Monday, August 26, 2024

A Far as Crime, Ignorance is Not Bliss

The above picture, as I'm sure many of you may know, is of illegal alien scum doing a beat down on some N.Y.C. police. Of course, the negro D.A., Alvin "Fat Shit" Bragg, let them back out on the street the same day. Deport them? Oh no, we couldn't do that. We'll just let them go so they can commit more crimes and terrorize white citizens as they please.

As a sidenote, it just came to light that NBC makes a point of not reporting illegal migrant crimes.

Which gets me to the gist of this article, unreported crimes.

The following is from a late 2023 NSSF (The Firearm Safety Industry Trade Association) report: Nearly one third of American cities are no longer reporting crime statistics to the F.B.I. That means 18,000 enforcement agencies didn't report crime data. Just 24% of NY's Police Departments sent their data to the F.B.I. Pennsylvania reported only 9%. Departments surrounding that cesspool Washington, D.C. did not report any(figures). I could go on, but you get the picture.

So, what kind of problems does not reporting crime create? First off, citizens are not aware of how potentially dangerous their area/city may be. Secondly, funding needed for police to keep towns and cities protected is neglected. Thirdly, getting rid of soft on crime, take your guns away politicians are not taken to task because of what their policies have led to.

While politicians, scumbag musicians, newscasters, movie stars, entertainers and the rich spout off about being welcoming, accepting and tolerant of ILLEGAL aliens, they live in safe, highly protected areas away from the rabble. Oblivious and uncaring of us average citizens.

As I have said many times on this Blog, we are living through the implosion/destruction of the U.S.A. It's picking up speed and where it all ends will be a hell on earth that hasn't been seen since what the Europeans lived through during W.W.II

Doubt this? Study history, check out how long America has been around, look at our corrupt politicians, and the gross moral decay of this country and get back to me.

Pass this article along to friends and those who need to wake up!

Below is the link to the unreported crimes article. It gives the full extent of the nonreporting of crime across the U.S.A. It is incredible that this is allowed.

America Has a Crime Reporting Problem • NSSF

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