Sunday, July 30, 2023

Don't Do This!

You know any people who are always talking about the past, what they did, things that happened to them?

Don't let this be you.

Always look for new adventures, new goals, new things to do.

Live life vigorously!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Alpha Males and Getting Old

"Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Dylan Thomas.

The picture at the top is of a real alpha male. His name is Jack Lalanne. He was a fitness and health innovator.The real deal, not someone who created an image by manipulating the media. Go to his Wikipedia page and read his bio. He was one of a kind. 

But here's the thing, in this picture you see an 85 year old man doing extended arm, fingertip push-ups. That's Jack.

Now consider this quote by Jack: "People work at dying, they don't work at living."

This now brings us to the heart of my message today. Getting old. Notice, I didn't say aging or getting older. I'm talking about getting OLD and being OLD.

There is much talk these days about growing old "gracefully" and just accepting what is called the inevitable decline associated with the passing years. To that I say, why, and what sense does it make?

My view on this train of thought is contained in the first three lines of the poem, 'Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night' shown at the beginning of this article as well as the quote by Jack referenced above.

Here's an example, as soon as someone is not feeling well or has aches and pains, they say: "I'm getting old," by doing this they are setting themselves up for an unhealthy mindset that includes not changing yourself.

It may be easier to just kind of roll over and do nothing. However, the end result is anything but easy. Illness and lack of mobility are too often the end result of the blind acceptance of getting old.

Choose to resist this passivity and acceptance. Be like Jack who lived to be a healthy 96 years. 

Exercise, use your mind, have a purpose and goal(s).

"Rage against the dying of the light."

Friday, July 28, 2023

Most White People Need to Consider What This Means

We are seeing right now, acting out in real time as they say, the consequences of the last sentence above.

 A guilt ridden, self-loathing population of white people who believe they have to make excuses and concessions to a group of people who don't deserve it.

There is the ongoing marginalizing of the people who created the inventions and made this country into what it once was, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

A Creed to Live By

Quote by George Patton. Sort of says it all doesn't it?

Next article coming on Saturday.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Why I Don't Go to Commercial Gyms

There was a time many decades ago, emphasis on many here, where gyms were vastly different than the ones that exist today. Most, if not all, were not co-ed, there was no cardio equipment, no TV's or sound systems. It was a bare bones set-up with weights and a minimum of weight machines. A classic example of this type of gym would be one called "The Dungeon" in Southern California. Google Dave Draper and the Dungeon to read a fascinating account of how it once was. To my knowledge, there are very few gyms like the one described above that exist anymore.

This brings us to 2023, so, why don't I go to commercial gyms? Here are the main reasons:

1.Too Loud. 
You walk into a gym and it's like a sports bar. TV's around the room or loud, pounding music. First off, I don't watch much TV and never watch the News. And secondly, 98% of the music is unlistenable and there is now a heavy emphasis in gyms on "rap," which to be honest, is not music.

Now before you call me a homo let me say this, women are a distraction in the gym, and may I add, some much more than others. If I have to explain what I just said, then hand in your alpha male card at the door.

The brightness in most commercial gyms is unreal. I prefer a dimmer setting except of course if I am exercising outside during the day.

4.Waiting to use equipment.
This isn't so much an issue for me because I use mostly free weights and dumbbells, but I know it is for many.

The logical question now is? What is the alternative to commercial gyms? Well, the logical answer is that you set up your own. I built one in my garage and it's as basic as you can get. Pulleys and machines? You don't really need them to build a strong, muscular body. If you have a weight bench, weights, a barbell and dumbbell bars and collars to load weights on, that is more than sufficient. You can rely on dumbbells for most every exercise if you don't have a spotter or a squat rack.

If you need a concise, no bullshit book on weight training I can't recommend enough Bradley Steiner's book, 'A Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training'. The best site to get it on is superstrengthtraining(dot)com. There is so much misinformation on weight training these days as well as over thinking about what is basically a fundamentals based way of working out. 

So guys, Time to get at it!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Timeless Wisdom


The following was something compiled by J.D.Meier from Bruce Lee's notebooks. There is much to be learned from those who have overcome and reached success. The big problem I have found is that most people read things like the following and just sort of move on. They don't really think about what they've read and apply it to their lives. The advice given below is probably the most concise and best I've read in ages. As alpha males we should strive to better ourselves each and every day.

