Saturday, June 24, 2023

Urban America, These Days It's a Freak Show Out There


What you are about to read is me not being some sort of dick but an effort to maintain the, "we are not the world" mindset. Alpha males don't engage in most things everyone else does and we don't look and act like most other people you see.

I thought I would post this after a walk down one of the more popular streets in my town the other day. Buffalo is considered a medium sized city with a population of 275,000. The section I was in is viewed as one of the progressive, "hip" sections of the city. You know, when in office they had an abundance of hate Trump posters and stickers, as well as the nauseating, "In This Town No Person is Illegal" or "Hate Has No Home Here"(except if you lean right politically) signs on their lawns. Naturally, the homosexual rainbow flag is everywhere.

Again, I am writing this to all who consider themselves alpha males. Consider it a warning to not be anything "like them," the people that make up so much of the urban population these days.

Here's what I see, a disturbing amount of obese people for starters. I checked the stats and half of all Americans are considered to be obese. That means, they have a BMI of 30% or more. If you don't know what BMI is, look it up online and figure out what yours is. I'll be honest, it seems more like 75% looking around the supermarkets, work, and other places about town.

Something else I have observed, what's with the overdoing of tattoos on pretty much every part of people's bodies? I mean, in recent years we've gone from a few "tatts" here and there, to "sleeves", neck and even facial tattoos. I see beautiful women and good looking men basically destroying their appearance with ugly, distracting tattoos.

Blue hair, green hair, purple hair and on and on. Is this a sign you are edgy, or is it the facial piercings that tell me this? Could it be, once again, the tattoos, or, the androgynous manner in which you dress? Guess what dweebs? Being edgy is internal, it's about the way you live and what you do.

And finally, the f'ng cellphone. Is it me or does it seem like everyone is looking at, or texting on their cellphone? The cellphone has obviously become an addiction for the majority of Americans. Alpha males, unless you are expecting an urgent call or you use it for your job, leave the damn thing in your car or at home. 

Read(books), workout each and every day, challenge yourself physically and mentally from time to time, don't eat shit food, don't drink alcohol excessively or do any drugs, AND, associate mainly with people who have a similar view of the world as you. Not ones who are negative or have an unhealthy preoccupation with politics.

You are not them and be glad of that. Spread the word.

Live life vigorously!

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