Thursday, June 8, 2023

Climate Ch*nge and Control

 I was going to write this fairly long article but after some thought I said, why bother? The whole climate change thing can be summed up in one word, control.

Anyone who has a free-thinking brain and follows the unbiased science realizes this. If every major industrial country in the world made all the adjustments they are talking about it would barely make any significant change in our climate situation.

Here's the reality, China and India, two of the major polluters show little interest in going along with the crippling regulations recommended by the Climate Accord. In fact, China has been given a free pass until sometime in the 2030's to get on board with this agreement. Japan, Russia, they also have little interest in complying.

Watch The Inconvenient Truth by grifter/fraud Al Gore put out in the early 2000's and get back to me if you don't believe what you are reading here. The "sky is falling" scenario he depicted never happened. In fact, they had to change the then accepted phrase Global Warming, to Climate Change because it was a more inclusive phrase that you could apply to most any weather event. You know, a forest fire in California, climate change caused it, tornados in the Midwest, climate change, hurricanes, climate change, and on and on.

Weather patterns change over the decades and centuries, it's just how nature is.

Here's the crux of the matter, politicians and ignorant citizens are going with something that can dictate and control the people, that's the politicians; while others like Gore and Lurch, I mean John Kerry, are on the, "look at me, I am saving mankind hustle". Then we have the "activists" who, because they have done zero unbiased research, have drank the climate change Kool-Aid. It's become their cause, their purpose in life.

Covid lockdowns showed our government how they could dictate and control every aspect of our lives, our coming and goings, our economy. What is the result of their doing this? Well, there is no more free speech in this country for one thing. Do I need to go on and list what else our government felt free to do to its citizens? If I do, then you need to start waking up and looking around.

Are you aware of what the definition of a totalitarian government is? As I publish this on FB, watch for the disclaimer by their censors below my post. 

Climate change, its pure bullshit. It's all about controlling YOU!

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