Friday, August 30, 2024

A President, Our Country and Physical Fitness

It's hard to believe there was once a time that a President, let alone a politician, prioritized physical fitness. John F. Kennedy wrote in Sports Illustrated an article entitled: The Soft American. 

It is an inspired and very well written call to fitness. He correctly points out that the benefits of physical fitness go well beyond just the physical.

I wonder what he would think of the physical condition of America today where well over 50% of Americans are obese. The condition of our youth is very concerning for reasons most of us should be aware of. Video games and the cellphone have supplanted involvement in sports and playing outside.

As I wrote previously, only 27% of our young men and women between 18 and 24 are considered fit enough for military service. 

It's a great article for many different reasons, applicable even for us alpha males.

"Beginning more than 2,500 years ago, from all quarters of the Greek world men thronged every four years to the sacred grove of Olympia, under the shadow of Mount Cronus, to compete in the most famous athletic contests of history—the Olympian games.

During the contest a sacred truce was observed among all the states of Greece as the best athletes of the Western world competed in boxing and foot races, wrestling and chariot races for the wreath of wild olive which was the prize of victory. When the winners returned to their home cities to lay the Olympian crown in the chief temples they were greeted as heroes and received rich rewards. For the Greeks prized physical excellence and athletic skills among man’s greatest goals and among the prime foundations of a vigorous state.

Thus, the same civilizations which produced some of our highest achievements of philosophy and drama, government and art, also gave us a belief in the importance of physical soundness which has become a part of Western tradition; from the mens sana in corpore sano of the Romans to the British belief that the playing fields of Eaton brought victory on the battlefields of Europe. This knowledge, the knowledge that the physical well-being of the citizen is an important foundation for the vigor and vitality of all the activities of the nation, is as old as Western civilization itself. But it is a knowledge which today, in America, we are in danger of forgetting.

The first indication of a decline in the physical strength and ability of young Americans became apparent among United States soldiers in the early stages of the Korean War. The second came when figures were released showing that almost one out of every two young Americans was being rejected by Selective Service as mentally, morally or physically unfit. But the most startling demonstration of the general physical decline of American youth came when Dr. Hans Kraus and Dr. Sonja Weber revealed the results of 15 years of research centering in the Posture Clinic of New York’s Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital — results of physical fitness tests given to 4,264 children in this country and 2,870 children in Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

A Consistent Decline

Especially disheartening were the results of the five strength tests: 35.7% of American children failed one or more of these, while only 1.1% of the Europeans failed, and among Austrian and Swiss youth the rate of failure was as low as .5%.

As a result of the alarming Kraus-Weber findings President Eisenhower created a Council on Youth Fitness at the Cabinet level and appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee on the Fitness of American Youth, composed of prominent citizens interested in fitness. Over the past five years the physical fitness of American youth has been discussed in forums, by committees and in leading publications. A 10-point program for physical fitness has been publicized and promoted. Our schools have been urged to give increased attention to the physical well-being of their students. Yet there has been no noticeable improvement. Physical fitness tests conducted last year in Britain and Japan showed that the youth of those countries were considerably more fit than our own children. And the annual physical fitness tests for freshman at Yale University show a consistent decline in the prowess of young Americans; 51% of the class of 1951 passed the tests, 43% of the class of 1956 passed, and only 38%, a little more than a third, of the class of 1960 succeeded, in passing the not overly rigorous examination.

But the harsh fact of the matter is that there is also an increasingly large number of young Americans who are neglecting their bodies — whose physical fitness is not what it should be — who are getting soft. And such softness on the part of individual citizens can help to strip and destroy the vitality of a nation.

For the physical vigor of our citizens is one of America’s most precious resources. If we waste and neglect this resource, if we allow it to dwindle and grow soft then we will destroy much of our ability to meet the great and vital challenges which confront our people. We will be unable to realize our full potential as a nation.

Throughout our history we have been challenged to armed conflict by nations which sought to destroy our independence or threatened our freedom. The young men of America have risen to those occasions, giving themselves freely to the rigors and hardships of warfare. But the stamina and strength which the defense of liberty requires are not the product of a few weeks’ basic training or a month’s conditioning. These only come from bodies which have been conditioned by a lifetime of participation in sports and interest in physical activity. Our struggles against aggressors throughout our history have been won on the playgrounds and corner lots and fields of America. Thus, in a very real and immediate sense, our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security.

