Thursday, October 31, 2024

30 Reasons for Segregation of the Races


This is thought provoking for those who have any interest in the Bible. Let me add once again, the sissified Christianity we see in 2024 in no way represents the Christianity that existed 2,000years ago.

30 Biblical Reasons for Segregation of Races

by Finis Dake

Acts 17:26

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; (KJV)

  1. "God wills all races to be as He made them. Any violation of God’s original purpose manifests insubordination to Him(Acts 17:26Romans 9:19-24)
  2. God made everything to reproduce “After his own kind” (Genesis 1:11-12, 21-25; 6:20; 7:14). Kind means type and color or He would have kept them all alike to begin with.
  3. God originally determined the bounds of the habitations of nations(Acts 17:26Genesis 10:5, 32; 11:8Deuteronomy 32:8)
  4. Miscegenation means the mixture of races, especially the black and white races, or those of outstanding type or color. The Bible even goes farther than opposing this. It is against different branches of the same stock intermarrying such as Jews marrying other descendants of Abraham(Ezra 9-10Nehemiah 9-13Jeremiah 50:37Ezekiel 30:5).
  5. Abraham forbad Eliezer to take a wife for Isaac of Canaanites (Genesis 24:1-4). God was so pleased with this that He directed whom to get (Genesis 24:7, 12-27).
  6. Isaac forbad Jacob to take a wife of the Canaanites (Genesis 27:46-28:7).
  7. Abraham sent all his sons of the concubines, and even of his second wife, far away from Isaac so their descendants would not mix (Genesis 25:1-6)
  8. Esau disobeying this law brought the final break between him and his father after lifelong companionship with him(Genesis 25:28; 26:34-35, 27:46; 28:8-9).
  9. The two branches of Isaac remained segregated forever (Genesis 30; 46:8-26).
  10. Ishmael and Isaac’s descendants remained segregated forever (Genesis 25:12-231 Chronicles 1:29)
  11. Jacob’s sons destroyed a whole city to maintain segregation (Genesis 34)
  12. God forbad intermarriage between Israel and all other nations (Exodus 34:12-16Deuteronomy 7:5-6)
  13. Joshua forbad the same thing on sentence of death (Joshua 22:12-13)
  14. God cursed angels for leaving their own “first estate” and “their own habitation” to marry the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1-42 Peter 2:4Jude 6-7)
  15. Miscegenation caused Israel to be cursed (Judges 3:6-7Numbers 25:1-8)
  16. This was Solomon’s sin (I Kings 11)
  17. This was the sin of Jews returning from Babylon (Ezra 9:1-10:2,10-18,44; 13:1-30)
  18. God commanded Israel to be segregated (Leviticus 20:24Numbers 23:91 Kings 8:53)
  19. Jews recognized as a separate people in all ages because of Gods choice and command (Matthew 10:6John 1:11). Equal rights in the gospel gives no right to break this eternal law.
  20. Segregation between Jews and all other nations to remain in all eternity (Isaiah 2:2-4Ezekiel 37; 47:13-48,55Zechariah 14:16-21Matthew 19:28Luke 1:32-33Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5)
  21. All nations will remain segregated from one another in their own parts of the earth forever (Acts 17:26Genesis 10:5,32; 11:8-9Deuteronomy 32:8Daniel 7:13-14Zechariah 14Revelation 11:15; 21:24)
  22. Certain people in Israel were not even to worship with others (Deuteronomy 23:1-5Ezra 10:8Nehemiah 9:2 10:28; 13:3)
  23. Even in heaven certain groups will not be allowed to worship together (Revelation 7:7-17; 14:1-5; 15:2-5)
  24. Segregation was so strong in the O.T. that an ox and an ass could not work together (Deuteronomy 22:10).
  25. Miscegenation caused disunity among God’s people (Numbers 12).
  26. Stock was forbidden to be bred with other kinds (Leviticus 19:19).
  27. Sowing mixed seed in the same field was unlawful (Leviticus 19:19)
  28. Different seeds were forbidden to be planted in vineyards (Deuteronomy 22:9)
  29. Wearing garments of mixed fabrics forbidden (Deuteronomy 22:11Leviticus 19:19)
  30. Christians and certain other people of a like race are to be segregated (Matthew 18:15-171 Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:152 Corinthians 6:14-15Ephesians 5:112 Thessalonians 3:6-161 Timothy 6:52 Timothy 3:5)."

    Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    Here's the Reality

    Hate Trump if you like but there is no other alternative. Harris and her policies will affect every single American in the worst possible way, no matter where you live.

    Thursday, October 24, 2024

    When Desperation Meets Insanity

    Now that Kamala Harris' media blitz has revealed that she is not only totally unfit to be President but may very well have some type of mental illness, the media and the haters of everything that was once good about America have taken it up a notch. They are now saying Donald Trump will end Democracy as we know it and will throw everyone from his political opponents, actors and comedians in jail that oppose him.

    That's all they got. When you can't win on ideas and policy, you throw in the fear factor. Trump is akin to Hitler, etc. We have been hearing this and similar claims for the last few weeks.

    My first reaction to this is, do they think the American people are that stupid? Then I see Harris/Walz signs all over the place, see what's on the morning and afternoon talk/entertainment TV shows, read what are the most popular movies, and then I have to think, maybe they are. 

    I mean, has anyone given serious thought to the kind of hell that will be unleashed on this country if these two clowns are put in office? Try an open border which will let in 10's of millions more directly to welfare illegal aliens and criminals, crushing inflation and taxes, rampant, mostly unpunished crime, absurd "green" policies that will kill American jobs and industries, and the continued suppression of free speech. I'm sure our enemies overseas will be more than emboldened by a Harris Presidency.

    Apparently, it IS all about getting your party in and having a screw the country mindset.

    Wednesday, October 23, 2024

    The Actual Truth on "Toxic" Masculinity

    They are well on their way to destroying real men unless we do something to stem the tide.

    A written article is coming tomorrow.

    Sunday, October 20, 2024

    Saturday, October 19, 2024

    Not Wanted, Alpha Males

     Pictured above is one of the more arrogant, half men you will ever see, Steven Colbert. Richer than any of us, he made this comment a few years back when gas prices were sky rocketing, I'm paraphrasing: "I've got an EV (electric vehicle), no problem here." The inference was, get an electric car fool. Well, sorry dweeb, I don't have 60 thousand to spend on a vehicle that sounds like a child's toy and has to be charged up at places that don't exist in my area. It was this idiot's "Let them eat cake moment."

    You've read on this blog before how any display these days of what was once accepted as traditional masculinity, is now described as "toxic." From there the media and its puppets make the jump in "logic" to saying that if you look into what comprises alpha males you are bound to find homophobes, neo-Nazis, and insurrectionists, etc. Translation: these are potentially very dangerous people. What a despicable and false assumption to make.

    Well, guess what? These same people have taken their twisted thinking to a whole new level. Now, the inference is occasionally made that those who are alpha males and engage in the things alpha males do like working out are basically repressed or closeted homosexuals. We saw this on full display awhile back with the response to Tucker Carlson's series The End of Men.

    So, why all the hatred and lies directed to us alpha males? Isn't it obvious? It's because we are seen as a threat to the new world order/society these people want. You know, a world like the one they are attempting to create in America right now. Green energy policies, stopping oil production, no meat eating, etc. are all a part of it. I'm sure you readers know their agenda.

     I hope you recognize what they are trying to do to us and this country. 

    Docile, passive men who buy into the "party line" are what they want. My question is, are they that foolish to think that calling us homos is going to change anything?

    This all makes me think of the recent Presidential campaign ads for the Harris/Walz ticket that features "men" for Kamala Harris. They purport to be real men but come across as total wimps. Posted at the end of this is a video of that ad. Simply click on Bing Videos at the bottom of the page. 

