Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Elephant in the Room--The White Race

Taking into account how people in recent years have been so intimidated in regard to bringing up issues pertaining to race I feel it's necessary to say this: I am not a racist and have never been one. However, in these dark times, bringing up certain racial issues will get you branded as one. For starters, try something like presenting the stats on black and white crime, black ON white crime and vice versa. Take a look at those numbers and you will see who is truly being victimized in a big way. Strangely, nary a peep from any of the Media on this. But, we are subjected to endless movies, documentaries, books, TV/radio shows and print articles on the evil white man and what he did to blacks ages ago. It's also highlighted in all our halls of learning from grade school though college.

After decades of affirmative action and other policies to remedy former injustices plus the fact that we elected, twice, a man who was black, we are still viewed as a deeply a racist country. The media, in order to feed a 24-hour news cycle and get viewership, stokes racial division every chance it gets spewing this lie. It's all bullsh*t designed to keep this country divided. Hey Bozos--we got haters on both side of the color spectrum.

You want to know one form of real racism that is never talked about? Try the practice of not criticizing someone for what they have said or did because of their race. Again, the unspoken rationale for this is the FEAR of being tagged with the dreaded R word. Haven't we been taught that everyone is equal under the sun and should be praised when appropriate and criticized when deserving of it?

In closing, I'm white and proud of the accomplishments of my race as I would hope all blacks should be proud of theirs. Stop the demonizing and marginalizing of whites, particularly white males!

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