Final thought--I was prompted to post the picture above after seeing multiple people still wearing masks in and outside. As for the males who do this, I only feel pity and sorrow. Fear can be crippling.

1. Be YOUR best. 

It’s not about following in someone else’s footsteps or trying to be somebody you’re not.  It’s about unleashing your best version of yourself.  According to Bruce, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”

2. Absorb what is useful. 

It’s not about blindly adopting patterns and practices.  It’s about taking the best of the best and tailoring it.  It’s also about throwing away what doesn’t work.  Bruce borrowed concepts and techniques from everybody and every art in a relentless pursuit of the best of the best.  According to Bruce, “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own."

3. Keep an open mind. 

You have to be willing to throw out what you already know and have a curiosity to explore new paths.  If you’re cup is already full, you can’t learn new things.  According to Bruce, “First empty your cup.”

4. Aim past your target.

Aim past your target, so when you fall short, you still land in the ballpark of success.  Bruce Lee was famous for his one-inch punch, but in reality he was aiming past the one-inch.  According to Bruce, “Don’t fear failure.  Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.”

5. Stay flexible. 

Be flexible in your approach.  Learn from everybody and everything and don’t get locked into a particular style.  According to Bruce, “Expose yourself to various conditions and learn.”

6. Focus on growth.  

Push past your limits.  According to Bruce, “There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”

7. Know yourself.

Your blind spots and ignorance can be your biggest weakness.  According to Bruce, “After all, all knowledge simply means self-knowledge.”

8. Master your mind and body.  

It’s not enough just to be smart.  It’s not enough just to master your body.  Your body and mind support each other.  Your body helps turn what you think or dream up into results.  According to Bruce, “As you think, so shall you become.”

9. Apply what you know. 

Life is not about watching from the sidelines.  Use what you know and put knowledge into practice.  Test yourself.  According to Bruce, “Knowing is not enough, we must do.  Willing is not enough, we must apply.”

10. Make things happen. 

When there is no wave, make one.  According to Bruce, “To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.”
I think it really boils down to making the most of what you’ve got, including your mind and body, pushing past your limits and following a path of continuous learning and growth.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Old Double Standard

“Black solidarity is so taken for granted in America that almost no one ever points out that what is entirely acceptable for blacks would be considered hopelessly racist if done by whites.” Jared Taylor.

What's good for thee is apparently not good for me.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Alpha Males--You Must Strength Train!

 I have to start out by saying I don't know who wrote the following, it may very well be Dave Draper or it could have been Paul Waggener, I just don't know. I had it saved on my computer with no author listed. I do know that it wasn't me although I wish it was.

"The real benefits of weight training have nothing to do with reducing body fat or having a nice build. The real benefits have everything to do with relieving stress, getting out aggression, building confidence, giving you a positive mental attitude, giving you pride, developing discipline, and giving you a rush like narcotics would do.

In an emasculated world there are precious few outlets for Men to get out aggression. Weight lifting is one of the best ways to relieve aggression. 

Therapy is an excuse to never actually do anything for yourself and a convenient way to blame others. Iron therapy makes you as mentally strong as it does physically strong. If you’re full of pent-up aggression you go to the gym, pick up 135 lbs, and put it overhead as many times as you can. You turn on some music that lights a fire under your ass. You walk out the door and see how far you can run before you can’t breathe anymore. 

You don’t go talk to an emasculated psychiatrist who thinks ‘open communication’ is the key to getting out aggression. Put 200 lbs on his back and make him squat ’til he can’t move and see if he still wants to talk about his feelings. In our world we can’t go hunting woolly mammoths, but we can do the next best thing. Lift some weights and eat some steaks.
It’s impossible to feel stress after an hour of solid training. No matter how stressed you were when you got to the gym, as long as you give it you're all that stress will go away and be replaced by a testosterone fueled feeling of euphoria. The best rush in the world and all the narcotics in the world can’t give you that natural high.
There’s a confidence gained in the gym that people who never train cannot understand. When a guy first starts out and can barely bench 45 lbs. and ups that to 225 lbs with steady, solid training the feeling of accomplishment is immense. When a guy starts out deadlifting 95 lbs and ups that to 405 lbs. that’s a huge boost to the ego. That’s something you can be proud of. Even if no one else in the world understands where you came from it doesn’t matter, you have accomplished what you once thought impossible and no one can take that away from you.