    I know I write this all the time but men, be an example to others, stop smoking pot, doing drugs and stop drinking to excess. Throw in in the need to work out and getting fit while you are at it. 

    In closing, fight the power people, stay true to your convictions, connect with those of like mind.

    Bing Videos

    Tuesday, October 15, 2024

    Males Then, Too Many Males Now

    Above is what happens when all facets of the media as well as our schools, colleges, and universities demonize, disparage and criticize alpha males. This "campaign" has been going on for many decades. The end result of this is you produce either soft effeminate males or confused freaks.

    New article coming Wednesday.

    Thursday, October 10, 2024

    Why I No Longer Watch Fox News

    I mean, I have been wary of Fox for ages with their anti-Trumpers and lib guests and hosts, but this is ridiculous. I had to search the Net to see if this was true and, surprise, surprise, it is. The link beow will take you to an article about this.

    Of course, when Fox, the Trojan Horse of cable news, got a lot of push back on this they tried to back track.

    F'em, there are other sources out there. 

    Here's the link:  Fox News employees lament matching donations to Satanic Temple | U.S. (

    Tuesday, October 8, 2024


    I see signs similar to this around where I live. Most of the people who have them are well educated and affluent. The hypocrisy of these lawn signs is really amazing because of what is written at the bottom of them. 

    The obsessive hatred for Trump is both amazing and incredibly stupid. We have one of the lamest and worst candidates running for President ever. Harris cannot be coherent over more than 5 consecutive sentences. Every encounter with the media is scripted and controlled yet she still can't pull it off. Her running mate is an admitted socialist and a bonafide nutjob.

    I hear people say they aren't going to vote for either candidate because they can't stand them. To that I say: one person will leave the border open and that will put the final nail in the coffin of the soon to be corpse called the U.S.A. Bankruptcy and out of control lawlessness, which isn't being fully covered now, will explode in this country. All these hypocritical do-gooders will not be able to escape the hell thrust upon them by electing the dimwit Kamala Harris. The rabble will be at their doors.

    To cite the old Boy Scout motto, I recommend: Be Prepared. 

    And I'll add to that: Be Prepared (for what might be coming).

    Tuesday, October 1, 2024


    Probably most readers are wary of, and better yet, don't bother watching television. I would then ask, are you closely monitoring what your children are viewing?

    Television has changed for the worse in the last 45 years in so many different ways it's unreal. Mind poisoning indoctrination, acceptance and displays of all kinds of perversion plus the advent of the "Reality Show" have turned what was once a seemingly harmless diversion into a cesspool for your senses. We went from 3 or 4 channels to probably a hundred plus.

    One of the worst things to come into being is the 24-hour Cable News channels that have to find ways to fill a day. This usually results in their obsessing on certain events like a white policeman shooting a black criminal who attacked him or some Trans freak who felt they (it) were being discriminated against. You know what I am talking about. On a related note, a commentator made note of the fact that the coverage for Hurricane Katrina years ago was greater and longer than it has been for the equally devastating (if not more so) recent Hurricane Helene. Speculation is that Katrina appeared to affect more blacks than whites. Don't doubt that at all. While I'm on the subject, do you ever see any stories on the beatings, rapes and murder of white citizens, particularly white farmers, in South Africa and Zimbabwe? No! Well, it's going on there pretty much on a daily basis. The Media doesn't give a shit about their plight.

    I digress. F*ck watching most movies that are barfed out today. Why plunk money down for an industry that hates you for what you believe and stand for? Read books, perfect your mind as well as your body.

    I could go on and talk about things like, why watch pro-sports which have become so "woke" and PC in recent years? Does every pro team playing really have to have a day in June where their team has a public display of "Pride" month? You expect me to support that?

    Remember: We are not them! We have no part in their world!