However, we do not, like the ancient Spartans, wish to train the bodies of our youth to make them more effective warriors. It is our profound hope and expectation that Americans will never again have to expend their strength in armed conflict.

But physical fitness is as vital to the activities of peace as to those of war, especially when our success in those activities may well determine the future of freedom in the years to come. We face in the Soviet Union a powerful and implacable adversary determined to show the world that only the Communist system possesses the vigor and determination necessary to satisfy awakening aspirations for progress and the elimination of poverty and want. To meet the challenge of this enemy will require determination and will and effort on the part of all Americans. Only if our citizens are physically fit will they be fully capable of such an effort.

For physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong; that hardy spirits and tough minds usually inhabit sound bodies.

In this sense, physical fitness is the basis of all the activities of our society. And if our bodies grow soft and inactive, if we fail to encourage physical development and prowess, we will undermine our capacity for thought, for work and for the use of those skills vital to an expanding and complex America.

Thus the physical fitness of our citizens is a vital prerequisite to America’s realization of its full potential as a nation, and to the opportunity of each individual citizen to make full and fruitful use of his capacities.

It is ironic that at a time when the magnitude of our dangers makes the physical fitness of our citizens a matter of increasing importance, it takes greater effort and determination than ever before to build the strength of our bodies. The age of leisure and abundance can destroy vigor and muscle tone as effortlessly as it can gain time. Today human activity, the labor of the human body, is rapidly being engineered out of working life. By the 1970’s, according to many economists, the man who works with his hands will be almost extinct.

Many of the routine physical activities which earlier Americans took for granted are no longer part of our daily life. A single look at the packed parking lot of the average high school will tell us what has happened to the traditional hike to school that helped to build young bodies. The television set, the movies and the myriad conveniences and distractions of modern life all lure our young people away from the strenuous physical activity that is the basis of fitness in youth and in later life.

Now Is the Time

Of course, modern advances and increasing leisure can add greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of life. But they must not be confused with indolence, with, in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “slothful-ease,” with an increasing deterioration of our physical strength. For the strength of our youth and the fitness of our adults are among our most important assets, and this growing decline is a matter of urgent concern to thoughtful Americans.

This is a national problem, and requires national action. President Eisenhower helped show the way through his own interest and by calling national attention to our deteriorating standards of physical fitness. Now it is time for the United States to move forward with a national program to improve the fitness of all Americans.

First: We must establish a White House Committee on Health and Fitness to formulate and carry out a program to improve the physical condition of the nation. This committee will include the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare and the Secretary of the Interior. The executive order creating this committee will clearly state its purpose, and coordinate its activities with the many federal programs which bear a direct relation to the problem of physical fitness.

Second: The physical fitness of our youth should be made a direct responsibility of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. This department should conduct — through its Office of Education and the National Institutes of Health — research into the development of a physical fitness program for the nation’s public schools. The results of this research shall be made freely available to all who are interested. In addition, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare should use all its existing facilities to attach the lack of youth fitness as a major health problem.

Third: The governor of each state will be invited to attend the annual National Youth Fitness Congress. This congress will examine the progress which has been made in physical fitness during the preceding year, exchange suggestions for improving existing programs and provide an opportunity to encourage the states to implement the physical fitness program drawn up by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Our states are anxious to participate in such programs, to make sure that their youth have the opportunity for full development of their bodies as well as their minds.

Fourth: The President and all departments of government must make it clearly understood that the promotion of sports participation and physical fitness is a basic and continuing policy of the United States. By providing such leadership, by keeping physical fitness in the forefront of the nation’s concerns, the federal government can make a substantial contribution toward improving the health and vigor of our citizens.

