Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Pro-Feminist Male

 "The pro-feminist male is a wretched guilt-ridden creature who must at every turn make certain he is not impeding the progress of women in any way. He willingly accepts guilt for crimes against women he never committed, perpetrated by men he has never met.

He must question any interest he has in sports or any admiration he might have for traditional male role models--for fear that he is perpetuating cultures of honor or patriarchy that could somehow result in the oppression of/or violence against women. He must be careful to include women in every activity, even if he would prefer not to. He must try hard to understand how 'his' own attitudes and actions might inadvertently perpetuate sexism and violence, and work toward changing them. He must never collude with men to work for the interests of men---unless those interests have been certified as completely harmless to the interests of women.

He is encouraged to work with women to support their interests with little or no regard to how those interests might have a negative impact on men. He must support and defend programs that help or give advantages to women based on their sex alone. The only 'freedom' that feminism offers men is the freedom to do exactly what women want to do. The freedom to serve." J. Donovan quote.

As I typed this, I could not help but think how this applies in large part to whites and race in 2023.

Celebrate This!

Does this picture make you a little uncomfortable, but oddly, you have no problem with "Gay" Pride Month, Black History Month, B.L.M., or any other race or culture being "celebrated" except the White one?

Then regrettably you have either been brainwashed or dumbed down.

Wake up! Don't allow yourself to be marginalized, disparaged and misrepresented!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Urban America, These Days It's a Freak Show Out There


What you are about to read is me not being some sort of dick but an effort to maintain the, "we are not the world" mindset. Alpha males don't engage in most things everyone else does and we don't look and act like most other people you see.

I thought I would post this after a walk down one of the more popular streets in my town the other day. Buffalo is considered a medium sized city with a population of 275,000. The section I was in is viewed as one of the progressive, "hip" sections of the city. You know, when in office they had an abundance of hate Trump posters and stickers, as well as the nauseating, "In This Town No Person is Illegal" or "Hate Has No Home Here"(except if you lean right politically) signs on their lawns. Naturally, the homosexual rainbow flag is everywhere.

Again, I am writing this to all who consider themselves alpha males. Consider it a warning to not be anything "like them," the people that make up so much of the urban population these days.

Here's what I see, a disturbing amount of obese people for starters. I checked the stats and half of all Americans are considered to be obese. That means, they have a BMI of 30% or more. If you don't know what BMI is, look it up online and figure out what yours is. I'll be honest, it seems more like 75% looking around the supermarkets, work, and other places about town.

Something else I have observed, what's with the overdoing of tattoos on pretty much every part of people's bodies? I mean, in recent years we've gone from a few "tatts" here and there, to "sleeves", neck and even facial tattoos. I see beautiful women and good looking men basically destroying their appearance with ugly, distracting tattoos.

Blue hair, green hair, purple hair and on and on. Is this a sign you are edgy, or is it the facial piercings that tell me this? Could it be, once again, the tattoos, or, the androgynous manner in which you dress? Guess what dweebs? Being edgy is internal, it's about the way you live and what you do.

And finally, the f'ng cellphone. Is it me or does it seem like everyone is looking at, or texting on their cellphone? The cellphone has obviously become an addiction for the majority of Americans. Alpha males, unless you are expecting an urgent call or you use it for your job, leave the damn thing in your car or at home. 

Read(books), workout each and every day, challenge yourself physically and mentally from time to time, don't eat shit food, don't drink alcohol excessively or do any drugs, AND, associate mainly with people who have a similar view of the world as you. Not ones who are negative or have an unhealthy preoccupation with politics.

You are not them and be glad of that. Spread the word.

Live life vigorously!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Misguided White Youth

 "There is nothing sadder than a white boy trying to be black." That's a quote I thought up a few years back after seeing yet another white youth affecting a black persona and look. You know, the sagging pants, the "Lid", wearing a hoodie, maybe some jewelry, whatever, you know what I'm getting at.

My favorite is the hooded sweatshirt with the hood worn up. I was driving through town last week and it was unusually hot for the season, say upper 80's, yet there were many of the "brothers" walking around with hoodies and the hood up. Now, I could care less how any black male chooses to dress, it's his business not mine. But, I see lots of white guys with that same look. They often throw in a baseball cap with the hood up to complete the ensemble. 

So, my question is, why would a white youth choose to dress like this? Is it because white males have been disparaged, lied about and accused of almost everything under the sun? Is it because alpha males have been accused of being haters, white supremacists, nazis and more? Is it because white males have no male figures in their lives who serve as role models of what being a real male is? Or is it because everything black is being promoted and celebrated? 

What do you think, isn't the obvious answer yes to all of the above?

On a related note, the Media has designated certain types of clothing as being white supremacist in nature. Google white supremacist clothing if you don't believe me. Things like polo shirts with khaki pants have been mentioned, hats with the logo 1776 or the Betsy Ross flag have also been targeted. Thor Steinar clothing is included as well as many other brands. 

