Thursday, August 17, 2023

Americans and the Frog in the Slow to Boil Pot of Water Analogy

You've probably all heard the story about the frog in a slow to boil pot of water. The gist of this analogy in a nutshell is: the frog initially feels so comfortable in the warm soothing water that he is oblivious to the impending danger that the water will soon boil and kill him.

This is how I view most Americans today. Oblivious to the impending doom that is about to come upon them. I am not saying ALL Americans, I'm referring to most. Let me give some examples:

1.Our President has severe dementia and daily shows this and his weakness on the world stage.

2. We have a totalitarian government that does as it pleases, it punishes, cancels and/or harasses its perceived rivals using the Dept. of Justice, the F.B.I., C.I.A. and State governments to do its bidding.

3.We have a Media that is an arm of the regime in charge and refuses to give the unbiased and impartial truth. In fact, it goes along with the agencies listed above and suppresses the truth.

4.We have a President who is sending billions of dollars to a country that is being destroyed by war on a daily basis. Ukraine lost this war months ago but a compromised, corrupt President continues to keep it going by sending the funds.

5.We live in a country that legalized homosexual marriage to now where something called transgenderism is thought to be a cause equal to the civil rights movement of the 60's. People who know better refuse to describe what a female or male is, implying that there isn't any difference, it's what you identify as. And we would be remiss not to include that the word pedophile is slowing being replaced by the term, minor attracted person. For what reason, to eventually legitimize pedophilia?

6. Our children are being subjected to indoctrination related to perverted sexual subjects in grade school on up. Among other things, encouraging the questioning of who and what they are sexually. We also can't forget that they are given propaganda in the disguise of being history that teaches whites and this country abused and became great by exploiting others.

7. This administration has opened the Southern border and some 4 million unvetted illegals, mostly young males, have been allowed in. I should add that they come from 150+ foreign countries. These people are being dumped into cities throughout our country, many have serious criminal records and have already been committing havoc and crime. Why do you think the Biden administration is doing this? Have you ever even asked yourself why, or are you thinking, "if it's not in my backyard, who cares"? Well, it's coming to your backyard dweeb!
Do you ever think all this is the purposeful destruction of America? Do ya think it may be part of a greater plan to remake America in someone's twisted Globalist image?--no problem here--- just roll me up a legalized joint, pass me a beer, and put on the football game while you are at it.

8.The marginalizing and demonizing of the White race. Now before you label me some kind of racist, let me say that if you look at the prior articles I have posted on this subject they are all backed up by fact.
Here's an example, some white person beats up or kills a black person it gets wall to wall media coverage for days. If you reverse the situation, black on white crime, nary a peep from the media. The reality? Black on white crime FAR outnumbers white on black crime. 
Consider the tearing down of statues of famous white historical figures for the most questionable of reasons. 
Think about the lessening portrayal of what I call alpha males in movies and on TV. White males are now routinely made to look like oafs and jerks. And if you have a heroic white male he is always accompanied by a strong black male or a strong white or black female. The days of John Wayne are gone, and please, don't tell me Tom Cruise fits the bill.

9. Rampant crime, no-bail reform and its consequences. I live in New York and our useless Governor Hochul has instituted a no-bail reform policy for criminals. Under this, too many crimes do not warrant staying in jail under this insane policy. So what we see is this revolving door situation. A criminal commits a crime, gets out and commits more crimes. New York is one of many states that have a no-bail policy.
Then, in many states there are district attorneys who are soft on crime and will not prosecute criminals appropriately, or worse yet, not even punish them. For instance, we see "smash and grab" thieves and "flash mobs" robbing stores with no consequences. This phenomenon has spread to every major city and shows no sign of letting up. Every type of crime is increasing, not decreasing, in our cities.

I could probably list more but at the moment I can't think of any.

I close with this question and a comment, are you that frog mentioned at the beginning of this article?

America is self-destructing, it's imploding and rotting from within. Its days are numbered.

You can tell yourself that things are going to get better, or, if "my guy" gets in he will right the ship. You can also have the inane belief that "Jesus is about to return and straighten all this out." If you think that it's my belief you don't know your whole Bible. That's Old and New Testament folks, emphasis on Old Testament here.
In prior posts on this website I have written on what we need to do to be prepared and I will post more about on this subject in the future.

Believe me, it's later than you think.

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