Tuesday, July 30, 2024

You'll Never See This Reported by the American Media

Meanwhile, one black person gets shot by a white cop while committing a crime and the Media is on the story for weeks.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Telling it Like it Is

How far our American society and culture has fallen.

Don't get drawn into the swamp and acceptance of the new status quo.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Telling it Like it Is


Former kickboxing champion and entrepreneur Andrew Tate, hated by the deep state and most of mainstream society, often has wise insights into society and the world. And to those who hate him for a certain reason, he had no choice in choosing who is parents were. 

After watching the Paris Olympics opening ceremony this is what he had to say:

I don't watch the Olympics,

But a bunch of GAY SATANIC garbage just appeared on my desk.

I'm not surprised that France has gone full gay-pedo,

The West is finished.

There are men with beards, wearing dresses and lingerie, balls hanging out, twerking next to children.

Sometimes I genuinely wonder.


Drag Queens are the new national symbol of France?

Gays and crime?

The Australian and Argentine teams got all their shit stolen out of their vans by migrants.


This is the West now.

Gay and Dangerous.

French used to be about luxury, innovation, military prowess.

England's and Europe's #1 mortal enemy at one point.

Now they're just the gay butt buddies.

Do you all remember the Opening of the Beijing Olympics?

Thousands of completely coordinated Chinese men and women beating drums.

A display of absolute competence.

1,000s of people in LOCK STEP.

The sign of a competent and organized group of people.


Gays in dresses twerking with children.

The Western World is toast.

It's actually over.

And it's over because no one else seems to think anything is wrong.

And those who do, won't do shit about it.

Too scared to even speak.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Olympics, Remember When

I remember a time when the Olympics were a very special athletic event that was eagerly anticipated every four years. Besides the competitions, the opening and closing ceremonies were really nice to watch. 

 Well, flash forward many decades to the Summer Olympics 2024.Pictured above is a shot of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. From what I understand is that part of this long production by these freaks and perverts, was a parody by drag queens of Jesus' The Last Supper. Let me say this, forget your religion, or lack of it, but what does any of this have to do with the Olympics? I find it very interesting that Christianity is always fair game for mocking yet never Islam? Why is that? Could it be that the followers of Islam don't take disparaging their God lightly? Something so-called "zealous" Chrisitians could learn from. 

 Well folks, this is the world we live in and are subjected to. Keep yourself above and beyond the bullshit and garbage.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sacrifice and the Alpha Male

Postponing the article 'Best Version of Yourself' till another day or so. Today I want to look at the concept of sacrifice and what it means to the Alpha male who wants to succeed. Is there such a thing as sacrifice to someone who is driven to accomplimsh his goal(s)? Much of this is from an essay by the Australian coach, philosopher Percy Cerutty. I have randomly updated certain sections to make it fuller and more relevant to people living in a time that has never been so weak and pleasure centered. Here goes: Many people who have noted the various factors that are considered the steps, or paving stones, to success, might well say--'But what about the sacrifices I must make' or, 'What sacrifices are called for in achieving the goals you have set before me'?
The answer is simple: 'There are no sacrifices'. 'You do not have to sacrifice anything at all.'

No TRULY committed, ambitious person: no person who has set his sights on some goal above the average or normal attainment: no dedicated person: no one willing to work, and anxious to achieve, ever considers the 'way' he has determined upon: the path he is resolved to travel: the work and suffering he sees ahead of him, and which he encounters, ever thinks of all, or any of this as a--Sacrifice.

When a man goes to night school every night in the week and studies all the weekend: when a man in sport trains, or practices, three times a day, and all the weekend, never does he feel he's making a sacrifice. It is only the mediocre, half-committed, or the "spectator" who assumes that a sacrifice is being made: has been made: must be made.

The dedicated man: the ambitious person: the determined to succeed--BIG--will, in the judgement of these lesser types: those destined to mediocrity: to nonentity say, you the ambitious one: the resolved to succeed one: you--whose only 'god' is success in something: sometime: somewhere--you will be adjudged 'mad' and the lesser ones will affirm and agree--they couldn't make the necessary 'sacrifice'.

So: that is how we know them! Those who would achieve: who see the way to achievement clearly, or dimly, 'sacrifice' will be the one word they never mention--because they have no consciousness of making any 'sacrifice ' at all.
Exactly, they are totally focused on what they want to accomplish.

Accept it this way. For everyone who will 'go along with you': be in tune with you: support you--you must expect to find to find one hundred who will criticise you--tell you the 'sacrifices' they see--(but you don't) are not worth it.

This fact in itself makes for a certain isolation. If you are not prepared to endure(I would say 'enjoy') this separation, then believe me--you have not passed the chief test that places you in the category of the great, but has placed you in the category of those who miss out being truly great by a metre or a mile.

Summed up: finally and irrevocably--those destined to be truly great never envisage anything they may do as resulting from personal sacrifice. In closing, don't live a life of "quiet desperation" or rumination of what could or might have been. Upward and onward people!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

If You Care About Your Children

Find some way to take your children out of public schools if you haven't already. It was a challenge for us financially but knowing our children weren't going to be brainwashed with some of the sickest shit you can imagine made it well worth while.This is where the government gets your children and poisons their minds, in the public schools and at the colleges and universities. Next article tomorrow: Be the Best Version of Yourself.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Modern Man and This Society

Occasionally I come across things that I wish every member of our Race could hear. This is one of them. It is part observation of our society and part a call for us to not be like the world. At a little over 3 minutes long, you will be hard pressed to find a more insightful talk than this.

Share this with others. You will see it was originally posted on X. Click on the link below.