I may continue this article in a day or so but just writing about it depresses the shit out of me.

Here's some advice, we can't change the world but we can be an example to those white males we come in contact with. Be strong, don't be a fat shit whiner who'd rather be entertained than be a doer. Stop smoking dope and boozing. Instead of getting another tattoo on your soft body try working out, every day! Speak up when your race is being criticized or accused of things it didn't do. 

Change things, one white youth at a time!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

An Alpha Male, Our Government, This Banana Republic

 Some months ago after the President of China was "re-elected" he held a meeting with the representatives of the Chinese government. This also included his opposition leader who had recently run against him. During the course of the President's talk a few men approached the opposition leader and escorted him out of the hall, never to be heard of again.

In America we do things a little different. We send bogus charge, after bogus charge, against an opponent named Donald Trump till eventually you can hopefully get one charge to stick. We have a U.S.government that is dead set on getting rid of a former President.

Meanwhile, we have a crooked, thieving, demented(literally) current President who would have been long gone from office for his crimes if this would have happened not too many decades ago. But, ladies and gentlemen, this is not even remotely the same country it was pre year 2000.

We have become a sick, twisted, perverted nation. Hell, we can't even find many physicians who have the courage to define what constitutes a male and a female. But, that is the least of America's problems. Our government and all its agencies, all of them, are there to do the bidding of those currently in charge. Speak or act out against the corruption and/or injustices and you will have the government at your door (F.B.I, D.O.J, I.R.S., etc.) p.d.q. Of course, if you are B.L.M. or Antifa you get a free pass to do as you please. 

For exercising your rights as a citizen you now have the potential of facing jail time. Take a look at some of the phony charges against MANY of the Jan 6 defendants. Funny how the black security guard who killed the unarmed white female vet who was protesting on Jan.6 was never charged. Oh, that's right, he had two things going for him that exempted him from being charged.

Donald Trump is the ultimate Alpha male: self-assured, opinionated, crass at times, to the point, committed totally to completing the task at hand the way he sees fit, not willing to accept "business as usual", patriotic, a defender of faith and country while calling out the b*llshit when he sees it.

This is why he is loathed by the people who don't want their apple cart upset. You know, all the people in Congress and government who have grown rich.

To all the assholes out there, sorry, I can't find a more appropriate word to describe you, who are gleefully celebrating what is happening to Donald Trump I say this: You actually think this totalitarian government, no matter how left leaning you are, is not going to eventually infringe on your rights and all the things you take for granted? Are you that stupid? You don't think this government is not looking to CONTROL every aspect of your lives? Have you ever cracked a history book, or is it that you can't be bothered because your binge watching some shit on Netflix or glued to MSNBC and CNN?

We've lost the country, at least what it once was and it appears as if most Americans are asleep at the wheel or could care less. Just give us our booze, legalized pot, sports, entertainment and food and tell us everything is going to be OK and we'll keep quiet.

Pray for Donald Trump and his family.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Climate Ch*nge and Control

 I was going to write this fairly long article but after some thought I said, why bother? The whole climate change thing can be summed up in one word, control.

Anyone who has a free-thinking brain and follows the unbiased science realizes this. If every major industrial country in the world made all the adjustments they are talking about it would barely make any significant change in our climate situation.

Here's the reality, China and India, two of the major polluters show little interest in going along with the crippling regulations recommended by the Climate Accord. In fact, China has been given a free pass until sometime in the 2030's to get on board with this agreement. Japan, Russia, they also have little interest in complying.

Watch The Inconvenient Truth by grifter/fraud Al Gore put out in the early 2000's and get back to me if you don't believe what you are reading here. The "sky is falling" scenario he depicted never happened. In fact, they had to change the then accepted phrase Global Warming, to Climate Change because it was a more inclusive phrase that you could apply to most any weather event. You know, a forest fire in California, climate change caused it, tornados in the Midwest, climate change, hurricanes, climate change, and on and on.

Weather patterns change over the decades and centuries, it's just how nature is.

Here's the crux of the matter, politicians and ignorant citizens are going with something that can dictate and control the people, that's the politicians; while others like Gore and Lurch, I mean John Kerry, are on the, "look at me, I am saving mankind hustle". Then we have the "activists" who, because they have done zero unbiased research, have drank the climate change Kool-Aid. It's become their cause, their purpose in life.

Covid lockdowns showed our government how they could dictate and control every aspect of our lives, our coming and goings, our economy. What is the result of their doing this? Well, there is no more free speech in this country for one thing. Do I need to go on and list what else our government felt free to do to its citizens? If I do, then you need to start waking up and looking around.

Are you aware of what the definition of a totalitarian government is? As I publish this on FB, watch for the disclaimer by their censors below my post. 

Climate change, its pure bullshit. It's all about controlling YOU!