Monday, September 30, 2024

Equality is a Lie

To begin, I strongly recommend the book I am about to quote from titled Dauntless by Marcus Follin. Marcus is a native of Sweden who goes by 'The Golden One' on X, Instagram and YouTube. Living in Sweden, he has insightful and relevant comments into the devastating consequences of allowing millions of third worlders' into your country, as well as advice into how to become the best man you can be in a world that has gone mad. 

Marcus debunks the idea that everyone is equal, a "belief" so commonly believed and taught in society today.

Consider this:

"All humans are not equal. All humans are not born equal either. The lie of human equality, the lie that states that all humans are equal in worth, is a dangerous one. Viewing humans as replaceable units that have the same potential can be a recipe for disaster on a societal scale. Viewing humans as equal can also be disastrous on a personal level.

In order to understand the way of the world, it is of paramount importance to cast off the misconception of human equality. If arguing with someone who promotes the notion of human equality, it is easy to pose to them the question of the heart surgeon and the common criminal: are they worth the same? The obvious answer is no.

The actions humans take during life will determine whether they are of value or not. 

Some people are born with unique gifts that can contribute positively to his family, community or society. Conversely, another example would be someone with low intelligence coupled with a low impulse control and high testosterone who often finds himself on the wrong side of the law. It is obvious that these two groups of people are not equal.

In realizing that everyone is not born with the same genetic potential, it becomes clear that it is unreasonable to expect equal life outcomes for unequal people. Certain politically correct forces in modern society will endeavor to redeem the POOR performance of certain groups by affirmative action and similar discriminatory actions."

What follows is Marcus' final sentence which I want readers to pay close attention to.

"Acknowledging that humans are different and have different capacities is of paramount importance when discussing the well-being of civilization."

America's decline over the past many decades can be traced to not recognizing this last sentence.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Is This Our Problem?

Replace the word Romania with America.

Why is it that the real men in America have been demonized, marginalized and their masculinity called toxic? Alpha males are portrayed as brutes, racists, and of course, white supremacists.

Why is it that sensitive males and Beta males are celebrated?

It's obvious, alpha males are not so easily controlled and manipulated. They talk back and will call a spade a spade.

We no longer have the number, type and character of men in this country like we did after WWII.

Why is this?

It's because since the late 60's, all facets of the Media, feminists, public schools, colleges and universities have disparaged (belittled, ridiculed, disdained)) strong male figures. 

All this has brought us to the point where only 27% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 are deemed fit for military service. Add to that an absolute explosion in the number of males who identify as being a part of the LGBTQ + + with all its freakish additions and offshoots.

Looks to me like a country that is in a freefall decline.

It's going to take a miracle to save this country.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Reality

The above picture is the truth and is what is happening all around the country but not reported by most of the Media.

To all the Trump haters, once again, if the borders aren't closed soon, it will be the end of this country as we once knew it.

It's not just about the well-being of Americans, which is most important, there is the bankrupting of this country through the billions of dollars needed to deal with this rabble.

Is this an example of the frog in a slow to boil pot of water analogy (see my August 17, 2023 article)? Have Americans become so accustomed to this insanity over time that they don't recognize the seriousness of it? There was a time not too many decades ago where an open border like this would have caused outrage from the populace. Why isn't it now?

Once again, if this current regime is allowed to continue, the barbarians will be at your gate. No one will be untouched by this.

Tomorrow's article: We Are Not All Equal

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Who Are You, What Do You Believe In, What Do You Stand For?

It's been a little over a year since I first posted this brief article, but I run into many people who really need to do some serious thinking and contemplation about themselves. If you think you know anyone who would be interested in this article or any of the others on this site, please pass Beyond Alpha Male along. Although not politically correct and I do write about some very, for many, uncomfortable things, not one word is not based on fact. What's the saying? "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Here we go:

Who are you? Seems like a strange question I know but have you given any thought to the things that define you? For instance, what do you believe in? I'm talking here about your core beliefs and values. Beliefs that you have developed over the years as a result of living, observation and life experiences.  Do you have any or do you just "go with the flow"?

If you are thinking that you don't really have any, then it is my intention to help get you to where you need and should be. 

