The Endless Reconstruction - American Renaissance (
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
This is the Reality of the World We Now Live In--Radicalized in 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Thoughts On Observing America's Leadership Destroy This Country
There comes a time in this country when enough is enough.
Monday, December 12, 2022
The Error of Christian Passivity
This is an article that was published by the excellent online news site--The American Thinker.
The Error of Christian Passivity
People who are aware of what is going on around them in this country will admit that we are living in unprecedented times. America has morphed into an authoritarian and increasingly dangerous country: the "cancel culture," a heavily biased media establishment that allows only one point of view, federal and local governments dictating what we can and cannot do, an FBI and D.O.J. working as an arm of the Democratic party, all done in the name of "protecting" us.
Add to this, the fact that there has been a sharp increase in the organized destruction of our cities while murder rates in these cities are soaring. I could go on, but you get the picture.
As one who visits many news sites that have a primarily Christian readership, I see one prevalent thought among Christians regarding how to deal with what is going on. Basically, it's just pray and occupy till Jesus returns, or, Christ is returning soon and he'll straighten it all out.
I find this passivity inappropriate and foolish. With that said, I would quickly say that as Christians, we should pray and anticipate his return, but we should not act as sheep being led to their demise. We can see evidence of why we shouldn't from Our Lord and Savior Himself.
Do you recall what He did to the moneychangers when He chased them out of the temple — how He verbally condemned the religious and government leaders of His day? Jesus called out people for their actions, speech, and behavior.
Here is one thing he directed his disciples to do and what all the sissified preachers and theologians try to explain away: "Then He said to them, but now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."

Passivity to these injustices under the guise of doing Jesus's will is, to my mind, done out of either ignorance or cowardice.
There is much we can and should do as believers to stand against what is going on in America, whether it's protesting, writing your elected officials, contributing to the leaders and organizations that are on the frontline of trying to save this country, or anything else you can think of.I urge people to wake up. This wannabe totalitarian government has taken away your right of assembly to worship once. Don't think that it won't do it again if we just sit back and wait until His return.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022
Two Quotes to Think About
Hey white folks--you are in the process of being marginalized and pushed out. Doubt this? Then get your head out of the sand, wake up and look around. It's a gradual process, look to what happened over the years to South Africa and you'll see where this all ends. Communist leadership, rampant crime and violence against whites.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
The Elephant in the Room--The White Race
Taking into account how people in recent years have been so intimidated in regard to bringing up issues pertaining to race I feel it's necessary to say this: I am not a racist and have never been one. However, in these dark times, bringing up certain racial issues will get you branded as one. For starters, try something like presenting the stats on black and white crime, black ON white crime and vice versa. Take a look at those numbers and you will see who is truly being victimized in a big way. Strangely, nary a peep from any of the Media on this. But, we are subjected to endless movies, documentaries, books, TV/radio shows and print articles on the evil white man and what he did to blacks ages ago. It's also highlighted in all our halls of learning from grade school though college.
You want to know one form of real racism that is never talked about? Try the practice of not criticizing someone for what they have said or did because of their race. Again, the unspoken rationale for this is the FEAR of being tagged with the dreaded R word. Haven't we been taught that everyone is equal under the sun and should be praised when appropriate and criticized when deserving of it?
In closing, I'm white and proud of the accomplishments of my race as I would hope all blacks should be proud of theirs. Stop the demonizing and marginalizing of whites, particularly white males!