Tuesday, October 8, 2024


I see signs similar to this around where I live. Most of the people who have them are well educated and affluent. The hypocrisy of these lawn signs is really amazing because of what is written at the bottom of them. 

The obsessive hatred for Trump is both amazing and incredibly stupid. We have one of the lamest and worst candidates running for President ever. Harris cannot be coherent over more than 5 consecutive sentences. Every encounter with the media is scripted and controlled yet she still can't pull it off. Her running mate is an admitted socialist and a bonafide nutjob.

I hear people say they aren't going to vote for either candidate because they can't stand them. To that I say: one person will leave the border open and that will put the final nail in the coffin of the soon to be corpse called the U.S.A. Bankruptcy and out of control lawlessness, which isn't being fully covered now, will explode in this country. All these hypocritical do-gooders will not be able to escape the hell thrust upon them by electing the dimwit Kamala Harris. The rabble will be at their doors.

To cite the old Boy Scout motto, I recommend: Be Prepared. 

And I'll add to that: Be Prepared (for what might be coming).

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