Some months ago after the President of China was "re-elected" he held a meeting with the representatives of the Chinese government. This also included his opposition leader who had recently run against him. During the course of the President's talk a few men approached the opposition leader and escorted him out of the hall, never to be heard of again.
In America we do things a little different. We send bogus charge, after bogus charge, against an opponent named Donald Trump till eventually you can hopefully get one charge to stick. We have a U.S.government that is dead set on getting rid of a former President.
Meanwhile, we have a crooked, thieving, demented(literally) current President who would have been long gone from office for his crimes if this would have happened not too many decades ago. But, ladies and gentlemen, this is not even remotely the same country it was pre year 2000.
We have become a sick, twisted, perverted nation. Hell, we can't even find many physicians who have the courage to define what constitutes a male and a female. But, that is the least of America's problems. Our government and all its agencies, all of them, are there to do the bidding of those currently in charge. Speak or act out against the corruption and/or injustices and you will have the government at your door (F.B.I, D.O.J, I.R.S., etc.) p.d.q. Of course, if you are B.L.M. or Antifa you get a free pass to do as you please.
For exercising your rights as a citizen you now have the potential of facing jail time. Take a look at some of the phony charges against MANY of the Jan 6 defendants. Funny how the black security guard who killed the unarmed white female vet who was protesting on Jan.6 was never charged. Oh, that's right, he had two things going for him that exempted him from being charged.
Donald Trump is the ultimate Alpha male: self-assured, opinionated, crass at times, to the point, committed totally to completing the task at hand the way he sees fit, not willing to accept "business as usual", patriotic, a defender of faith and country while calling out the b*llshit when he sees it.
This is why he is loathed by the people who don't want their apple cart upset. You know, all the people in Congress and government who have grown rich.
To all the assholes out there, sorry, I can't find a more appropriate word to describe you, who are gleefully celebrating what is happening to Donald Trump I say this: You actually think this totalitarian government, no matter how left leaning you are, is not going to eventually infringe on your rights and all the things you take for granted? Are you that stupid? You don't think this government is not looking to CONTROL every aspect of your lives? Have you ever cracked a history book, or is it that you can't be bothered because your binge watching some shit on Netflix or glued to MSNBC and CNN?
We've lost the country, at least what it once was and it appears as if most Americans are asleep at the wheel or could care less. Just give us our booze, legalized pot, sports, entertainment and food and tell us everything is going to be OK and we'll keep quiet.
Pray for Donald Trump and his family.