Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Climate Crisis and This Old Truck

Readers I'm sure realize that "Climate Change" and everything that goes with it is not about saving the planet and humankind. It's about control and remaking the world.

This regime has been doing a hard sell on electric vehicles and the public has rejected this effort. Besides not being feasible for a variety reasons, not the least of which is expense and the fact we don't have the power grid to support it, the push is unrelenting. This corrupt, totally evil government could care less if they destroy our auto industry in the process.

To digress, I remember a time when cars had their own style and uniqueness. GTO's, LeMans, Roadrunners, Rivieras, Thunderbirds, Cadillacs, Camaros, Bonneville's, and on and on.  They weren't the cookie cutter SUV's you see on the roads today. Hit a guard rail at 30 mph with these newer cars and you've probably totaled it. Not so with the cars from way back when.

Hold on to your old cars and trucks. The following is about my Ford Ranger and how I felt after driving a friend's 2023 SUV.  I felt a whole new appreciation for the truck after handing the keys back to my friend. 

                                                                           This Old Truck

This old truck is a little over 20 years old.

You need a key to start the engine up, no pushing a button required here.

You can hear and feel the power as the engine fires up. No sound like a child's electric toy to be found.

I have to roll down my own windows, no electric switch needed to do the work and that's the way I like it.

Not the smoothest ride as you rumble down the road but it's more than alright with me.

You can have your E.V. because that's not real driving to this guy.

I need something with guts and power.

That's why I love this old truck.

1 comment:

  1. No self-respecting alpha male would ever buy an E.V.
