Friday, July 19, 2024

What It's Really All About

Climate "Change" and all that comes with it, the rules, the regulations, the banning of this and that, has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with remaking the country in some kind of One/New World society. No other country is attempting to implement the insane "climate change" policies America is.

Buy an E.V. and you undermine the auto industry and support this bogus crisis.

The mush brained Joe Biden and his crew have devastated our economy with executive orders that have crippled the oil and gas industries resulting in higher prices for everything.

Remember this: The Regime in power now does not care about you. They prove it every day by their policies and what they do. Their belief is, do as we say, not as we do.

Resist tyranny, because that's what it is.

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