Thursday, March 9, 2023

A Great Sagging Pants Cover-up?

I always laugh when I see negroes and poor deluded white boys walking around with their pants hanging halfway down their behind. I laugh because many of them are trying really hard to look tough. Lets see, you got your ass showing as you walk down the street and that's supposed to be a sign of toughness?

Almost 3 years ago I was talking to a friend of mine and he told me about the origin of the whole sagging pants look. It originally came from the penitentiary system. When a person wanted to signal that he was up for a little rear end, up the dirt road action, he'd walk around with his pants sagging.

At that time, I looked it up on the computer to see if this was true and I saw multiple links to stories confirming that it was. 

Fast forward 3 years and I thought I'd run the story on my Blogspot beyondalphamale. When I went to reference the articles that I had read previously what did I find? Not those articles but multiple recent ones that said, the sagging pants thing did not originate in the prison system but was a sign of....."bullshit, bullshit, bullshit"...The bullshit quotes are mine. Naturally, the sites that posted this bullshit were all leftist or negro, darkie friendly websites. I should add that they tried to put a very positive spin on what is a degenerate, ignorant look.

But I say, keep it up, walk around with your pants sagging like you want to be someone's bitch.

We're not them! 

14 Words!


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