Take a look at what is written just below the first picture at the top of this post (They suck the Western welfare.....) I see this going on in America and countless other countries.
What sane government would allow this to happen?
Take a look at what is written just below the first picture at the top of this post (They suck the Western welfare.....) I see this going on in America and countless other countries.
What sane government would allow this to happen?
No self-respecting White person should ever bother watching TV, or movies for that matter. The people who put this crap out don't like you, especially the White male. Just look at the content and the message of the trash they put out.
Maybe it's where I live but people who live elsewhere tell me the same thing. It is a fact that the testosterone level in males has been dropping in recent decades.
Don't be them. Work your body each and every day, challenge yourself.
I am very doubtful that countries will be able to undo the damage that has been done. Very, very doubtful.
Lives in these countries for the people who were born there will never be the same. Their children and grandchildren will have it even worse.
So, why do I want you to check it out? I want you to because it shows the degree of, I don't know what word to use. Utter trash, depravity, lack of any class or self-respect the majority of those featured appear to be and have? To make matters worse, these are the people millions of Americans are interested in and idolize.
When you go to the Title page, simply scroll down and look at the pictures. When you get to the bottom it will direct you to the next page. Check out five pages for starters. I should add that it's primarily things to look at, not read.
It's very easy to forget how debased and degraded America has become. It's probably due to the fact it's all around us night and day.
Here goes:
The real question is not whether life exists after death.
The real question is whether you are truly alive before death.
Here is a good, related question to ask yourself: Are you living the life you really want to live?
Forged by discipline, perseverance, hard work and steel,
He is creating a new world for himself, his family and kinsman.
It is estimated that at least 12 million illegal aliens have entered our country since the demented, crooked, and insane Joe Biden started letting them in, in 2021. Incredible crimes and murders against American citizens have been perpetrated as a result of him allowing this. Much of the crime is NOT reported by the media.
Add to that, this has come at a tremendous cost to our local, state and federal agencies. Health care facilities, hospitals and schools are now facing great difficulty dealing with this influx.
Interesting though, most of the media, politicians, celebrities and out of touch with the real-world people are encouraging acceptance of these illegals and speaking out against their deportation. None of these people have been affected by the mayhem and crime these illegals have caused. Others haven't gone anywhere near an illegal or where they are housed yet post signs in their yards that say, "in my town no one is illegal."
Jewish Family Services, Catholic Charities and other "do-gooder" organizations are making millions settling illegals into neighborhoods. Your neighborhoods!
Pictured above is a gated community with a guard station to monitor and approve anyone who wants to enter. That's where the celebs, politicians, media and other illegal advocates live.
To them I say: you can't tell me shit because you are out of touch with the real world. You have no idea what it is like to be a common man who worries about his family's safety, paying the bills and wondering what kind of world your kids will grow up in.
So, to all these people, I have one more thing to say, come on over to where I live and take a look at what the real world is like. If you don't want to do that than just shut up!
"A home-packed sandwich.
Better eat it fast because your break is only 45 minutes.
You're a full-grown man being bossed around by the 26-year-old who's worked this dead-end job since he left high school.
A full-grown man at the beck and call of children, being whipped around left and right.
Turns out you have to sell your dignity to pay the rent, and the pay isn't even good.
If you're late to work you get a shitty email from a ball buster, 'You've been late twice this week, please make sure your timekeeping improves'.
The genius who sent you this email feels super important and goes home and tells his wife how stressful his job is.
How hard it is to "Keep the company running with all these lazy staff" because you couldn't find a parking space on time.
But don't worry... there is happiness on the horizon.
In 7 months and 4 days from now you have a holiday booked. It's already paid! 6 whole days of relaxing.
Just keep counting down the clock, it'll come around faster than you realize!
Nothing says you enjoy your life like hoping it vanishes as fast as possible.
To squeeze the absolute most of a few days away from the plantation, the return flight is the day before you have to be at work.
Get up at 6am pack, rush to the airport, fly all day, land at 8pm, get a taxi home, unpack, eat, clean up the house, sleep asap because have to be up at 6 again for work.
If you are not at work on time you get another email.
That deep sinking depression? Don't worry about it. Everyone has it.
It's just life, I guess.
No more holiday to look forward to, not yet. Gotta save some more money.
Maybe next year?
Just keep counting down the clock, it'll come around faster than you realize!
Nothing says you enjoy your life like hoping it vanishes as fast as possible.
This is your future if you do not become independent.
And you're not motivated to try and change your situation?" A.T.
Here's that quote:
"Nothing says you enjoy your life like hoping it vanishes as fast as possible."
You need a key to start the engine up, no pushing a button required here.
You can hear and feel the power as the engine fires up. No sound like a child's electric toy to be found.
I have to roll down my own windows, no push button needed to do the work and that's the way I like it.
Not the smoothest ride as you rumble down the road but it's more than alright with me.
You can have your E.V. because that's not real driving to this me.
I need something with guts and power.
That's why I love this old truck.
The quote below may provide the answer:
"Based on BMI, more than 70% of US adults are considered overweight or obese."
Why even train your body? This is taken from an article I wrote some time ago. The New Man will be the "whole package"--a self-educated mind that sees and know all things. Why have a great mind atop a wasted body? It makes no sense!
"I train for honor.
Honor is a higher reason to train, a higher cause, a motivation above and beyond the routine and mundane. It's a better reason to keep going to the gym than mere narcissism or the fear of immobility, impotence and death."
"That without strength, efficient organs, intelligence and an absence of secret fears man is only a parody, and for him life cannot be fully lived. He does not dominate his environment; it is the environment that dominates him. Such a man is not free.
Only the mentally free and the physically strong can live this type of life to the full. Nature ordains it this way. There is no catch to it. Nature favors the fit."
Percy Wells Cerutty, Australian athlete, coach, philosopher.
Hope this applies to you readers out there. Don't waste your time and disrespect your body.
I'm Not of This World
I don't seek pleasure from booze, drugs and satiating every desire that arises.
I have respect for my body, as such, I don't pollute it.
Entertainment, or what passes for entertainment these days, is of no interest to me.
Nor does living vicariously through watching others engage in sports.
I choose to be a doer not a watcher.
I am proud of my race and do what I can to defend, promote and protect it from those who speak against it.
I seek out ways to perfect my body and mind through activities that accomplish both objectives.
My friends are those who understand this and are on a similar path.
I'm Not of This World.
Here's one example, Biden just gave the highest non-military honor you can give to George Soros, a man who has used his millions to ruin America. If you don't what he has done you need to wake up and find out. This man in any other generation would have been run out of the country or locked up in jail.