I just saw an article stating that 77% of young Americans are considered unfit for military service. But, that might be a good thing. Does anyone really want to be a part of unnecessary wars and a military that promotes and celebrates everything homo and trans? The takeaway from this is that the majority of our youth are in poor physical condition.
Then I was reminded of the curriculums in our public-school systems, one of which is called Critical Race Theory CRT) which is a dressed up phrase for, blame the White race for pretty much everything. You know, we were and are the oppressors and exploiters of blacks through the ages.
Also, sometime back I read an article about how young male children are far too often drugged with dangerous ADHD drugs for exhibiting what was once accepted as typical boy behavior. You know, things like being fidgety and hyperactive.
Girls' attendance at college now surpasses boys. Young men are experiencing "mental illnesses" more than they ever have before. Pot smoking is very prevalent among our male youth. Cellphone use is beyond excessive with pre-teens and teens.
I could go on, but you get the picture, it is a tough time to be a boy.
What can fathers do about this situation?
The answer should be obvious for every White male who is proud of his race. For starters, be a role model, be an example of what true masculinity is. Remember this, your boy listens and absorbs what you say to others be it at home, in the car or wherever.
Then, do all you can do to keep your kids out of the public school system where they brainwash your children in pretty much every way imaginable. The alternatives are home schooling or the exorbitantly expensive private schools. If neither one of these is an option, ask your children daily about what they were taught in school and set them right as needed.
Get them to be physically active. There are so many things they can do. It is not just about joining teams.
Hold off giving young kids cellphones because they are extremely addictive.
Talk to your boys daily, teach them about the world around them and life. Read to them when they are young. Listen to what they have to say. Now read the following sentence VERY carefully: After a certain age too many fathers simply let their sons go their own way while they go theirs.
I could say more, and I am certain many of you could add to what I have already said. We live in an America where the strong, assertive, confident, and courageous White male is not portrayed on television and in movies as he once was. Too often he is depicted as a buffoon, bigot or someone who needs the guidance of a female or some negro.
I am not blowing my own horn but what I have written about and the suggestions I have made, don't seem to be spoken about much.
We must nurture, safeguard and prepare our boys for a world that is daily demonizing and marginalizing him because of his....skin color.
Imagine that.
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