Friday, March 17, 2023

If You Don't Do Something!

Faith, Family, Folk, Heritage. Our responsibility to safeguard and preserve!

Did you notice that when the rabble started taking down statues, they did ones like our Confederate heroes and then moved on to the giants of American History? Thomas Jefferson and George Washington to name just a few. Now your money is about to be defaced and replaced by their putting notable negro personalities on them.

This all makes me think of this huge wall that is located in the black part of town that I occasionally drive through. It has sections featuring pictures of negro "heroes" on at least 15 panels. Several of them are outright terrorists. Stokely Carmichael and Angela Davis readily come to mind. So, this begs the question, why is this not only accepted, but celebrated? Yet, you tear down statues of white men who made America the once greatest nation on earth?

The reason is, is that what's OK for negroes these days is not OK for us white folk. That's the age we now live in.

Reject this age as well as this f'ng corrupt government that caters and bends its knee to those most undeserving people, form intentional communities with those of like mind. If you think this is extreme read below.

Nothing in this country is going to get better even if "your guy" gets in.You actually still believe state and national elections can't be manipulated? We now live in a totalitarian, corrupt nation that takes out anyone who attempts to expose it. Exhibit A is Donald Trump who reports he is about to be arrested next week on some of the stupidest charges you can find. This comes after years of 24/7 harassment against him, his family, associates and appointees. 
All because he wouldn't play the "business as usual game" in Washington. And to you who think this is a good thing, I say enjoy your pants shitting (in front of "pope" Francis), demented Biden, who along with his family, has made 10's of millions illegally. Ask yourself, is your life better now than it was before this p.o.s. fool Biden became President?

Also, consider this by A.Tytler: "The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

With that quote in mind, this country is about 245 years old. 

Don't be complacent!

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