Monday, September 30, 2024

Equality is a Lie

To begin, I strongly recommend the book I am about to quote from titled Dauntless by Marcus Follin. Marcus is a native of Sweden who goes by 'The Golden One' on X, Instagram and YouTube. Living in Sweden, he has insightful and relevant comments into the devastating consequences of allowing millions of third worlders' into your country, as well as advice into how to become the best man you can be in a world that has gone mad. 

Marcus debunks the idea that everyone is equal, a "belief" so commonly believed and taught in society today.

Consider this:

"All humans are not equal. All humans are not born equal either. The lie of human equality, the lie that states that all humans are equal in worth, is a dangerous one. Viewing humans as replaceable units that have the same potential can be a recipe for disaster on a societal scale. Viewing humans as equal can also be disastrous on a personal level.

In order to understand the way of the world, it is of paramount importance to cast off the misconception of human equality. If arguing with someone who promotes the notion of human equality, it is easy to pose to them the question of the heart surgeon and the common criminal: are they worth the same? The obvious answer is no.

The actions humans take during life will determine whether they are of value or not. 

Some people are born with unique gifts that can contribute positively to his family, community or society. Conversely, another example would be someone with low intelligence coupled with a low impulse control and high testosterone who often finds himself on the wrong side of the law. It is obvious that these two groups of people are not equal.

In realizing that everyone is not born with the same genetic potential, it becomes clear that it is unreasonable to expect equal life outcomes for unequal people. Certain politically correct forces in modern society will endeavor to redeem the POOR performance of certain groups by affirmative action and similar discriminatory actions."

What follows is Marcus' final sentence which I want readers to pay close attention to.

"Acknowledging that humans are different and have different capacities is of paramount importance when discussing the well-being of civilization."

America's decline over the past many decades can be traced to not recognizing this last sentence.

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