Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Stop Causing Sh*t!

At work we get the local newspaper and the most useless rag of all, the N.Y. Times. These papers, along with all other facets of the media do the same thing, they cause racial division and hate.

I thought of posting this after seeing the release of a movie called Tully. It focuses on a 15 year old negro who was lynched by, you guessed it, a bunch of evil whiteys. This event supposedly happened sometime in the 50's. 

So, what we have here is yet another movie that stirs up the blame whitey, they're all evil and racist theme. Books, other movies, magazine articles, television news shows and programs regularly, and I mean often, push we're the victim(blacks), blame the honky for everything. 

What is the purpose of doing this?  What is the end game? 

How much does this fuel black on white crime? Plenty I believe. 

I could speculate on the hows and whys behind all this but what would that accomplish? There is nothing I can do to stop it, even if I knew, it wouldn't change anything. The powers that be have set their plan(s) in motion. Those who are oblivious to what is going on, or the deluded whites who have drunk the "whitey is evil" kool aid, don't know the hell that is to come.

Forewarned is forearmed, I mean that figuratively and literally.

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