Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Out of Touch with the Real World Elitists

I was prompted to post this after watching Hollywood skank, Selena Gomez, crying uncontrollably because they are deporting illegal aliens, most of them criminals, back to where they came from.

It is estimated that at least 12 million illegal aliens have entered our country since the demented, crooked, and insane Joe Biden started letting them in, in 2021. Incredible crimes and murders against American citizens have been perpetrated as a result of him allowing this. Much of the crime is NOT reported by the media. 

 Add to that, this has come at a tremendous cost to our local, state and federal agencies. Health care facilities, hospitals and schools are now facing great difficulty dealing with this influx.

Interesting though, most of the media, politicians, celebrities and out of touch with the real-world people are encouraging acceptance of these illegals and speaking out against their deportation. None of these people have been affected by the mayhem and crime these illegals have caused. Others haven't gone anywhere near an illegal or where they are housed yet post signs in their yards that say, "in my town no one is illegal."

Jewish Family Services, Catholic Charities and other "do-gooder" organizations are making millions settling illegals into neighborhoods. Your neighborhoods!

Pictured above is a gated community with a guard station to monitor and approve anyone who wants to enter. That's where the celebs, politicians, media and other illegal advocates live. 

To them I say: you can't tell me shit because you are out of touch with the real world. You have no idea what it is like to be a common man who worries about his family's safety, paying the bills and wondering what kind of world your kids will grow up in.

So, to all these people, I have one more thing to say, come on over to where I live and take a look at what the real world is like. If you don't want to do that than just shut up!

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