Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Misguided White Youth

 "There is nothing sadder than a white boy trying to be black." That's a quote I thought up a few years back after seeing yet another white youth affecting a black persona and look. You know, the sagging pants, the "Lid", wearing a hoodie, maybe some jewelry, whatever, you know what I'm getting at.

My favorite is the hooded sweatshirt with the hood worn up. I was driving through town last week and it was unusually hot for the season, say upper 80's, yet there were many of the "brothers" walking around with hoodies and the hood up. Now, I could care less how any black male chooses to dress, it's his business not mine. But, I see lots of white guys with that same look. They often throw in a baseball cap with the hood up to complete the ensemble. 

So, my question is, why would a white youth choose to dress like this? Is it because white males have been disparaged, lied about and accused of almost everything under the sun? Is it because alpha males have been accused of being haters, white supremacists, nazis and more? Is it because white males have no male figures in their lives who serve as role models of what being a real male is? Or is it because everything black is being promoted and celebrated? 

What do you think, isn't the obvious answer yes to all of the above?

On a related note, the Media has designated certain types of clothing as being white supremacist in nature. Google white supremacist clothing if you don't believe me. Things like polo shirts with khaki pants have been mentioned, hats with the logo 1776 or the Betsy Ross flag have also been targeted. Thor Steinar clothing is included as well as many other brands. 

I may continue this article in a day or so but just writing about it depresses the shit out of me.

Here's some advice, we can't change the world but we can be an example to those white males we come in contact with. Be strong, don't be a fat shit whiner who'd rather be entertained than be a doer. Stop smoking dope and boozing. Instead of getting another tattoo on your soft body try working out, every day! Speak up when your race is being criticized or accused of things it didn't do. 

Change things, one white youth at a time!

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