But no matter how vigorous the leadership of government, we can fully restore the physical soundness of our nation only if every American is willing to assume responsibility for his own fitness and the fitness of his children. We do not live in a regimented society where men are forced to live their lives in the interest of the state. We are, all of us, as free to direct the activities of our bodies as we are to pursue the objects of our thought. But if we are to retain this freedom, for ourselves and for generations to come, then we must also be willing to work for the physical toughness on which the courage and intelligence and skill of man so largely depend.

All of us must consider our own responsibilities for the physical vigor of our children and of the young men and women of our community. We do not want our children to become a generation of spectators. Rather, we want each of them to be a participant in the vigorous life."

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Traitors One and All

 And everyone pictured above, including the starter of two useless wars, George W. Bush, will vote for a dimwit, unqualified Presidential candidate and her CCP connected weird, pervert Veep.

The dude in the front, although dead, will probably have a vote cast in his name.

We're f'd people. The fix is in. September 11 they will try to lock up the only person who is taking the fight to this regime.

Then, in regards to our enemies, America will be ripe for the picking.

I would strongly advise those of you who live in cities to buy a gun(s) before the shit really hits the fan.

Harris is all in on being soft on crime and continuing to let illegals flood into our nation, no matter what she has been saying lately.

Here's a sample of what's coming your way. Illegals committing murder and mayhem is not just confined to the cities anymore. Click the link below.

Exclusive | Denver Tren de Aragua gang violence spills over into Aurora, Colorado (

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Far as Crime, Ignorance is Not Bliss

The above picture, as I'm sure many of you may know, is of illegal alien scum doing a beat down on some N.Y.C. police. Of course, the negro D.A., Alvin "Fat Shit" Bragg, let them back out on the street the same day. Deport them? Oh no, we couldn't do that. We'll just let them go so they can commit more crimes and terrorize white citizens as they please.

As a sidenote, it just came to light that NBC makes a point of not reporting illegal migrant crimes.

Which gets me to the gist of this article, unreported crimes.

The following is from a late 2023 NSSF (The Firearm Safety Industry Trade Association) report: Nearly one third of American cities are no longer reporting crime statistics to the F.B.I. That means 18,000 enforcement agencies didn't report crime data. Just 24% of NY's Police Departments sent their data to the F.B.I. Pennsylvania reported only 9%. Departments surrounding that cesspool Washington, D.C. did not report any(figures). I could go on, but you get the picture.

So, what kind of problems does not reporting crime create? First off, citizens are not aware of how potentially dangerous their area/city may be. Secondly, funding needed for police to keep towns and cities protected is neglected. Thirdly, getting rid of soft on crime, take your guns away politicians are not taken to task because of what their policies have led to.

While politicians, scumbag musicians, newscasters, movie stars, entertainers and the rich spout off about being welcoming, accepting and tolerant of ILLEGAL aliens, they live in safe, highly protected areas away from the rabble. Oblivious and uncaring of us average citizens.

As I have said many times on this Blog, we are living through the implosion/destruction of the U.S.A. It's picking up speed and where it all ends will be a hell on earth that hasn't been seen since what the Europeans lived through during W.W.II

Doubt this? Study history, check out how long America has been around, look at our corrupt politicians, and the gross moral decay of this country and get back to me.

Pass this article along to friends and those who need to wake up!

Below is the link to the unreported crimes article. It gives the full extent of the nonreporting of crime across the U.S.A. It is incredible that this is allowed.

America Has a Crime Reporting Problem • NSSF

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What We Are Now Living Under in America

Doubt this? Even after what they have done, and are doing, to people who are opponents of this current regime and all those connected with Donald Trump?

Get back to me on September 11 when they lock up the biggest danger to their "business as usual" totalitarian agenda, Donald Trump.

Forewarned is ForeARMed.

Friday, August 23, 2024

So True

Include White supremacist in the above picture. 

They have gone from calling guys in white hoods and robes as being racist to making the OK sign with your hand as a White supremacist/racist gesture. 

We have then moved from that to saying drinking white milk and working out are also signs of White supremacy. Sound crazy? Don't believe it? The first link below is to one of many on White supremacy and milk connection. The second is an article on the White supremacist origins of exercise.

F them all--work out daily and drink organic grass-fed milk.