Discipline comes along for the ride. If you never had any before, you will after you start training. Weight training requires you eat right. You won’t even want to eat junk food anymore; your body will crave the good foods and you’ll want to eat those good foods. Heavy weight training requires you get good sleep, and you will. Weight training requires you get up off the couch and go to the gym and accomplish something. If you can manage that you will see what all the hype was about."

Soon I will post a basic 3 day a week strength training schedule. Like nutritional advice, there is much misinformation regarding weight training. The key, like in nutrition, stick to the fundamentals and as they say, k.i.s.s.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Sometimes the Truth May Hurt Some People's Feelings.

If you look at Africa, and what has happened to the country of South Africa in particular, you would have to say this quote is based on truth not prejudice.

Another proof, look at the condition of cities in America run by black politicians.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

This Guy Knows--Jason Aldean--Try That in a Small Town

Aldean was performing in Vegas in 2017 when 58 people were killed watching him perform.

That's all I knew of him till I heard this song "Try That in a Small Town." I read his bio and came to the conclusion that I think the song is incredible and very relevant for the times we are now living in, but as a person, I'm not a fan of Aldean. The big reason is his collaboration with "rappers" and the dumping of his wife and mother of his children for some other woman. I won't even ask, what's with the hoop earrings in both ears?

However, as it is so often--it's about the message not the messenger.

You have read here frequently that as we are witnessing the destruction and imminent collapse of America, the necessity of getting out of the cities and forming what I call intentional communities with those of like mind is a must. This song touches on why it is necessary and the benefits of doing so.

A side note, as the big cities are going down the proverbial shitter with violence and crime, it is now spreading to the smaller ones. A city near me, Rochester, N.Y., had 7 shootings in 2 hours the other day. They are also seeing a record number of car jackings and murders. By the way, Rochester is smaller than nearby Buffalo. I'm sort of waiting for when it hits the fan in Buffalo. We are starting to see the beginnings of it now. But, with no bail; ultra-liberal mayors, district attorney's and politicians, what do you expect?

Forewarned is forearmed as they say. Here is the link to Jason's video--(436) Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Two Quotes to Think About

1."Patriots are few and far between when tyranny is strong. As the tyrant falls, patriots abound. But their patriotism is suspect. 

Accept no revolutionary leader who has not paid his dues with longevity, determination, sacrifice, defiance, dedication to unvarnished truth and love of his people."

2."One cannot fight an enemy if one does not even have the courage to identify him".

David Lane

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

This Old Truck

This old truck is a little over 22 years old.

You need a key to start the engine up, no pushing a button required here.

You can hear and feel the power as the engine fires up. No sound like a child's electric toy to be found.

I have to roll down my own windows, no push button needed to do the work and that's the way I like it.

Not the smoothest ride as you rumble down the road but it's more than alright with me.

You can have your E.V. because that's not real driving to this me.

I need something with guts and power.

That's why I love this old truck.

Saturday, July 8, 2023



What To Do--Now!

 This is your wake-up call, if needed!

"If you despise what you see in the world around you, do not lament the passing of a dream you never knew--dream the world that you want NOW! Begin from where you are. Dream a new world and impose it from above. Thrust your hands into the decaying soil, scoop it up and sculpt it--give it shape with all of your strength. Life was never fair and creation was never easy.

Take the world you have and make the one you want. Be the god that gives it life.

And if you don't know where to start---if you have nothing but your own body---start there. Create and recreate yourself. Be the clay,and become your own dream. Not because you have to, or because it is needed or necessary, but because you want to.

Why not?

Isn't that what the conqueror, the master and the first king says?

'Why not me?'

Why not be the creature who creates himself? 

And...then......." J.Donovan.

I'll say this to "And....then..." And then we should go on to start the type of environment we want to live in. Intentional communities consisting of those of like mind and ideals. If you are waiting for "your guy" or team to get in and right this sinking ship called America, you are deluding yourself.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Something to Think About

Tomorrow is promised to no one. I have seen the truth of this statement more and more as each year passes.

So many things can happen that could change what you do and how you live in an instant.
Each day we need to remind ourselves of this. What follows are some things to consider.

"The Best Day-Today,
The Best Work-What You Like,
The Greatest Stumbling Block-Your Ego,
The Greatest Mistake-Giving Up,
The Greatest Need-Common Sense,
The Greatest Wealth-Health,
The Great Sin-Fear,
Your Enemies-Envy, Greed, Self-Indulgence, Self-Pity,
Life's Greatest Adventure-growth on the Physical,Mental and Spiritual Plane,
The Greatest Race To Win---A Long Vigorous, Purposeful Life,"
(Author unknown).

