Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Mainstreaming Drag Queens

If you haven't read my previous post called, Radicalized in 2022, I would recommend that you check it out, it sort of lays the groundwork for what you are about to read.

Drag Queens, what's with the sudden, for a lack of a better word, push on drag queens? They are to me and other uncorrupted people, grotesque caricatures of what is a woman. As I recall, many decades ago they were sort of a fringe part of the whole homo scene. Some queer bars would have a night when they would feature them. They were usually made up of overweight "guys" garishly dressed while singing and dancing badly. No one who was straight would ever consider seeing a "drag show" because they were rightly perceived as twisted and perverse. 

Fast forward to 2022 and 2023 and drag queens seem to be all over the place. There is an extremely popular show that has run now for several years featuring some kind of drag queen competition. I have also seen drag queens doing TV commercials. It is now considered very acceptable and trendy for straights to attend "Drag" shows. In regard to that I say, if you want to degrade yourself and take part in it, have at it. As I said in a previous article, we're not you, we don't take part in many of the things your world finds "enjoyable."

So, now we come to a most recent controversy, Drag Queen story hour for children. Taking place in public venues and even schools, it begs the question, how is this even remotely acceptable? Who in the world originated such an idea and how could many parents and school officials think this was OK? Exposing our vulnerable and impressionable children to this can never be condoned.

I know there has been more and more of a push back against this in recent months but it is still going on. This all gets to the heart of the matter which is that most people in this country have become so debased and dumbed down that they've lost any sense of what is right, what is wrong, what is immoral, what is moral.

Wake up America, you are beginning to make Sodom and Gomorrah look, well, not all that bad.


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