages of 18 and 24 is viewed as fit for military service. Funding from this current administration to our military has been way down. Gosh, don't you think that after leaving 80 billion dollars' worth of weapons in Afghanistan we might have some areas that need replenishing? The military, led by this current feckless administration, has pushed inclusion, diversity propaganda (trans and homosexual issues in particular) and the elimination of the alpha male (translation--white supremacist) from their ranks. Our military has never been weaker than it is in 2021.

#5. The Media. As they say, this one's a no-brainer. The news we see in print and on television lies, covers up and causes division within this country. One example, I blame the Media for creating much of the racial division we now see in the country. One non-black guy murdering a black person will get coverage for days with the "talking heads" repeating over and over the mantra--America is still racist. Hey Bozos--this country twice elected a man who is black as President. Meanwhile, when the situation is reversed, a black person murdering a non-black person there is little if any follow-up and discussion. They also choose to ignore the fact that the overwhelming black/white crime is perpetrated by blacks on whites. That's a fact, not racism, look it up, Google it. I am wary of all media and television, Fox included. More about the Media further down this list. "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

To be cont'd

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