Do not wait for some still undetermined time in the future to live the life YOU want!

Vegan Nonsense

 I'd like to start by saying I have studied nutrition and exercise since 1974. I was also a certified fitness trainer. In the remote past I too was suckered in by nutrition "gurus" who make a very nice living promoting their way of eating. Over the years I have found that many of these people were basically hucksters who didn't even follow their own teachings.

Then, I took coursework in anatomy and physiology as it applies to nutrition. It was at that time that I learned this: as there are fundamentals to most everything, there are also fundamentals to what our body needs nutritionally to live and thrive.

Enter now veganism. It's been around for ages. Initially it was sort of a sub-culture of those called "health nuts," but in recent years it has gone mainstream. It's strictly a plant-based diet. It's adherents endlessly taut that it is the best, and healthiest way to eat.  I did it for awhile in the past as well as a raw food diet.

It only takes a minimal study of the principles of nutrition to see that veganism is a nutritionally deficient diet.

Now I could go on and on proving this point, but you should do what the overwhelming majority of vegans don't do, a little research. Learn about our need for complete proteins, especially as we age. Also, try going to the website called the Weston Price Foundation. The work done there is based on real scientific study over the decades. Dr. Weil has made some excellent observations on the problems with staying on a vegan diet long-term.

Now let's get to the real test of the validity of any diet, what countries and people have the longest life expectancy. Here's a few: Japan, Italy, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and France.

Guess what? Not one of those countries, plus the ones I left off, eat a vegan diet. In fact, there is not a group of people on this earth who have lived long, vigorous lives on a vegan diet.

The effects of eating a nutritionally deficient diet may take years to reap the negative effects of doing so. Strangely, when you direct the facts to a committed vegan they tend to blow you off and refer you to their favorite vegan huckster. I have a vegan family member who has had at least two B-12 deficiencies as well as a protein deficiency and what appears to be prematurely wrinkling of the skin, especially on her neck. Like many others, she persists going down this wrong nutritional path despite all the warning signs. Many would call this having an eating disorder.

Don't buy the hype people and don't leave your health in the hands of those who make a living from promoting their way of eating. 

Do the research for heavens sake!

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

 Saw this while driving around. Wonder how long it stayed up?

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Wisdom From Thomas Jefferson on This 4th of July

America is doomed when they forget about, or "cancel," those men who made it great.

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are two of those men.

This country is not too far from being on life-support.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Mocking Alpha Males

Pictured above is one of the more arrogant, half men you will ever see, Steven Colbert. Richer than any of us, he made this comment not too long ago when gas prices were sky rocketing, I'm paraphrasing: "I've got an EV (electric vehicle), no problem here." The inference was, get an electric car fool. Well, sorry dweeb, I don't have 60 thousand to spend on a vehicle that sounds like a child's toy and has to be charged up at places that don't exist in my area. It was this idiot's "Let them eat cake moment."

You've read on this blog before how any display these days of what was once accepted as traditional masculinity, is now described as "toxic." From there the media and its puppets make the jump in "logic" to saying that if you look into what comprises alpha males you are bound to find homophobes, neo-Nazis, insurrectionists, etc. Translation: these are potentially very dangerous people. What a despicable and false assumption to make.

Well, guess what? These same people have taken their twisted thinking to a whole new level. Of late, the inference is being made that those who are alpha males and engage in the things alpha males do, like working out for starters, are basically repressed, or closeted, homosexuals. Don't believe me? Google Tucker Carlson's, The End of Men for starters.

So, why all the hatred and lies directed to us alpha males? Isn't it obvious? It's because we are seen as a threat to the world these people want. You know, a world like the one they are attempting to create in America right now. I hope you recognize what they are trying to do to us and this country. 

Docile, passive men who buy into the "party line" are what they want. My question is, are they that foolish to think that calling us homos is going to change anything?

I know I write this all the time but people, be an example to others, stop smoking pot, doing drugs and drinking to excess. Oh yeah, do you believe that after decades of the government demonizing marijuana that suddenly it's now OK? Ya' think maybe the legalization of weed may have something to do with creating a lazy and controllable population? Mmmmm.

Fight the power people, stay true to your convictions, connect with those of like mind.

Celebrate Our Heroes this 4th of July, you know, the ones now being "cancelled!"