The person who doesn't know who they are and what they stand for is a rudderless ship bobbing along and missing out on getting the most from himself and his life.

It's all about knowing who you are, what you' are doing, where you are going and being in control of your destiny.

Think deeply about the above, examine yourself.

A Call to Action

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” ― Socrates 

I never expected this quote from Socrates but is a clear call to action for alpha male wanna be's and those who find themselves drifting through life believing they can't change anything. 

To these people I say, start by changing yourself. 

We may not be able to free ourselves from this totalitarian regime but when we change our body as Socrates writes, something good is also going to happen to us mentally.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wise Words to Seriously Think About Long and Hard

So many of the quotes you see on social media today are pie in the sky, new age platitudes that are just sugary mind candy.

Henry Ford's quote above is from a man who is proof of the accompanying quote.

It is so easy to forget that success is born first in the mind and then followed by a dogged determination and unwavering dedication to what you thought.

On a related note, follow the advice of athletic coach/philosopher Percy Cerutty who said this (paraphrasing), Drop all the people who ridicule or are negative in regards to your aspirations. 

What it Really Means

Marginalize us, demonize us, try to erase our history, but you bigots and haters are existing off the fruits and accomplishments of the White race.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Don't Let Anyone or Anything Get Under Your Skin

See the A-hole above? I used to enjoy watching his movies, back when I still watched movies a couple of decades ago. However, his spewing hatred of Donald Trump on a weekly basis has soured any respect I had for the guy. I don't take quite the approach some of my associates have in response to this which is, what do you expect from a guy who is a miscegenetic? I believe there is more to it than that.

We have many other celebs and politicians who are obsessed with their hatred for Donald Trump. Unlike all the other News outlets, I will not list their names. These are sheltered, out of touch with the real world, pampered deplorables(ha-ha).

We see other examples of obsessive hate such as: hatred for the Jews. Entire websites and posts are dedicated to blaming the Jews for everything. I mean, their passion and zeal on this subject is incredible.

I, as well as millions of others, hate Joe Biden, his minions, the Trump haters and pretty much every leftist News outlet.

Here's the thing, once again, when you allow something to get under your skin and eat away at you, THEY win. They've occupied too much of your personal and emotional space. They are unworthy of that much of your attention.

So, let the Rob Reiner's, the Kathy Griffin's, that pansy Stephen Colbert and countless others destroy themselves with their obsessive hate for the things you love and believe in. 

As an aside, these people are too self-obsessed to recognize they have alienated a large audience that once liked them.

Remember one of the mottos of this site: We are not them!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What I'm Thinking

Yeah, that guy above looks normal. He's the whack job that the government enlisted to take out Donald Trump. You know what he has in common with the other assassin in Pennsylvania? Both appeared in Blackwater (American Military Contractor) commercials. You won't find that by doing a Google or Bing search because they do this regime's bidding but go on X and you'll see. 

Shortly after the assassination attempt it was business as usual for this present regime. Hardly a day after, the angry bitch Hillary Clinton, made all the news outlets by saying Trump is a threat to America and Democracy. The other ones blamed Trump and his followers for breeding hate. Why so-called conservative news sources give her press is beyond me. 

I'm starting to see lots of Harris/Walz signs on people's lawns. How stupid are these people? Harris is a Bonafide idiot. She cannot speak spontaneously and goes off on nonsensical, gibberish ramblings. Need I add that she has zero accomplishments as Veep? Walz? Have you caught his act? Weird hand gestures and slogans make up his presentation. This is the douche bag who once said: "one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness." Really?

Are Americans oblivious to the truth that if these two Bozos get elected and the border remains open that it will be the end of this country? Do the Harris supporters, celebs, elites, the privileged, rich, etc. actually believe the barbarians won't eventually make it to their "gate"?

Are you paying attention that the U.S., through NATO, is provoking Russia? W.W.III would be good for this regime because how could you have an election in the midst of a World War? Watch the various interviews with Col. Douglas MacGregor on YouTube to get the truth about what is going on. Why he hasn't been banned on that channel is beyond me.

Back to the p.o.s. in the picture at the top of this page. Read his "rap" sheet. Why this guy was ever let out of jail for the multitude of serious offenses he committed is beyond me. Meanwhile, countless Jan.6 people are sitting in jail for basically no reason.

