Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Reality

The above picture is the truth and is what is happening all around the country but not reported by most of the Media.

To all the Trump haters, once again, if the borders aren't closed soon, it will be the end of this country as we once knew it.

It's not just about the well-being of Americans, which is most important, there is the bankrupting of this country through the billions of dollars needed to deal with this rabble.

Is this an example of the frog in a slow to boil pot of water analogy (see my August 17, 2023 article)? Have Americans become so accustomed to this insanity over time that they don't recognize the seriousness of it? There was a time not too many decades ago where an open border like this would have caused outrage from the populace. Why isn't it now?

Once again, if this current regime is allowed to continue, the barbarians will be at your gate. No one will be untouched by this.

Tomorrow's article: We Are Not All Equal

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