Monday, July 22, 2024

To All the Homos and LGBTQ'ers Out There

 Hey dweebs, the heroes you celebrate, hate you.


Mellowing out a little today. In these times and with the Regime we are living under, resisting the perverse and depraved culture we are a part of is essential. We do not want to get distracted from what Our People need to focus on and do.

Coming tomorrow, an actual article.

Friday, July 19, 2024

What It's Really All About

Climate "Change" and all that comes with it, the rules, the regulations, the banning of this and that, has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with remaking the country in some kind of One/New World society. No other country is attempting to implement the insane "climate change" policies America is.

Buy an E.V. and you undermine the auto industry and support this bogus crisis.

The mush brained Joe Biden and his crew have devastated our economy with executive orders that have crippled the oil and gas industries resulting in higher prices for everything.

Remember this: The Regime in power now does not care about you. They prove it every day by their policies and what they do. Their belief is, do as we say, not as we do.

Resist tyranny, because that's what it is.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

This May Be Coming

If this current Regime stays in power, you can bet the above will become a reality. Doubt it, recall social media suspending and banning those who spoke out against all things pertaining to Covid and the lockdown.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

You Knew This Was Coming

Readers to my Blog realize that I had mentioned the obvious in a prior article. That is, if all the other efforts to stop President Trump didn't work, and they haven't, this Regime would take it to the next level. Which they did the other day. They were about a quarter of an inch away from accomplishing their task.

Interestingly, they hardly even attempted to hide their intention. Reports that have recently come out paint an even more damning picture than first reported in that the shooter was spotted some 30 minutes before he opened fire. We all know that multiple people had told police of seeing a man with a gun on a roof 150 yards away from Trump. Yet, no quick appropriate response from the Police and Secret Service. What do you think the reason for this was? It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to figure that one out.

The Media, celebrities from all aspects of TV, movies, entertainment, sports, etc. have demonized the former President for years. Untruths about Trump such as saying that freedom as we know it will be gone if he is elected President has been the mantra for years. Of course, we have all read and heard the Trump is Hitler portrayal. As an aside, assholes like "Snoop Dog" and the self-loathing piece of shit Eminem have featured pictures of the former President on a record cover and video as dead.

Stirring the pot of hate and fear for this man has been unending.

So folks, this is the country you live in. Basically, an upscale version of Russia, China or a 3rd world nation.

In closing, check out a video of the response of female Secret Service agents as the assassination attempt was unfolding. The panic and fear in them were obvious. Plus, you had very short agents surrounding and trying to provide cover for a 6'3" 230lb male. That's what hiring on being diverse and inclusive and not merit gets you. The head of the Secret Service is a DEI hire who is a female and former head of security for Pepsico.WTF?

Trump, love him or hate him, he's all we got to stop the flood of America destroying illegals and the corruption rife in this country. 

And that's why they want him GONE!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Biden and His Regime Destroying America One Day at a Time

Stone-age people with nothing to offer America but to take and cause trouble. Biden's regime has been shipping in illegals to different cities in the dark of night for months. This however takes it to a whole other level. 10 to a bedroom? That's luxury living for these people.

Once again, there may very well be no repairing the damage this regime has done on so many different levels to this country.

If this regime gets in again, that's it for America. 

Some of the recent polls actually show Biden leading Trump. Proof that we've become a nation of fools and the mentally retarded.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Mixed-Up Society

Years of brainwashing by all facets our Media, schools, colleges, and universites has brought us to the point where what was once normal, good and healthy, is now being demonized.

Monday, July 8, 2024

America is Well on the Way

Keep the borders open, keep exalting and elevating blacks, keep giving them a free pass on their crimes and we will be just like South Africa before you know it.

South Africa has become hell on earth for most White people there, especially the White farmers.

Surprise, surprise, the violence and brutality that is being committed by blacks on the Whites in South Africa has gotten very little Media coverage.

New article coming tomorrow.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Illegals coming to America do not want to assimilate into our society. It's all give me, give me, take, take, while the majority of these vermin are young males who commit crimes and violence.

Friday, July 5, 2024

What's Been Forgotten By Our Corrupt Regime

 Imagine what a great country we would be if we had held to Our Founding Fathers beliefs.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Climate Crisis and This Old Truck

Readers I'm sure realize that "Climate Change" and everything that goes with it is not about saving the planet and humankind. It's about control and remaking the world.

This regime has been doing a hard sell on electric vehicles and the public has rejected this effort. Besides not being feasible for a variety reasons, not the least of which is expense and the fact we don't have the power grid to support it, the push is unrelenting. This corrupt, totally evil government could care less if they destroy our auto industry in the process.

To digress, I remember a time when cars had their own style and uniqueness. GTO's, LeMans, Roadrunners, Rivieras, Thunderbirds, Cadillacs, Camaros, Bonneville's, and on and on.  They weren't the cookie cutter SUV's you see on the roads today. Hit a guard rail at 30 mph with these newer cars and you've probably totaled it. Not so with the cars from way back when.

Hold on to your old cars and trucks. The following is about my Ford Ranger and how I felt after driving a friend's 2023 SUV.  I felt a whole new appreciation for the truck after handing the keys back to my friend. 

                                                                           This Old Truck

This old truck is a little over 20 years old.

You need a key to start the engine up, no pushing a button required here.

You can hear and feel the power as the engine fires up. No sound like a child's electric toy to be found.

I have to roll down my own windows, no electric switch needed to do the work and that's the way I like it.

Not the smoothest ride as you rumble down the road but it's more than alright with me.

You can have your E.V. because that's not real driving to this guy.

I need something with guts and power.

That's why I love this old truck.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Saying What Must Be Said

             At least one politician gets it and has the courage to say it. A rarity these days.