Is everyone OK with a severely demented Joe Biden remaining in office? The leader of the once most powerful nation on earth.? Can you ever remember a time in our history when this would have been allowed?

They're not done yet trying to get Trump by any means possible. 

But then again, they can pull off what they did in the last election, cheat.

Bread and circuses have kept much of this fat, lazy, apathetic country quiet and under control. 

In closing, don't ever forget the people who you thought were decent people but chose to side with the most corrupt and totalitarian regime this country has ever seen.

What are you going to do when the shit hits the fan?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

What I Believe and Believe to be True, Pt.1

1. Race mixing is wrong and unnatural. It's not that I don't believe whites should date or marry blacks, I don't believe whites should go with Asians or anyone outside their race either. "Kind after kind" people, we must maintain the purity of our White race. Before you call me a racist, many black leaders also hold to that belief. You want some further proof on why race mixing is wrong? Check out the issues the children of black/white unions have when they are older.

2.Segregation is the way to go and works best for everyone. There was a time when blacks lived amongst blacks and whites with whites. There once were sections in cities where there would be separate Irish, Italian, Polish, Puerto Rican, etc. communities. Check out black on white crime stats if you think this is a bad idea.

3.The Christianity of today hardly resembles the Christianity of the first century. As I wrote the other day, 20,000+ Christian denominations and sects around the world are proof of this statement. Read the works of Robert Balaicius and he will enlighten you on this subject as well as # 4 that follows.

4. The Jews today are not the Israelites of the Bible. Some call present day Jews Talmudic Jews or Canaanites. Whether this is true or not I am not sure. Refer to the works and website of Robert Balaicius(Sacred Truth Ministries and Publishing) for the truth on this.

5. The government doesn't care about you, it only wants to control you and take your money. A no-brainer. Look around, what government that cares about its people censors free speech, throws you in jail if you go against them and lets in 10 million plus, primarily young third world males, to victimize, commit crimes and murder, primarily, its white citizens?

6.Perversion is perversion no matter how much you promote and celebrate it. Homosexuality is perverse and sick, just as all of its off shoots are such as Trans, etc. Where is this leading? Try the acceptance of pedophilia for starters.

7. With White people being blamed, disparaged, marginalized and lied about increasingly on a daily basis, I believe more than ever on the necessity of David Lane's 14 Words. 

Here they are: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Yes! Yes! Yes!

 Enough of glorifying faggotry and perversion.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Welcome to the Third World America

20,000 savages were let loose on Springfield, Ohio by that motherf*cker Joe Biden.

May he die a long suffering, painful death for what he has done to this country.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Truth of the Matter

When you cut through all the B.S. about racism from the media, entertainment, politics, etc., it all boils down to the sign above.

If you don't believe this, you have either been brainwashed or not paying attention.

What's going on? The disparaging and marginalizing of the White race, as well as rewriting our history on a daily basis.

14 Words people!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Another Problematic Issue With Christianity

In late December 2022 I posted an article called, The Error of Christian Passivity, which looked into the belief held by so many Christians regarding dealing with this country's problems and dangers, which is to just pray about it and wait for Jesus' return. You see this train of thought all the time in the comment's sections of various News sites on the Web. I don't believe the Bible supports this point of view and it is a dereliction of your obligation as a man and citizen. For those interested, I have posted a link to that article at the bottom of this page.

Going along with the theme of that article I found a thought provoking quote by Daniel Forrest. Before you read it, I want to say this, I believe the Christianity of today does not represent the original Christianity of the first century. Could that possibly be one reason why we have 20,000+ different Christian sects and denominations in the world today? It sure looks like it to me.

Here's the quote: "I do not reproach (express disapproval) Christianity for defending the weak who are unjustly oppressed. I reproach Christianity for exalting weakness and viewing it as a sign of election and title of glory. I reproach Christianity for not helping the weak to become strong. It is not a matter of opposing the strong against the weak, but rather opposing a system that values strength against a system that values weakness."

To that, I say, well said!

Here is the link to previous article below:

  The New Man: The Error of Christian Passivity (