Sunday, July 10, 2022

How You Live and Its Potential Consequences

 Aldous Huxley was, and still is, an incredible source of insights and wisdom. The following, written over 50 years ago, is more relevant today than when it was first written.

To become the man you should be, you must rise above the trap of living an everyday, mundane, soul killing life. Such a life has physical, as well as psychological consequences. Ponder this:

"It's curious that although man has protected himself against plagues, we see that in their place he has called up a  formidable array of degenerative diseases hardly known among the lower animals.Most of these degenerative diseases are due to the fact that civilized human beings do not, on any level of their being, live in harmony with a natural life.

 They love to intensify their selfhood through gluttony, therefore eat the wrong food and too much of it; they inflict upon themselves chronic anxiety over money and, because they crave excitement, chronic over-stimulation; they suffer, during their working hours, from the chronic boredom and frustration imposed by the sort of jobs that have to be done in order to satisfy the artificially stimulated demand for the fruits of fully mechanized mass production. 

Among the consequences of these wrong uses of the psycho-social organism are degenerative changes in particular organs, such as the heart, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and arteries."

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