Land of the Free? Hardly!
Friday, March 31, 2023
Land of the Free? Hardly!
Land of the Free? Hardly!
Monday, March 27, 2023
A Lie is Still A Lie
As this country spent decades telling you a certain type of behavior is "normal", those who know the "science" and haven't been brainwashed, know different.
Now as homosexuality has gained acceptance with most Americans, a new agenda is being pushed. They have taken it up a notch with transgenderism, boys can be girls and vice versa. Give it a few years, at most, and this will be thought of to be "normal."
What's coming after that? Normalizing sex with children. Doubt it? Google, Minor Attracted Person. After that, Google NAMBLA and get back to me.
As I said before, America is making Sodom and Gomorrah look chaste.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
The 88 Precepts--Think About These
What you are about to read is a partial listing of David Lane's 88 Precepts, I intend to post all of them in the next week. Don't just read through them, stop and think about what is being said and how relevant it is in today's f'd up country we live in. Here goes:
"1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.
2. Whatever People’s perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature’s Law are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that Force.
3. God and religion are distinct, separate and often conflicting concepts. Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God. Religion is the creation of mortals, therefore predestined to fallibility. Religion may preserve or destroy a People, depending on the structure given by its progenitors, the motives of its agents and the vagaries of historical circumstances.
4. The truest form of prayer is communion with Nature. It is not vocal. Go to a lonely spot, if possible a mountaintop, on a clear, star-lit night, ponder the majesty and order of the infinite macrocosm. Then consider the intricacies of the equally infinite microcosm. Understand that you are on the one hand inconsequential beyond comprehension in the size of things, and on the other hand, you are potentially valuable beyond comprehension as a link in destiny’s chain. There you begin to understand how pride and self can co-exist with respect and reverence. There we find harmony with Nature and with harmony comes strength, peace and certainty.
5. Secular power systems protect and promote religions, which teach of an after-life. Thus, people are taught to abandon defenses against the predators of this life.
6. History, both secular and religious, is a fable conceived in self-serving deceit and promulgated by those who perceive benefits.
7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their culture. A multi- racial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and value necessary to the survival of a race.
8. What men call the “super natural” is actually the “natural” not yet understood or revealed.
9. A proliferation of laws with the resultant loss of freedom is a sign of, and directly proportional to, spiritual sickness in a Nation.
10. If a Nation is devoid of spiritual health and moral character, then government and unprincipled men will fill the vacancy. Therefore, freedom prospers in moral values and tyranny thrives in moral decay.
11. Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware of verbose doctrines. The great principles are revealed in brevity.
12. Truth does not fear investigation.
13. Unfounded belief is pitfall. A People who do not check the validity and effect of their beliefs with reason will suffer or perish.
14. In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of one’s own race.
15. No greater motivating force exists than the certain conviction that one is right.
16. Discernment is a sign of a healthy People. In a sick or dying nation, civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance."
Numbers 5-16 are especially good and relevant for the times we are living in right now. We see an utterly corrupt and totalitarian government, a fat, complacent populace with lawlessness abounding and perversion being called "normal"--these precepts need to be read by those who still give a shit. A people who are not looking to keep their heads in the sand.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Friday, March 17, 2023
If You Don't Do Something!
Faith, Family, Folk, Heritage. Our responsibility to safeguard and preserve!
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Mainstreaming Drag Queens
If you haven't read my previous post called, Radicalized in 2022, I would recommend that you check it out, it sort of lays the groundwork for what you are about to read.
Drag Queens, what's with the sudden, for a lack of a better word, push on drag queens? They are to me and other uncorrupted people, grotesque caricatures of what is a woman. As I recall, many decades ago they were sort of a fringe part of the whole homo scene. Some queer bars would have a night when they would feature them. They were usually made up of overweight "guys" garishly dressed while singing and dancing badly. No one who was straight would ever consider seeing a "drag show" because they were rightly perceived as twisted and perverse.
Fast forward to 2022 and 2023 and drag queens seem to be all over the place. There is an extremely popular show that has run now for several years featuring some kind of drag queen competition. I have also seen drag queens doing TV commercials. It is now considered very acceptable and trendy for straights to attend "Drag" shows. In regard to that I say, if you want to degrade yourself and take part in it, have at it. As I said in a previous article, we're not you, we don't take part in many of the things your world finds "enjoyable."
So, now we come to a most recent controversy, Drag Queen story hour for children. Taking place in public venues and even schools, it begs the question, how is this even remotely acceptable? Who in the world originated such an idea and how could many parents and school officials think this was OK? Exposing our vulnerable and impressionable children to this can never be condoned.
I know there has been more and more of a push back against this in recent months but it is still going on. This all gets to the heart of the matter which is that most people in this country have become so debased and dumbed down that they've lost any sense of what is right, what is wrong, what is immoral, what is moral.
Wake up America, you are beginning to make Sodom and Gomorrah look, well, not all that bad.
Monday, March 13, 2023
If You Think You Are an Alpha Male--Then You Aren't a Cellphone Junkie!
Much of this article you are about to read I wrote 8 years ago. What I had to say then is even more relevant now as cellphone use is more extensive and the phone has become more versatile with its features.