It's OK to Be White people!!! Check out the links below:

How the alt-right uses milk to promote white supremacy (

The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise in the U.S. | TIME

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Becoming the New Man


We must develop a perceptive and intelligent mind to become The New Man. It only makes sense that you can't have a great, self-educated mind sitting atop a wasted body.
 I recall years ago seeing an interview when fitness guru Jack LaLanne was nearing the end of his life.  I believe he was 93 years old, his mind was still sharp but he appeared somewhat frail. Not long after he died.
After that I read a question asked on a men's fitness site, why train? The reader's question was motivated by the fact that all our bodies are going to be overcome by the ravages of age so why bother? Whoever was moderating the site was so baffled by the question that he could only respond with "what a stupid question." Not a particularly substantive response.
I ask this question of everyone, why do you train?
What follows are a few excerpts from an essay called, Train For Honor by J. Donovan. I found it to be very relevant and enlightening as it pertains to why we train. It is taken from his book, A Sky Without Eagles. It gave me a whole new insight into training, cutting though the superficialities and vanity that are so much a part of training and physical fitness. You may not agree with him personally, but what he has to say will get you thinking.
Early in his essay Donovan asks: "why spend hours in a gym, lifting or training to perform feats that you will never really need to perform to survive?"

Why even train your body? The New Man I frequently reference will be the "whole package"--a self-educated mind that sees and knows all things. Again, why have a great mind atop a wasted body? It makes no sense!

Donovan, in his article, acknowledges that his body is a "depreciating asset."
As far as exercising to stay healthy and live longer? Donovan states this is "a mediocre and uninspiring reason to get up and go to the gym every day." It reduces working out to just "another chore."
And his opinion of those who work out primarily to "look good"? He writes: "It's a harlotrous reason to work out. It's basically saying that you spend hours every week trying to stay pretty. Being pretty may mean having big guns, a nice rack and a six-pack, but if you're only building that body to be 'hot', then you're basically no different than the strippers and aspiring trophy wives who are doing the same thing. Striving only to be desired is passive and effeminate."
Donovan does admit that training for "self-defense and to be more self-reliant" are reasons as good or better than the reasons given by most for training, but he then reveals a deeper and more meaningful reason as to why he trains:

"I train for honor.

I train because I refuse to be a soft ambassador of this Age of Atrophy. And I refuse to be shuffling, slobbering, potato chip gobbling evidence of modern decay.
I don't train to be 'fit enough' for the modern world, or to gain the esteem of the average modern man. I train because somewhere in my DNA there's a memory of a more ferocious world, a world where men could become what they are and reach the most terrifyingly magnificent state of their nature.
 I don't train to impress the majority of modern slobs. I train to be worthy enough to carry water for my barbarian fathers and to be worthy of the company of men most like them alive today.

Honor is a higher reason to train, a higher cause, a motivation above and beyond the routine and mundane. It's a better reason to keep going to the gym than mere narcissism or the fear of immobility, impotence and death."

Couldn't agree more.

Monday, August 19, 2024


And here I thought Mike Tyson was your stereotypical black guy. You know, play the victim, blame whitey for everything.

How true his statement is. I see he didn't care about the backlash I'm sure he got.

New article coming tomorrow.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Are You Aware?

Take a look at what's going on in the Middle East and also with Russia and Ukraine. Are you aware that NATO is pushing their luck with Russia by their actions? Do you even know what NATO is doing? Are you aware of what might happen if Putin feels he's being put into a corner?

As Colonel Douglas MacGregor (check out his YouTube videos) has said, Americans have forgotten what a World War is like. 

Are you aware that a totally incompetent, dimwit female with her Communist Veep is likely to be installed as President in November?

Don't be oblivious, unaware and unprepared when the shit hits the fan!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

What We've Allowed

Pictured above is a p.o.s. named Ilhan Omar. A member of our U.S. Congress from Minnesota. A person who hates America and what it once stood for. Of course, she would never consider returning from the shithole she came from, Somali. She fits quite nicely with what Merle Haggard sang about years ago: They love our milk an' honey, but they preach about some other way of livin'.

Our House of Representatives in particular, and the Senate, are made up of an alarming number of politicians who believe America is a racist oppressor that was built by exploiting blacks and other minorities. I should add that there are approximately 233 minorities total in both Houses of government.