I address this post to self-described alpha males. You know, guys who still have testosterone, are doers not watchers of life and have not bought into the LIE of how the modern male "should" be, which is, basically women with penises. Please read my post about masculinity if you haven't already, it's called, "Wimps and Toxic Masculinity" written on July 14, 2022. You can access it on the Archive section to the right of this page. Here goes:
You see people on cellphones everywhere --on the street--in the stores--on the beaches--in the parks-- and quite unbelievably--in their cars. People staring blankly at the screens--texting or talking. Just today I saw many people looking at their phones while driving--forget the number who were actually talking on them. At the retail store where I once worked, people were looking at them as they shopped while others were on their phone carrying on conversations.
On television you will see the cameras scan a crowd and there will be people staring into their phones. Why? Do people forget that there was once a time when you missed calls you still got the message on your machine at home? Remember when people actually went out and were observant and engaged in their surroundings, with each other and were not staring at a phone? To me, this is the potential BIG loss in excessive cellphone use, not being engaged in your surroundings, this includes the people who are right next to you.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Please note the Archive section to the right of this page, lots of posts this year and twice as many in 2022. There are more actual articles in 2022 than what you see above which I call signposts.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
A Great Sagging Pants Cover-up?
I always laugh when I see negroes and poor deluded white boys walking around with their pants hanging halfway down their behind. I laugh because many of them are trying really hard to look tough. Lets see, you got your ass showing as you walk down the street and that's supposed to be a sign of toughness?
Almost 3 years ago I was talking to a friend of mine and he told me about the origin of the whole sagging pants look. It originally came from the penitentiary system. When a person wanted to signal that he was up for a little rear end, up the dirt road action, he'd walk around with his pants sagging.
At that time, I looked it up on the computer to see if this was true and I saw multiple links to stories confirming that it was.
Fast forward 3 years and I thought I'd run the story on my Blogspot beyondalphamale. When I went to reference the articles that I had read previously what did I find? Not those articles but multiple recent ones that said, the sagging pants thing did not originate in the prison system but was a sign of....."bullshit, bullshit, bullshit"...The bullshit quotes are mine. Naturally, the sites that posted this bullshit were all leftist or negro, darkie friendly websites. I should add that they tried to put a very positive spin on what is a degenerate, ignorant look.
But I say, keep it up, walk around with your pants sagging like you want to be someone's bitch.
We're not them!
14 Words!
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
If You Are Fit and White, Then you Are Probably a White Supremacist
Last week, days before an overweight nation rang in the new year, Time Magazine published a transcribed interview on “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise.”
The ensuing interview characterized health and wellness as an instrument of white nationalism. According to Petrzela, early fitness enthusiasts of the 20th century promoted exercise for the sake of growing the white race.
They said we should get rid of corsets, corsets are an assault on women’s form, and that women should be lifting weights and gaining strength. At first, you feel like this is so progressive.
Then you keep reading, and they’re saying white women should start building up their strength because we need more white babies. They’re writing during an incredible amount of immigration, soon after enslaved people have been emancipated. This is totally part of a white supremacy project. So that was a real ‘holy crap’ moment as a historian, where deep archival research really reveals the contradictions of this moment.
Petrzela went on to give credence to the pro-fat movement by admonishing common-sense assumptions about overweight people in fitness spaces.
“Today, you see quite a few fat people in the fitness industry, who are operating from a better perspective, which is that your body size does not necessarily dictate your fitness level,” Petrzela said. “We should not presume that because you are fat, that you are not fit or that you want to lose weight.”
Obesity carries with it a higher risk of high blood pressure, cancers, diabetes, strokes, coronary heart disease, breathing problems, high cholesterol, and mental illness, just to name a few — not to mention the present burden of extra weight putting stress on joints and other parts of the body.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 67 percent of the adult U.S. population is considered, at minimum, overweight. In other words, a minority of American adults are a healthy weight.
Time Magazine is not the first to characterize exercise as a product of political extremism. In 2021, FiveThirtyEight declared the right’s focus on obesity as an ill-faith fixation of “right-wing communities,” never mind that obesity predominantly threatens red states. It’s worth asking whether the script should be flipped: After all, couldn’t promoting the pro-fat movement, and therefore all the aforementioned associated risks, be considered its own kind of racism? According to the CDC, nearly half of all non-Hispanic black adults are obese.
Friday, March 3, 2023
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Stop Causing Sh*t!
At work we get the local newspaper and the most useless rag of all, the N.Y. Times. These papers, along with all other facets of the media do the same thing, they cause racial division and hate.
I thought of posting this after seeing the release of a movie called Tully. It focuses on a 15 year old negro who was lynched by, you guessed it, a bunch of evil whiteys. This event supposedly happened sometime in the 50's.
So, what we have here is yet another movie that stirs up the blame whitey, they're all evil and racist theme. Books, other movies, magazine articles, television news shows and programs regularly, and I mean often, push we're the victim(blacks), blame the honky for everything.
What is the purpose of doing this? What is the end game?
How much does this fuel black on white crime? Plenty I believe.
I could speculate on the hows and whys behind all this but what would that accomplish? There is nothing I can do to stop it, even if I knew, it wouldn't change anything. The powers that be have set their plan(s) in motion. Those who are oblivious to what is going on, or the deluded whites who have drunk the "whitey is evil" kool aid, don't know the hell that is to come.
Forewarned is forearmed, I mean that figuratively and literally.