With that said, it only takes a moment or two of hearing most black politicians to recognize the ignorance of most of them. Add to that, playing the race card is the rule, not the exception with them.

Here is the crux of the problem, when you allow people to govern over you who hate our country and others to move and live here who have no desire to assimilate, you set the stage for chaos and disorder.

And that's what we are seeing in America now.

By the way, if you try finding on the Net how many illegals are in the country you will be met by censorship from the search engines. Start with 50 million illegals and see what happens.

Over the decades, things that our politicians and government would never have tolerated back then is accepted and promoted now.

All signs and symptoms of a nation in a free fall decline, soon to crash and burn.

Be aware, be prepared.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Real Reason Behind the Hatred

The truth is, Trump is all we got. If Harris and Walz gets in, it's over for America. Walz is an admitted socialist and Harris is a practicing one. Millions upon millions more illegals will be allowed in, crushing our economy and turning our cities into crime infested hellholes which many already are. And this is just one of a multitude of harmful policies they will enact.

Below is a link to a MUST read article by Gregory Hood of Amren which pretty much sums up where this country is headed.

Also, follow on X (twitter) what is going on in England. The English are rising up against the illegals and the Muslim thugs. Am I wrong to think I can't see Americans doing the same thing here? Tommy Robinson is the best source to follow on X to get the truth. You certainly won't get it from our media.

Here is the link: Decolonization Has No Limits - American Renaissance (

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Very True

Above is just one example of the apathy that has infected Americans. 

Comfortable lives, lots of food, plenty of entertainment, dope and booze are the big reasons for this.

To these people I say: Wake up, it's later than you think.

Friday, August 9, 2024

If They Win, We Lose

Let me get this right, the candidate for President, who was almost universally thought of as a buffoon and incompetent, is now regarded as the ideal choice for President?

Then, the pick for Veep, the former governor of Minnesota, is an avowed Socialist who as Governor did nothing during the 2020 BLM riots resulting in 500 million dollars in damage. He is a despicable human being who is all about DEI and has the Whitey is an evil oppressor mindset who needs to kowtow to blacks. To top it all off, he lied about his military record.

So, why are these two clowns even in the polls with Trump, or actually slightly ahead?

Readers I'm sure are aware of the multitude of other things that are wrong with Harris and Walz. Not the least of which is that they will leave our borders wide open allowing in millions upon millions more illegals.

My question, why are these two appearing to be strong contenders to be elected in November? Are we a nation of idiots? Don't people realize that their policies will destroy America? Policies by the way that have been clearly stated by both of them in the past.

I am totally baffled. Is the hatred and fear of Donald Trump that strong that you would sacrifice the future of America as long as he is not made President again? Sure looks like it.

And finally, White folks, take note of the celebrities and entertainers who are supporting and raising money for these two losers. Only a fool would continue to watch or plunk down cash for any of these people who by their actions show they could give a shit about you.

It's going to be an interesting next few months.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wake Up!

FYI--Crimes in many American cities go either unreported or are not recorded. This is a fact, not conjecture.

English citizens, after the murder of 3 little girls and the injuring of eight more by a black illegal, said enough is enough and began fighting back with protests and demonstrations. Not surprisingly, their British leader is condemning these protests.

Muslim men there have responded by forming gangs and attacking demonstrators. I guess this is what a modern-day civil war looks like.

What will Americans do when the consequences of allowing in millions of undocumented young men and being soft on black crime rears its ugly head?

Will we sit on our hands and say, it's not happening in my backyard, so I don't really care.

A new article coming tomorrow entitled: If They Win, We Lose.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Overview of America Today

As I walk around where there are a lot of people I am struck by two things, the preoccupation they have with staring at their cellphones and how many are obese. 

It was not always this way. I remember growing up in the early 60's and I knew of only two obese people. One was a friend's father and another a classmate. Today, fat acceptance is pushed and men and women walk around with their slabs of fat on display.  There was a time when obese women in particular would dress discreetly to hide how overweight they were. As I just said, those days are long gone. Thankfully, there were no cellphones back then.

What am I getting at? The point is, most Americans have lowered the standard as to what can be the best version of themselves. Appearance? Doesn't really matter. Cover your body with tattoos, dress like you are a resident of the local city mission or have a body that is either to light to fight or too fat to make it up three flights of stairs, it doesn't matter. Also, having a preoccupation with being entertained through movies, TV, sports, etc. and you have a people who are mostly watchers, not doers.

But, that is hopefully them not us. Perhaps this can serve as a wakeup call or reminder to some of you out there to make things right in your life.  

Looking around and being aware, I see every indication that tough times are coming for us Americans. Don't be caught being asleep at the wheel as they say.

The following was written by author, athlete Dave Draper several years ago and gives an overview, in a humorous way, of how things went down the crapper in this country.

The Decline by Dave Draper:

"Here is a rough bullet-summary of a devastating decline of modern mankind. Laugh it up. Pretend it's a badly scripted, poorly directed B-flick from a Hollywood starring the Osmond family.

Fitness takes hold in the '60s and erupts in the '70s. Swell. Big biz and big bucks do their dirty work: feeding frenzy, deception and hype, confusion and gluttony. No comprehensive education offered, intended or achieved, just sell, exploit, sell. Aerobics will set you free, buy a $7,000 treadmill.

Fast food arrives in the '60s --- just what we needed --- waistlines and appetites grow, time shrinks.

Schools drop athletic programs and classes on nutrition. Junk food and fast food is installed in school halls and cafeterias instead.

Fast-track living increases across the fruited plains to accommodate rising costs; God's replaced by a second job, second car, second mortgage and declining morality.

Generation gap in understanding critical need for sound exercise and right eating widens... going, going, gone.

Less family life, more single-parent families, less home front education from the now nutrition- and exercise-ignorant moms and dads results in the development of horrible eating habits and passive lifestyles.

Computers and video games replace physical play and sports for adults and kids alike, Standard game rules: 1) Sit on butt and 2) Press the buttons.

Governments miss the picture by light-years. The FDA and other agencies are 70 years behind the times in nutrition information they offer to the populace.

Sugar and grain lobbyists and fast-food bosses control the government and they control society, the herds, the sheep.

Terrorism, wars, serial killers and small and large thieves --- wickedness --- removes the prevailing wind from the ship's sails and strain at man's hopes.

The match is not over yet. It's time to get back up and fight like a man, right here, right now. Exercise, eat right, think right and grin with joy, and build enabling discipline and enliven the weary character along the way."

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Good For Thee But Not For Me

The old double standard as it applies to everything white.

Please note that the people of England, led by Tommy Robinson, are pushing back hard by demonstrating and rioting against the Muslim/illegals in Britain who are committing murders and all types of violence. Access Tommy Robinson on X (Twitter) to follow. 

Unlike, the U.S., if you demonstrate against the government in Britain, they don't lock you up and throw away the key (think Jan 6 "rioters" for starters).

I can't imagine Americans demonstrating here like they are there. 

I wonder, what will it take?

Actual article coming tomorrow.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Action vs.Inaction

Sounds like a good idea that may become a necessity if things continue down the road they are. I have said the above many times on this Blog. People who know much more than I do say there is no way this current Regime is going to relinquish power. One man, Col. Douglas MacGregor, whose video interviews you can watch on Youtube, has the kind of inside knowledge on this subject that warrants listening to.

Here is something below by Andrew Tate that bears consideration. Once again, I will say this about Tate and certain others: You or I may not like or agree with many aspects of certain men, but, if they say something insightful, it would be foolish to dismiss what they have to say. 

"The day before WW1 most of the European men in the world were living just another day.

The day before WW2 most of the men of the world were living just another day.

They all saw the signs,

They all read the newspapers,

And I'm sure a few of the aware men among them,

FELT that the world was headed in a dark direction.

But most of them didn't do anything different,

The majority of them just carried on with their life, listening to their wife say "It will be okay"

Most men are victims of inaction.

Inaction has caused more unneeded deaths than action ever had.

It wouldn't have been easy to pack up and move,

It wouldn't have been easy or comfortable to do."

Be aware, prepare!